11th of Reaping High Summer - In the Lost City of HerodiaOur heroes with Graxxuzazz as interpreter learn more of this underground temple and city. While the party rests, Meanwhile, Gothi leaves Lars [vampire boy[?] rogue/caster to watch over the party's wagon and CUBE, and is able to follow the party's trail easily due to the blood trail from the Brazier strapped to Tibaltuous' back. Following up on the pyre in the Northern section of the ruins, the ranger finds the recently killed two gnolls. Then continue to follow the blood trail down into the temple.
Easily able to avoid disturbing the many bats, she moves forward into the pillared hall. Looking into the chasm to the left, Gothi sees a glimmer of light in the distance and then hears voices ahead.
The ranger moves up to the door to the room and is able to jump back as the pit trap opens up. As Gothi jumps back the party opens the door ready for battle and once again together again.
The party discuss and decide to move forward avoiding patrols of gnolls if at all possible.
The Lizardfolk - led by Temiss - now believers that Graxxuzazz is the prophet of his god [new title for Graxx] invite the party to their area in the swamps to the South West. Terssa gives an amulet to Graxxuzazz, it holds some herbs and spices from the swamp in the small leather pouch.
The Sorcerer after discussion with the lizardfolk learns more that a group of lizard folk have joined with the gnolls, but he is not sure if the majority were renegades or Temiss' group are the renegades, too hard to read and Temiss was not offering more information in this area.
It was about 6pm in the evening and the party were all very tired. They had not really rested since the sanctuary [DM:
BlogPost]. The decision was made to rest in this - what appeared to be a safe area. Watches were set and folks bedded down. Some of the party are still dealing with cursed damage - from the 'present' from IUZ and the BlackRunes healing slowly. Thumping drums can be heard or felt on occasion coming from somewhere far off.
A Sending is cast to contact Skrit at the town of Dragonkeep. No issues at this point. The fighters guild/keep is nearing completion, the two stone giant brothers are working hard on the walls and other defenses. Valloran and the monks from the 3 Crescent moon monastery are scouting and capture two BlackRune deserters. no doubt be interrogated. Pyra is excavating and exploring the mines. Ten new kobolds have joined the town and working in the mines. Irakul - and his lawyer - and the Shadow Lantern are still missing. Faust is no longer in withdrawals from the Shadow lantern researching some books that Pyra found. Vencer is researching new spell. Cedric the paladin is training the recruits. Obaz is working on the crops, and healing the lands form the destruction raped by the previous Dragon Marshall forces. Skrit continues to do wondrous engineering in the town. There is still no word from Lukann last heard from in the flying tower and was under attack..
On the morn of the 12th day of Reaping, High Summer, the party gear up, prepare weapons and to move out. The lizardfolk advise the group they will be leaving the complex but welcome the Fellowship to visit if they wish out in the swamps. Graxxuzazz is provided a detailed map on how to arrive at the lizardfolk village.
The party discuss the blood trail Tibaltuous is leaving as the Fellowship move forward. Some of the party want to get rid of, but the bard is stalwart and wants to keep it. Discussions then turn to how many enemies make up the ranks of the gnolls, dog people, and lizardfolk.
As the party say goodbye to Temiss and his friends, Gothi feels a slight breeze from the back of the room. After some investigation, it appears there is an opening into a hallway. After further investigation,
the party are able to see out into the hall. At the South end is a gnoll standing at a doorway. Finally, creating a larger hole through, they realize - too late it is the back of a secret door that was plastered over.
Waiting, the party see the gnoll guard disappear, and the party scuttle out into the hallway and head north and then around the corner to see a steep staircase going down into darkness. Gripping weapons and using Tibaltuous' flaming sword for light, they head into the depths. The stairs go down for sometime, Gothi notes glimmering moss on the dank walls, a fetid smell at times.
The stair comes down into a large cavern illuminated in patches by the glimmering moss. To the East is worked stone pillars and a rampart with a set of stairs going up about 15 feet. and then darkness beyond. A stream 5'-10' wide a foot or two deep flowing slowly from North to South.
Tibaltuous and Graxxuzazz step forward boldly while the rest of the party move cautiously.
