Sunday, 17 December 2023

Old Friends, Negotiations and Leaving Wayberry

7th of Reaping, High Summer

The RedWater Fellowship walk up the gangplank onto the galleon, the StarSong. Graxxuzazz and Thograa stay with the cart [and CUBE], while the heroes prepare to meet the Lady Cowl and then for the conversation with Lord Royce who is on campaign Southwest of Wayberry. They are met by a

young lieutenant, a female half-elf who after advising Gothi's cave bear is not going to be able to come on board, Gothi takes the bear over to some ruins100 feet or more away and finds a partially destroyed warehouse where the bear can sit for a while. The half-elf escorts Gothi, Tibaltuous, Kantif and Doc to the rear of the large ship, bustling crew all around making the ship ready for departure.

The officer a half-elf female, advises the Admiral is unavailable. The Starsong is making preparations to head South. A vast contingent of giants invaded the Kingdom of Keoland. They now move North in support of IUZ forces being battled by Overlord Romack's army as well as remnants of the Keoland legions.

The Lady Parnella Cowl has arranged a crystal ball session (CBS) with Lord Royce within 3 hours based on the Lord's schedule. The Fellowship are handed off to a sailor who leads the adventurers to a

cabin on the 2nd deck. It appears to be a study, workshop and bedroom with book-shelves line one wall, a table covered with various alchemy  and mechanical gear sits against the far wall, small puffs of steam and whiffs of strange aromas spiral up from what one would assume is one or more experiments. A small cot hangs from chains above the table - quite long. This looks to be Lady Parnella's quarters and workshop.
A wide circular window -open- lets in a slight breeze as well as the calls and shouts of crew on board the galleon. A stone seven foot tall statue in 1 corner of room holds umbrella and walking canes hooked on its hands. After a religion check appears to be an obscure god - Tormn [secrets and knowledge].

Small stools are put out for each of the Fellowship. The deckhand - a short wood elf with long silver hair and one arm in a sling - a bandaged bicep - motions the group in and says in a low soft voice, "The Lady Cowl will be right with you.. She is in a conference with the Overlord and Admiral. Lady and Sirs, can I bring you anything from the galley? Drink or food?"

A few drinks - whiskey for Doc, tea for Kantif - are requested and brought, then the elf moves to retire, saying "The lady will be here soon Sirs and Lady."

Gothi hears a bird's squawk or chirp from up on the bed which is ten feet up which seems strange, most rooms on ships are cramped with low ceilings, this room has about 15' high ceilings The ranger easily jumps up

to take a look and see a pelican-like bird in a nest filled with eggs, looking curiously down at Gothi. The bird in common tongue asks Gothi what she is doing. This surprises the ranger and the party. Gothi asks the bird what it is doing. Appears to be type of pelican. The ranger asks how can the bird talk. "Lady Cowl allowed me to be able to talk. I can speak four languages. How many can you speak?" Gothi advises four as well. The bird looks miffed - as well as a bird can.

"I be watching the eggs while my mate is out. Do you have any fish?" Gothi climbs back down with a smirk. It doesn't appear to know much else or how it can talk, seems the Lady Cowl is full of surprises. Then the Lady arrives opening the door to her cabin and motioning for the adventurers to sit - some do. 

After some pleasantries and confirming the party were able to acquire their treasure, the Lady asks a pointed question of the group.

"Are you the Rat Catchers or the RedWater Fellowship?" 

Doc confirms currently they are the RedWater Fellowship. 

A case with the healing potions is passed to Tibaltuous, Gothi's armour for his bear and his griffon are on the dock. A bag is passed to Doc with ingredients and ammunition - standard kit for Black Runes musketeer. The party look appreciative for the supplies.

"Now," The lady sits in a high chair, "with that done I would like to ask you some questions. What are your goals? What allegiance, if any, do you have to the BlackRunes? You have worked with them, no?"

Doc advises it was for the Greyskull mercenary company - not directly for the BlackRunes. 

She nods. "Alright. If the Overlord helps you re-acquire your tower, are you willing to battle Iuz, BlackRunes and other enemies of Overlord Romack? Willing to sign on or as mercenaries?" Her piercing eyes look at each party member.

The party advise they want to get a new power source - NOT use souls as currently the demon and elf created tower does - for the flying tower. Hunt a dragon and gain the heart perhaps, and how to change it.

