When last we left our heroes, the Fellowship of RedWater had a few priorities.
- Somehow delay or stop the GreySkull Mercenaries from advancing on what looked to be an illusionary wall and force of Duchy of Ulek troops
- Recover from the draining strength of the undead shadows met in the high outpost (DM: see last entry)
- Make their way to the Duress Estate and raise an army to fight the Black Runes!
Deciding to send their most persuasive members to meet with Commander Bajin, the heroes had to wait for some time as the dwarf was busy. They noted a number of GreySkull troopers breaking camp and making ready to advance up through the pass.. bringing some unease to the party members.
Finally, they were able to meet with the Commander, after being delayed further by his drow consort/wife.
Starting the prepared speeches, they stumbled and stopped before going to far in suggesting to betray or break the contract with the Black Runes. Both Graxus and Kantif saw a shadow in the far back of the tent. Thinking quickly, the lizardman sorcerer desired some more light and using thaumaturgy flared the light of a nearby lantern.
A dwarf sat in the dark staring at the party. A familiar dwarf. Commander Taeryn Ic Zuln (DM: see Blog post) It seemed the dwarf mage had survived.. although he was missing 3 fingers and large chunk of his jaw was heavily scarred. Kantif knew this dwarf quite well from the city of Fax - main HQ of the Black Runes.
Commander Ic Zuln tried to bully the leader of the GreySkull mercenaries, normally this would have been an easy decision, but it seemed that Commander Bajin liked the Fellowship. So in this case, he stood up to the Black Rune and advised with a wink to the party that they were STILL working for the GreySkulls.. weren't they.
Kantif looked at Gaxus, whom looked at Doc Holliday, whom looked back at Kantif. With some subtle persuasion, Commander Zuln stormed off.. vowing to find the heroes again.
Carefully confirming the Black Rune was gone, the party negotiated with the Bajin and his wife. It seemed the Black Runes held something over them.. their son, as hostage. In the city of Fax.
Further troubling news. The Merchant guilds running the Duchy of Ulek had sued for peace with the Black Runes! All three Ulek provinces were under Black Rune control. The potential defence plans were no longer needed. Perhaps now a resistance would be the course...

Gothi spent some time with the 2 headed-winged wyvern like creature and then.. the party once again headed off up into the slowly melting snows in the mountain pass.
Passing a stream that was steaming slightly, it seemed to be warm water coming out of a crack in the cliff walls. The Fellowship were on a mission and not to be deterred, moved on without exploration.

The creatures were easy to hit, but were tough and had a strange ability to freeze someone in their tracks and then rend them with claws.
The large creatures defeated, the party took some trophies.

Walking out on the ice, she once again saw the massive draconic head in the depths of the lake. After clearing away most of the snow, the head looked to be dragon - not a skull - a metallic silver dragon. The head was the size of a house. Eyes black as night staring upwards from the depths of the ice.
The Beast-hunter once again activated her enchanted boots and easily walked up the slick and slipper sides. Arriving at the 3rd tunnel entrance he found a small room. Then she saw it the crystals. Hammering the ice(?) with her fist, Gothi nearly broke her fingers. One of the crystals glimmered a faint green when she was near. Focusing the elf-like creature eased her hand THROUGH the ice and grasped the crystal. Her crystal. she deftly snagged a 2nd crystal and withdrew her hand.
With trembling fingers she realized this crystal did not go in her heart it went in the hole in eye socket/mouth. Inserting it, she screamed in pain as her head returned to normal humanoid: 2 eyes,
mouth and nose.
The Fellowship heard the scream echo across the ice and headed out to help. But it seemed after the initial burning pain, Gothi felt nearly whole again. The eye now glimmered with a green light as well as faint green lines on her arms and legs. She was now taller and younger, not a hunched wizened old woman! But Gothi realized a shard of her crystal was missing.. she felt a draw to it.. far to the east.. in a desert. The Bright Desert.
The party heard a tune being whistled from further into the blasted ruins of the outpost and came upon a merchant by the name Blue. A seller of fine ales, wines, mead and more. At a question to him from Doc Holliday about the Duress wine, it tuned out to be troubling news. There had not been Duress wine on the market for 3-4 months now.. It seemed the head winemaker a brilliant gnome had gone missing or was.. dead? Buying some potions, the party cautioned the merchant and said their goodbyes.
Venturing on, the heroes make their way down the mountain pass and to the Duchy defenses. Using perception and stealth they determine it is a massive illusion. Impressive for its size but it is no barrier to the party. With some urging to their variety of mounts they head down into lands no longer under the snowy whiteness. An early Spring has come to the Duchy, as well as the BlackRunes.
But.. Doctor Holliday was finally home. Deciding with wise counsel from his friends, the party headed towards the Duress estate.
Hearing the crack of a musket shot in the distance, the party made ready fro battle. It seemed not needed. 3 young men were taking practice shots at a statue. A statue of the former merchant leader of the Duress estate.
The Crakin brothers.
- Dunbirk (tall thin long black hair in pony tail and 1 eye. the bully of the 3, wears breastplate)
- Tyler (medium height, well built and good looking. wearing extremely fine armour)

