The Fellowship rest for the night without incident. Still affected by the curse of being unable to heal naturally or magically very well, the party continue to use what healing powers they can muster.
After the party had recovered some health, Gothi was still interested in what or who was in the small coffin. Using her X-ray vision inherited from FERA the colossus before her demise [DM: Blogpost], she focused on the metal coffin. Scanning in as she feels the pain coursing through her eyes as the powerful sight activates, she sees into the coffin a small form, what appears to be a young human male skeleton boy - slight movements - alive..? or Undead?
Doc recalls that in his early life a close friend - the elf girl, Gilwin Duress - telling him of a wood elf sanctuary Rel'sillar up river a few hours from the village on the opposite bank. A marked hidden trail allowed access. May be a safe place to rest. This reclusive group - an offshoot of wood elves - Copper elves - were known to Family Duress, they had an trade agreement with House Duress wine for a variety of unique goods created by the Rel'sillar. Doc had not met them personally but had seen one or two when he was a boy in Wayberry.
The group leave the destroyed village taking wagon and all the supplies they could find from the destroyed village crossing over the river and head North up the path, staying on alert for giants and demons.. as well other other potential threats.
It turns out to be a warm sunny day, heating up even more by afternoon. Then Gothi sees it - due to the ranger's excellent survival skills and perception. At a side tributary to the large river, a hidden sign weaved in living branches notes the start of the Rel'sillar family lands.
Tibaltuous not wanting to take the cursed[?] Brazier or box [from Iuz and BlackRunes - BM Blogpost] with Gothi, head further up the path along the river about a few hundred yards and then off

The group then ask Doc more about the Wood elves of Copper Elves. Doc thinks back, supposedly Copper elves a further unique group of wood elves go by "family", not "clan or house". Very reclusive, excellent with crafts and creating with wood and more.
The Fellowship take the path into the forest, cleverly hidden but now with Gothi showing the way, easy to follow. The path goes under a large tree with many massive and small roots hanging down blocking the path-like grotto. The party talk about burning or destroying them and finally decide this is not a good plan if they want to ask the elves for sanctuary! The party try speaking out to the tree, Gothi tries a few command words.. and it works! The roots part creaking and writing out of the way, making enough room for even the large wagon - with CUBE - to pass under. The path to the sanctuary is open.
Ahead, they arrive in a valley with high cliffs and mountains on all sides. a mist or fog covers most of the upper reaches of the valley sides. Perhaps in aiding the copper elves to be here undetected. A water fall pours down into a lake which feeds off into a stream that disappears into the forest. A small skiff is in the river, with a single humanoid -copper elf perhaps - appearing to be fishing. Birds fly around, the peaceful sounds of nature, animals and more all around them. The heroes smile at each other feeling safe.
As the wagon and party move along the well kept path, they are all surprised when a massive skeletal dragon or monster screeches from the overhanging thick branches with a clattering takes a chomp towards the two riding on the wagon - Doc and Thogra.
Thinking quickly, Doc shouts at the horses and slaps them with the reins. But the draft hordes, normally slow moving are already spooked, rear up and moving forward quickly!
Gothi shouts out in elvish, and the massive skeletal head stops moving. It appears to be a large skull of a giant alligator. A young copper elf girl appears, looking at the party in wonder through one of the eye sockets of the skull. The contraption, controlled by vines and ropes raises up as the young elf jumps down to greet the group.
She introduces herself as does the Fellowship, asking for sanctuary. The girl, Veela Rilfaa'silna Spring of the Willow, is a very young copper elf, wild red and green hair with light blue eyes, she is tall and lithe wearing leathers of forest green and brown. She has taken on responsibility to guard the family, telling the party of the ill that has befallen the family.
This family of copper elves have been decimated by demons and giants. After the Great Deliverance took 3/4 of the young strong folk, the battles with BlackRunes and then Iuz's demons and giants has diminished the family down to a mere three. Veela tells the adventurers, the power of the Grotto Mill'uo a elemental spring beneath the giant oak tree - she points to the massive tree dominating the valley - sacred to the elves - has protected the area from demons flying over to see and giants exploring the forest and river area. Along the way, she calls out to the fisherman. She advises this is Jacc'nin Tr'loos - "Old one" with no sight. This elderly elf, even old by elvish standards spends most of his time in the river fishing. His other senses easily make up for the lost sight. Veela whispers his eyes taken while captured by gnolls in hills to the West,\. The elf is old, whispers Veela way before the party's Mothers, mothers, mothers, great great great mother were born (except maybe Gothi) They think he may be over 800 years old, the young elf shrugs.
His scarred face old and wrinkled, the bald friendly old elf walks confidently without sight along with the group asking about news from Wayberry and the war.
The Sanctuary, formerly a family of 300+ folks living in tree houses as well as grottos along the river is now empty, a ghost town. Fallen into disrepair most have been boarded up. The massive tree has only one house in use by the three. The old and young elves take the party up to meet Veela's mother and leader of the sanctuary. Seral'asa, a tall copper elf, with long green and blonde hair tied in a long pony tail. Her Timeless beauty still makes her youthful, but the wisdom shines from violet eyes. She wears a dress made of living leaves weaved with leather armour. A vine covered bow in hand she looks sternly at the old and young elf allowing the sanctuary to be breached by unknown and potentially dangerous folk.
After some conversations, in the end she lowers her guard and relents looking happy to have visitors. She is especially interested to meet Gothi the Foreclaimer whom is a very distant relative of elf-kind.
