Having left the GreySkull mercenary group of the Black Runes on fairly good terms, the RedWater Fellowship, rode out of the camp, taking the winding path up through the mountains of Lortmil. While riding the heroes discussed and decided to return to try and use the skilled dwarven smithy to forge some key items.
Upon their return, the guards on the makeshift snow-ice-rock-dirt walls were wary at first but after some persuasion, the adventurers returned and spoke again with Commander Bajin. While riding in Gothi saw and heard what looked like a large scaled creature in one of the mine entrances. Bound in chains with many guards about.
Perhaps a bargaining chip the Monster hunter advised the party, her skill in this was very good.
He seemed somewhat bemused at the return of the Fellowship, until they made their proposals.
Doctor Holliday requested the skills on a veteran weaponsmith to forge a pistol. The Commander not seeing an opportunity like this to pass, agreed on terms:
First, a GreySkull scouting party led by a goliath by the name, Fragar Crushin, had not returned a week past. Find them or determine what happened to them.
Second, scout the Duchy forces and defenses. Bring back detailed information on numbers and more.
Third, Gothi would use his monstrous taming skills on the beast in the mine.
For this, the Commander would give each:
Doctor Holliday: assistance and access to the forge for his pistol creation
Cedric: an enchanted shield
Gothi: an enchanted bow and Gothi, would learn what and why the Commander's wife knew of his heritage
Grax: undecided
Kantif: enchanting his heirloom rapier

The heroes set off once again, following the snow covered path up into the mountains. After traveling 1/2 a day, they came upon through a small glade where a frozen river crossed. Gothi and Kantif noted

A very tough battle as many of the blows to the creature spewed out burning hot blood on the opponent. And then a second one of the creatures burst forth to attack. The Fellowship desperate to not lose their horses attacked and defended.
The creatures were capable diggers and once defeated the group found treasure, as well as what looked to be the remains of one of the scouting party as well as a torn tabard with heraldry of Ulek.
Gothi sensing more tremors, advised they should move on with haste.. as these 2 monsters were young and had nearly taken the heroes down.
Moving on the they came upon the high outpost - Estani’lar (elvish for “Mirror of the world”) Once a dwarven stronghold, it had been settled by elves as well in an alliance 100s of years past. The structures were a unique mix of dwarven stonework and elf tree houses. Now a blasted and war torn battlefield. Only a couple of the tree houses were still intact and not burnt out husks. Most of the finely made dwarven buildings blasted and destroyed.
The lure for many though was the lake - "Mirror of the World". A fairly large lake took up most of the vale at the top of the mountain, with the outpost town skirting its shores. In the centre was a tall - over 300 feet high - tower with a burning pyre at the top. The Blaze.
Tracking further, Gothi determined the tracks of the scouting party went through the town and out of the vale. But the Blaze lured her to it. So the party ventured out onto the frozen lake. Slick in many places as the snow
had stopped falling, the deep lake was frozen solid. Reaching the large tower of rock, There looked to be an old rickety ladder up one side, but it was broken in many places and the slick ice and snow made it treacherous. Doc Holliday looked at Kantif and Cedric, with shakes of their heads, this could be a dangerous climb.
Gothi smiled but none saw it due to her mask.. activating her enchanted boots, she calmly and easily walked up the side of the slick and icy tower of rock. At an entrance part way up, she tossed a rope down, after securing it, and continued to climb. Passing a few more tunnels into the side of the tower, she scaled to the top where she found a large metal bowl filled with burning fiery fluid. A row of runes of unknown workmanship ringed the bowl.
Turning away she gasped. Under the ice of the lake the ranger saw a vast gargantuan sized head. Draconic or dragon skull-like..? The creature must have been at least a few hundred feet long.
Coming back down the other tunnels into the stone tower were not explored except partial of the first by the rest of the party. The goal it seemed was the lost scouting party and defences of the Duchy.
Travelling around the lake - now that the party knew of the massive ice-locked skull/head of a dragon(?), they started down the other side, now - by map anyway - in the Duchy of Ulek. a few hours later, the RedWater Fellowship saw a massive wall with battlements and towers ahead. Kantif and Gothi scouted ahead.
The massive wall of stone, 30 feet high of ice and snow was impressive. 4 towers could be seen butting up to mountain pass walls. Ballistae were seen in each tower and numerous guards walked the battlements. Something seemed off though to Gothi. Then mentioning it to the others, they noted that some of the soldiers had impassive un-moving faces.. an illusion? Graxus with his arcane knowledge seemed to think so.
Returning to the outpost, the adventurers started to again look for the lost scouting party. Noting some footprints up to one of the remaining treehouses. Gothi walked up there and into a window.. to be attacked by multiple shades. Battle was joined.
The undead creatures hungered for the life essence of the party, draining strength on each it. Doc Holliday could have fallen except for his gauntlets of giant strength.
Finally defeating the shadows, the party confirmed most of the GreySkull scouting party had been lost and returned to the encampment, needing rest and recuperation as well.
Commander Bajin and his consort dark elf - wife? - were intrigued by the information the RedWater Fellowship emparted to them.. especially the details of what looked to be an illusionary wall and forces of the Duchy of Ulek.
Granting the adventurers their boons, the party rested and reuperated as well as Gothi and the Doc had some work to do.
Gothi, using her unique talents to tame monstrous creatures, heading into the old Shield dwarf mine. There she saw a hybrid of a creature, with 2 heads and scaled body and stinger tail. After 3 hours of work, she was able to assist with the taming of the creature, helping an elderly 1/2 orc bring the 30 foot long creature under control.
Doctor Holliday, headed down into one of the mine entrances where the clanging of hammers could be heard, smoke and fumes from a forge whisping out into the night. The Doctor had come prepared.. He had communed with his goddess - the Raven Queen - performing a ceremony that can be only done once in a lifetime. As well, he had requested the skills of a kobold bard from the GreySkulls, Taziif, somewhat skilled with a violin for inspiration. looking to be human or elf hair for the bow, and finally Thograa, reluctantly at first, guided the Doctor with his clerical powers. (DM: it had come to light recently of Thograa's priestly skills). With all this Nalin - former slave from Enstad and an apprentice smith -as well as the weapon-smith, Prinak, he went over the forging of his personally designed pistol. Using a variety of unique and magical ingredients as well as a powdered RedWater pine-cone to vastly increase the fire's heat, the forging started. Hours they laboured.. sweat pouring down his face.. at one point his raven sat on the 1/2orc's shoulder giving him further strength it seemed. The black raven pecking at his shoulder when the Doctor faltered for a moment.
Then the hammers were laid aside, and the forge fires died down. The Doctor, the weapon-smith, the Blacksmith apprentice and the raven looked down at a marvel. A revolver, with four chambers.
Picking up the pistol, Doctor Holliday smiled with a vast contentment. A feathery wing brushed his ear and he felt the satisfaction of his goddess.
Prinak showed the Doctor the bullets the gun would take, with 4 chambered, the cost would be much in
gold, but the pistol was a marvel of magical and mechanical workmanship. Every shot would be worth it, after he had tested it at a shooting range, destroying a target easily.
Cedric received his shield, Kantif his now magically enchanted rapier and Gothi his fine bow.
The Fellowship prepared once again to head up over the mountain pass.
BUT it seemed the GreySkull mercenaries were breaking camp as well. Perhaps the final words about the Duchy forces not seeming 'right' was enough for the crafty dwarf commander and his drow consort to realize something was amiss on the Duchy's side of the battlefield.
The GreySkull mercenaries were going to battle it seemed..
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