Lady Cowl advises Royce would not be able to help unless it is to have him give Overlord forces commands to assist. She says with a slightly raised eyebrow. "I may be able to give you a summary of what you would need. 1st, "and holding a finger up for each point":

  • A Master Alchemist
  • A Master demonologist -or high level priest or warlock
  • A Master artificer
  • and finally an Arch mage
  • These master experts need a combined workshop to do this work. Greyhawk city has this as well as Overlord Romack's flying fortress."

Question from party, how fresh does the heart have to be? The lady advises the incantation and work have to happen within a month. The party fall to discussing how to do this, possibly casting gentle repose spell, having to transport all or part of a dragon body? As well as who, where how to make this change for the tower. Gothi thinks about Fera as an optional power source for the tower. [DM blog entry]
The Lady Cowl prepares and out of the floor morphs a large sphere pinkish in colour - crystal ball communication. Advising of the protocol when speaking back and forth with Lord Royce. She waves a hand over and speaks some unknow words and a virtual image of a battlefield, apparently a former town now a smoking ruin. A beardless dwarf looks back and greets Lady Cowl enthusiastically. Lady Cowl sighs. The sounds of battle echo into the cabin, as the dwarf looks back and sees the group. "Oh, we have new attendees. Who are these folks?"
Doc introduces the group and advises the dwarf of where they had met Lord Royce previously. At the flying fortress in the battle against the demons and Royce was stranded in the Abyss. [DM: Blog post]
"Ahh yes, you were there at the fortress on that fateful day." Shakes his head ruefully. "I am Administrator Finar very pleased to meet you. Ahh here is Lord Royce." He is introduced. An older human male man probably in his forties, long black hair silver-streaked. blood trickles down from the sweat and grime covered face. Wearing red plate armour and carrying a two handed sword resting on one shoulder. A tight smile and Royce nods to the group. "Good to see you again. We are near Crystalmist mountains. Battle goes well here.. at least.
Doc replies as well as Kantif.
"Where is your portly friend, the lizard-folk friend?" Behind looks to be a ruined town, streaks of fire and large boulders arc through the air crashing and pounding into the ground shuddering the image at times. 
Doc advises Graxxuzazz is elsewhere guarding a treasure.
After some catch up and question on how Royce made it back from the Abyss, "That my friends is a story for a tavern night with drinks all around. Some of my old friends came down to assist me." 
The warlord turns and for a moment see a few others battling giants in amongst the ruins. The elf, Rory Dragonbane letting loose a massive bolt of lightning, an older human male you don't recognize in burgundy leathers just removing a sword from the neck of a firegiant with a spray of blood and lithely

jumping away as the 20' corpse topples to the ground, as well as a dwarf in plate armour swinging and throwing a glowing axe, it whirls out decapitating a hill giant bearing down on the human and the blade returns to the dwarf as he grins and shouts a war-cry. Overlord Romack forces then move in to assist the heroes. "Now what can I do for you? I don't have much time, in the middle of a.. battle here." Looking back of his shoulder at his comrades and then back at the group.

Doc then quickly advises Lord Royce on the status at Enstad - where the BlackRunes were mining pure gold from, by the bucket - literally. As well, it appeared the BlackRunes were preparing to leave - a large flotilla - Iuz's forces steadily coming closer through the mountains as well as Kron hills to the North. The city was also surrounded by undead - a former party member now leading the undead hordes surrounding Enstad. Before the Fellowship left Enstad there had been discussion to try and meet with Robin, but that plan was abandoned once the party teleported to Wayberry. [DM blogpost]

The pure gold cube is worth about 60,000 GP. and can it be exchanged or converted by Overlord Romack forces, trade or sell. Royce nods and advises of a truce or ceasefire with the BlackRunes in the area. Royce recommends pass on those details to the Lady Cowl. Doc asks about finding the flying tower. Royce turns to Lady Cowl asking if she can take care of finding the tower, she nods quickly, saying yes and then the topic of the demonic power of the flying tower is raised. Hastily the party advises they want to change the power supply as Royce at first had a grim expression at this. The party advise they wish to convert the power to a dragon heart, similar to Overlord Romack's flying fortress. 