Doc Holliday at had run-ins previously. But the 1/2 orc had grown up and was no pushover. Dunbirk tried his usual tactics, but backed down in the end after scoffing and ridiculing the Doctor and the Duress family.

At the door, a familiar face. Trust, the butler whom hugged the Doctor. Meeting more and more old friends and acquaintances, he learned of the situation and then none of that mattered as Doctor Holliday met his mother - Tarthal. The years melted off him and he was a boy again.
After a tearful reunion, the sad news. His father - Dorgan - was missing. Heading out to try and track down the creature - or creatures - that had taken the - Heddin Carstrell - head winemaker. Also.. the Master of Duress - elf and his daughter - Gilwin - had also gone with the Great Deliverance. transported East to the Bright desert it seems.
Kantif turns to Trust wanting to ask him a question. “So Trust, how did the Crakin family take over this place anyways. Did they just waltz in here and take it after everybody left?”Kantif asks, wanting some clarification on the situation to see if they group could possibly do something about it. The discussion turns to the family feud between Duress estate and Crakin estate..
Each of the Fellowship are given a room and a comfortable bed to rest and recover. Doctor Holliday takes Gilwin's room. He still smells faintly her perfume and flowers she like here. The Doctor recalls his many adventures around the estate and all with the young elf woman..
The next morning, Sigmund comes down from upstairs, he smells faintly of flowers and is drying himself with a purple wool towel. he spins a bullet between his fingers.
" I suggest we do everything we need to while in Ulek
before we head for Fax amass as many resources help people you know.
Craft items." Sigmund sighs and rubs his face, his eyes look tired.
" There's 2 things i must do before i leave, save my Grandfather and find the 2 missing members of my family."
" I'm of course willing to help any of you, with family or personal matters while we are here if you have any."
There were a number or rumours of the creature, the vineyard workers say it is a massive humanoid creature that also runs on all 4s.
- It tears up any and eats them
- Looks like a massive black skinned - hairless - humanoid
- Glowing red eyes
- Travels with a pack of 4 legged creatures - demon dogs!
- Some say it is a massive shaggy bear
Personae of the Duress Estate:
- Tarthal Holliday - Sigmunds Mother, 1/2 orc - head of the household staff
- Dorgan Holliday 1/2 orc - Doctor's father head of House Duress’s bodyguard force (missing went after the creature that took Heddin)
- Head Winemaker - gnome shortcropped blonde hair with well-trimmed beard. - Heddin Carstrell - Amazing winemaker. Dedicated to Duress. Missing for 3 months now
- Halfling gardener/ field work & assistant winemaker --- Abarkhey Hestin-- short and thin long curly brown/greying hair now - was fairly fat
- Human twin chefs. Elgis and Helk Jeens (5' tall, round and portly. One bald and one thick black hair, jovial, finish each other sentences, always trying out new and strange recipes
- Human Butler Trust Waverly (6'6" tall thin balding man english accent- very proper no matter the situation)
- Dwarven maid. Volma Tendract (Shield dwarf clan, Lortmill mts.)
- There were 3 guards:
- An old grouchy man (that never said anything with long thick gray hair and a thin beard) Needle no last name.
- a half elf Clanis with many scars died in a hunt for a 'giant bear'
- Dwarf with an eye patch Runthyr Highwater - keeps his beard and musket - but nothing else - in perfect condition.
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