The party rest and recover, taking a well appointed and furnished house near the river. Seral, is able to make poultices that heal the cursed wounds from the trapped box. All the party take meals and drinks, except Kantif at first and then he reluctantly accepts, his previous dealing with elves troubling him. Veela asks him innocently why but he curtly says, 'That is a long story'.
She replies, "I love long stories!"
The rogue/monk changes the subject and Veela quickly loses interest.
It has been quite some time since the party were able to truly rest and recover. The healing salve, the delicious food and drink, the calm gurgling from the small river and far off sounds of the waterfalls, the sounds of animals, birds and more all bring a calm soothing rest to the party.
The party spend two days here, able to contact Skrit and get news of Dragonkeep. No sightings of
demons of Iuz, building continues in all areas, but very troubling news.. no word from Lukann at the flying tower. Skrit - and now Thogra as well - send multiple Sendings to the wizard, but no reply.
demons of Iuz, building continues in all areas, but very troubling news.. no word from Lukann at the flying tower. Skrit - and now Thogra as well - send multiple Sendings to the wizard, but no reply.
The party decide to continue on with their hunt for relics to assist them in battling Iuz and the BlackRunes, The party is allowed to take some Spring water from the Grotto Mill'uo, which Seral' advises is similar to potent Holy water. Taking their leave from the Sanctuary and the three elves after agreeing to look up some friends in Wayberry - if they return there or even if the folk are in the destroyed city any longer.
Tibaltuous and Gothi head up to find the two items stashed, it appears no one disturbed them. The bard then tries putting some of the Holy water into the blood filled brazier. It foams and bubbles out a black foam. covering the ground in all directions out to 20 feet or so. [DM: Think of a Coke bottle and Mentos] The party try again with more holy water - larger amount, and even more ground is blackened, all the plants killed and destroyed around, a black and red sludge all that remains. Tibaltuous had hoped the potent holy water may counter the blood but it seems the Brazier of blood is more powerful. The box is covered in this black and red sludge now as well. The bard, hunts a rabbit down and kills it with a single shot [DM: poor rabbit!], the bard using the dead rabbit to wipe down the box. It cleans most of the sludge off the box.
The brazier once again strapped to his back again - trailing blood, they return to the path and rejoin the party. The bard places it on the wagon and then the trail of blood comes off that. The party then turn to the small metal coffin.
The party prepare.. as they have heard legends of vampires and the various ways to fight or defend against them. Most are ready with their holy water. After some interaction with this deep voiced 'creature' in the coffin locked from the inside, the party threaten to kill and destroy, and the creature relents to open the coffin as long as they don't kill him right away. As it creaks open, the party seen a white skinned, white haired boy looking up at them.
The party confronts the creature and he - going by the name "Lars" is indeed undead and appears to be some type of vampire. It does not seem to be affected by the sunlight. Holy water is thrown on him and he gags and coughs "Arggahh!" as it burns his skin. Gothi having tactically climbed a tree shoots an arrow - dipped in holy water - goes into Lars' shoulder! "Aaaah!" The arrow appears to do little or no damage but fire and holy damage do. Doc does Divine sense and confirms he is undead. Lars appeals to the group to let him go or maybe they can strike a deal.
Thogra says, "Hey maybe we can work with this guy." Tibaltuous looks incredulous at this, but it is pointed out the bard is carrying evil items.. Graxxuzazz casts detect evil on the creature but does not get any sense back of evil.. Kantif using his eyeball of detect thoughts does not get any evil intent from the boy. Doc, Paladin of the Raven Queen, contemplates what would she want? Intelligent undead are normally a bane she destroys, but this boy.. does not appear to be evil.. or have evil intent?
After some tense negotiation, the party agree to take him along as a potential ally! Lars - he says - died as a boy probably a hundred years ago. Was last out of his coffin 50 years ago in a giant's stronghold where evil and dark magics were used to create undead by a necromancer giant. Lars had been taken there, but was a mistake or different from the other abominations created by the evil wizard. "I'm a thirteen year old boy!" Was the sarcastic lad's common sarcastic reply. He advises he has mage, rogue and some fighter skills. Doc asks for proof, "destroy that tree." The boy weaves some power and a bead of energy shoots out, BOOM! The fireball engulfs the tree. The party agree - Tibaltuous still reluctant - to work with the vampire.. for now. The dry-witted young looking man joins the group. Doc recalls meeting an undead creature a dark and dreadful ghostly form in The Green which drained energy a similar way that killed Lars. [DM Blogpost]. Kantif uses detect thoughts again on Lars and it appears he is telling the truth on when he was privately tutored and learned his skills. The party do not ask about his full name, home or heritage.
The tree continues to burn catching more trees and grass on fire... Gothi tries to put the flames out. Tibaltuous agrees to help Lars with a FULL resurrection spell, if he can be killed NOW. But then the party vetoes this to allow the thirteen year old boy to come long with them for now.. they have an Accord. "I will not betray you." Lars says.
A healing spell is tried on Lars, and it does extensive damage. Grimacing the undead replies, "Don't do that again, thanks!"
They travel onwards. Getting closer to where Lady Cowl had advised where the temple to Hextor was located. A smoke trail is seen far off, South of the main road the Fellowship travel on. Gothi and Kantif sneak towards the smoke trail and fade into the shadows and foliage. The granite block stone road is no now old and disrepair, weeds and bushes growing up amongst the cracks and broken blocks. The two head along the old ruined road in the bushes and shadows along the left side, and then hear sounds ahead.
Yips and barks and a guttural language is head, neither understand. Gothi climbs a tree while Kantif moves forward to see tall 7 foot tall humanoids with jackal like heads. ahead. Appear to be guards? A larger group on one side call out in yips and barks to others on the other side.
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