 "Good luck on finding and fighting a dragon." He smiles at this, "but I know your Fellowship are experienced warriors."

The party had heard rumours of a black dragon in the hills Southeast of Tringlee. Doc asks if Royce knows where the dragon is. Lord Royce advises he personally does not, but Lady Cowl is the best resource for all the needs and questions, but on the tower as well as dragon lair. "She has many agents across the lands and can assist." He turns to the Lady. "Please provide what knowledge you can of the tower and this black dragon and her clutch of eggs or offspring." The Lady bows and confirms her help to the party.

While this is going on, Gothi has been quiet, communing with Fera. She realized that the being formerly the intelligence controlling a massive colossus - bigger than a titan - would not be adverse to transferring to and taking on control of the tower. It would be more difficult to convert as Fera is based on something called 'technology' not magic. But, it could be done. There are a one pro and another unknown with Fera controlling the tower as well. One being if Fera is controlling Gothi would have a connection to an "intelligent flying tower." The other would be it may have some type of antimagic field.. this could be good OR bad..

Doc asks about any enemies on route to the flying tower. Lord Royce ponders then nods. There is a group of demonic giants that have cut the supply route up the river South below Wayberry. a days ride or two South, at Axegard. Formerly a fort at this river is now heavily protected, Royce recommends a covert mission to nullify but they can try an all out assault on the giants.

The party ask about any locations of relics or power magic that could be helpful. At first, Royce shakes his head then raising a blood and sweat covered eyebrow recalls, there is a temple once to a god or goddess 4 days ride to the West of Wayberry. They have converted this to their own demonic needs. There was legend of a relic - platemail being there worn by a Saint to the goddess or god. May still be there. He confirms the god is Hextor. 

Kantif and Doc advise if refugees need a place to go they can trek to Dragonkeep for safety. the warlord appreciates this and asks Lady Cowl to spread the word on this.

At that moment Rory sends out a massive fireball, three times the size of a normal one to impact on a group of hill giants advancing on the group. The whole image shudders as the land in the area shakes.

Royce advises he must go, wishing good luck to the crew and looking forward to raising a tankard with the Fellowship. Lord Royce just walks away and lets the Administrator and Lady to complete their discussions. Talking of supplies, tallies of dead and battle lines as the party make their way out on to the deck.

Lady Cowl comes up on deck and the discussion continues. Key items, locating the flying tower, she can confirm this within an hour. She looks in a hurry so prods the party to ask their questions. Further discussion of current situation in Enstad. She provides the exact location on the tower East of the Axewood forest. The masters to assist with the change to the tower, would most likely be Greyhawk city, or flying fortress of Overlord Romack. The elves now all in the Bright desert mayhap be able to as well, but they have become quite secretive since transporting there. Getting all these Masters of of their craft would be night impossible on the flying fortress, difficult in Greyhawk city and similar possibly in the elvish realm.

Location of the black dragon lair is confirmed Southeast of Tringlee in the hills is the dragonlair. A trail of destruction will be prevalent. Then the situation in Enstad is further discussed as well as the temple to Hextor, four days ride to the East. Confirming if there is a teleportation circle in Tringlee. As well, Tibaltuous asks about any relics or other legendary items or locales known. Lady Cowl advises she will provided this information and pass it on once it comes. She provides a map of the area, noting the various locales in discussion.

The party disembarks the galleon and heads into the ruins where the bear and wagon are located. One out of 4 buildings are still standing in the area. It is quite hot, those in armour are suffering somewhat in the humid heat. At this point, The party has a short rest and the Lady Cowl appears out of nowhere.. very stealthy.

The Lady advises she found the tower. It appears to have landed, at an angle near a small village called Sengiir. East of the Sheldamar river. A day or two ride through the forest. She advises this is still in Iuz controlled area, so still very dangerous. She raises the subject of the cube and the wagon and draft horses that should be returned. Tibaltuous asks if she has a portable hole. The Lady's eyes narrow, "Why?" she asks.

"To carry the cube." the bard replies. Doc asks if it can be traded for treasure, gems or platinum. Talk of hiring the Masters, would or could be covered by the cube, possibly. She mentions Greyhawk is best option. Or the flying fortress is an option as it has multiple teleportation portals. She seems to be thinking aloud and offering a variety of options. 