Suddenly a spear flies over the sorcerer's head and a 2nd one over the bard's shoulder. Looking slightly smug a 3rd one catches him in the chest and nearly knocks the half-elf over. Sounds of yipping - laughter and a roar of challenge can be heard form behind the pillars.
It appears the intruders were noticed and ambushed. Battle ensues.

Multiple gnolls and lizardfolk led by a larger gnoll with a white furred spider - 5' across - attack the party from range. A witchdoctor Lizardfolk stands nearby and starts to cast. Tibaltuous bravely [?] leaps forward and engages not one, not two, but four enemies and starts to think this may have been a bad idea. But the party all engage from range and melee and battle forward cutting down the enemies. Doc's guns echo around the cavern as his expert shot cut down the gnolls and lizardfolk. Kantif uses his rogue and monkish skills to great effect in the shadows, sneak attacking. Gothi's bowstring strums as she fires off arrows and her large cavebear - Morsel - grapples and chews on the gnolls and the spider. Graxxuzazz is able to move up and his spells drastically reduce the enemies to burning corpses. The bard, a look of fierce delight as he engages in battle with sword and word to inspire his friends to feats of bravery. Thogra uses his stealth attacks as well as calls upon his god SET to bless the Fellowship engaged in battle.
The leader seeing the battle going against his forces calls upon his god - ORCUS [DM: this is a wakeup for the party as a former party member - Robin - worships the same demonlord] retreats with his witchdoctor whom had been dueling spells with Graxxuzazz.
The two disappear down a worked stone wide passage calling on reinforcements. The battles continue with the party being in the end, victorious against the followers of Orcus. The party are able to gather some treasure as well but still hear the ominous drums in the background.
A book is found, appearing to be some abyssal tome on Orcus. The large gnoll also carried a massive enchanted glaive. A magical ring, stave and darts are found on the lizardfolk witchdoctor.
Gothi explores further into the large worked stone room. A massive statue on a raised platform is found, and Thogra with a spit advises the party it is of the demon lord Orcus.

DM: From the 1st Edition Player's handbook, slightly different but.. 😊]
A massive white marble stone block is in front of the statue, and it appears there is a sword stuck into the block up to the hilt. Waves of evil can be felt by all emanating from the statue. Large - amber[?] - eyes glow and look down upon the party. Gothi moves up the stairs onto the platform 10 feet higher looking up at the dreadful statue. It is twenty feet in height and appears to be carved from black obsidian.
The rest of the party gather and also feel the evil statue looking down upon them.
The rest of the party move up the stairs and watch from there as Graxxuzazz moves forward and then Tibaltuous after him. Doc casts
protection from evil on Graxxuzazz.
Graxxuzazz steps forward. Waves of evil wash over the two.
Graxxuzazz casts identify and reaches out to touch the sword.. and falls over into a coma.
Tibaltuous then steps forward bowing down, checking on Graxxuzazz and tosses the unconscious body of the lizardfolk off the side! He sails over the edge and crashes into the ground. Doc dives next and heals him. The sorcerer is still non-responsive.
The bard turns back and takes hold of the hilt of the sword.
"Hello. How are you?" The sword asks Tibaltuous.
The pleasantly surprised bard starts a conversation with the sword.
"My name is: Sir Lawrence Sigurd Zlatennce, Third of Seventeen."
"Can you get me out of this stone?" Back and forth the conversation goes and at first the party only hears the one side. Asking if he is worthy and if Graxxuzazz was unworthy, Sir Lawrence replies "Of course he was unworthy to wield me!"
[DM: new title for the sorcerer: Graxxuzazz the Unworthy!]
With a rasping znnnnggg! of metal on stone, the bard holds the blade high. That started as a shortsword and after asking the half-elf what type of sword he likes changes into a rapier. Once the sword is out of the stone, all can hear the blade's voice.
Tibaltuous flips the bird at the statue and walks away.
The sword advises the bard cannot use any blade other than it. Keeping the flametongue sword as a firestarter.
Doc does a medical check on Graxxuzazz but unable to awaken the lizardfolk. Thograa as well does not have anything to assist - possibly Restoration but the 1/2 orc does not have the spell currently.
[DM: experience is handed out and party go up an LEVEL!]