At this point, Tibaltuous' suspicions of the secretive Lady reach an apex to his beloved gold cube, [DM: rolls NAT 1 on insight check] decides to signal the party to hold off on exchange. This affects the rest of the party as they recall a former head of intelligence and secrets had betrayed Overlord Romack - being a mindflayer. [DM: Blogpost

They ask for time to confer and she agrees, advising she will be at the Starsong. She fades out of view in the bright sunlight. The gold cube fever seems to be back. Tibaltuous doesn't want to really give up the cube, and Thograa wants to keep the wagon and horses. Wants to upgrade it. Gothi works with her cavebear, putting on the converted griffon armour [DM: +2 AC and 2 points of damage reduction].

Gothi, Kantif and Tibaltuous head back to the war galleon to try and buy the wagon and horses. All three see the Lady Cowl talking with 3 beardless dwarves in nondescript clothing whom then climb down into a small skiff with a sail and head off into the river. The party's suspicion levels get higher. The wagon and horses is purchased after minimal negotiation. 400 gold. Discussion on best and safest route South. She shakes her head. "Unlikely, as this is unknown terrain. Taking the wagon would require a road. Which is problematical. Heading East and then South may be best. There is a road along the river South but of course, there will no doubt be giants and demons in these areas. Sometimes the fastest route is the most dangerous, but will leave that to you."

"Do you still wish to have the information on the Masters? Anything else?" The party affirms this and she will provide the information. 

Kantif says "You will have to show me that disappearing act."   

Lady Cowl smiles, says, "Yes, but you would have to become one of my agents."

The party take their leave. Gothi with eagle eye perception [DM: NAT 20], notes a short figure following the group moving from pile of rubble to another burned out building. Appears to be one of the dwarves the Lady Cowl was talking to earlier. 

After some cat and mouse chasing, they confront the dwarf that Tibaltuous casts hypnotic pattern and then multiple hold person spell. The dwarf and young hill dwarf, wears nondescript clothing, a short sword and crossbow. Dagger in each boot. Gothi, Kantif and Tibaltuous then disarm the young dwarf and carry him to the ruined warehouse where the party are located.

Doc aims his pistol at the dwarf. The dwarf has his hands up. "What are you doing?!" 

Another hold person spell from Tibaltuous. Once again the dwarf is held and then tied to the wheel by Tibaltuous. Spread eagled to one of the large wheels of the wagon. The party start to interrogate the dwarf. and then Doc moves the horses to roll it around. He is crying out in pain as he bangs into the ground and he tells the party he was told to follow the party by the Lady Cowl in the town.

Discussion on killing him or letting him go, as well asked about history on the Lady Cowl. She has

been there for at least 3 years, much longer he had heard. Asked about work not done for Romack or Royce, he provides information on a time a few years back he broke into a BlackRune fortress on the WildCoast. This was at a time when the BlackRunes were allied to the Overlord. 

By this point, the dwarf doesn't provide any more information and asks to be let free. The party agrees to Tibaltuous' chagrin. Kantif apologizes to the dwarf. He narrows his eyes. 

The dwarf replies "Sorry I was just told to follow you while you were in Wayberry." The bard warn the Lady and not follow the Fellowship. The dwarf says in a moment of comradeship, there may be others following if not him and leaves quickly scuttling away into the ruins.

Kantif and Gothi scout the area, but there appears to be no one scoping or following the Fellowship. A single bird high up and then seagulls over on the dock area, some beggars or refugees picking through the ruins. 

The party decide to leave and start on their journey out of Wayberry. Discussion on South to giants/demons and then to the tower - which had been under attack according to a message from Lukann to Skrit or West to the temple to Hextor. The decision is made to head out the West gate, they exit out into the wilderness towards the temple. There are many signs of destruction all around and the ravages of war and the demons. Thograa and the party do some basic upgrades to at least covered area, with wooded boards and hastily built benches. The cave bear in armour lopes along nearby. 

The area is known to Doc, and he points out various landmarks, some destroyed now. Coming up a rise of a large hill the road meanders over through a small forest to a village at the river, Teesar Crossing. Shouts and large rocks can be seen arcing by siege engines.. or giants. Then the party see the centre of the village a raised area where there are three giants throwing boulders at a building in the area.

What will the Fellowship do next? See you in 2024. 

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