25th Day of LowSummer
The battle starts with Doc pulling his pistol and firing at Vicen the bounty hunter.
"Click - ffsss" as the gun misfires. Everyone looks on in amazement and surprise. Doc Misty Steps away on to a ridge and quickly starts trying to unjam the pistol. Then Obaz calls down the forces of nature and Blight on the man and the necrotic waves wash over the man as he groans in pain.
Vicen changes before the Fellowship's eyes morphing into a strange humanoid form. The Disguise spell seemingly unable to hold under the affects of the necrotic waves of energy.
Crouching now is a hunched vulture humanoid creature.. wispy dark curls of shadow weaving around the body. A withered claw holds on to a staff as it has a glimmering aura around it.

Obaz throws another Blight spell which Vicen is able to dodge partially but the continued attacks are wearing the creature down, coughing up black blood. Its eyes glow briefly as it peers at Obaz and the druid seems to enter a daze.. But at this point, Doc pulls his musket out and never happening before it misfires as well! The extreme cold weather flying perhaps affected the gunslinger's weapons as Doc grist his teeth in frustration.. and then seeing the Fellowship all bearing down on him, Vicen decides living is the best option and Dimension Doors away..
The Fellowship realize they have made a very dangerous enemy..
Recovering and resting they find a black metal box as well as the 2 forms under the tarp. A human older man and a younger female dwarf. Both in a coma - Doc, Gothi and Obaz determine that this is a poison - assumedly making it easier for the bounty hunter to transport his captives? Discussion on killing, reviving or keeping them in a coma takes place, until the decision is to awaken.
The grizzled man is a blacksmith and cook named Quiston. The young dwarf - one Bara Closter - a scout and guard. Both are from the Outpost of Enstad at the top of the high mountain pass. The two were part of a scouting party waylaid by Vicen, the rest killed by the efficient and deadly creature. The party is able to spin a tale that the group are a mercenary company called the Rat Catchers [DM Blog update] from Wayberry as well.
Bara and Quiston pass on some good details on the outpost, at least 100 troops dwell there at any one time. An excavation had started before they went on patrol - about a week or more ago the group finally calculate - by Obaz and Gothi's estimation on how the coma poison works.
Quiston easily and quickly takes on the role of cook and prepares some good stew using various veggies and some meet that Gothi had taken down with her bow.
Bara advises that in the centre of the frozen lake is a small island. Under the ice locked in its icy grasp
is a gargantuan dragon like creature which Gothi had some connection to. She felt drawn to the area. On the island the party recalls is where the blazing tower is or was, the fiery beacon no longer burns as it did when the Fellowship passed this way previously.. Bara and Quiston are not sure why or what was going on there other than they had heard an excavation down to the creature in the ice had started into the ice using a steam cannon on rails out onto the ice.
is a gargantuan dragon like creature which Gothi had some connection to. She felt drawn to the area. On the island the party recalls is where the blazing tower is or was, the fiery beacon no longer burns as it did when the Fellowship passed this way previously.. Bara and Quiston are not sure why or what was going on there other than they had heard an excavation down to the creature in the ice had started into the ice using a steam cannon on rails out onto the ice.
The party makes camp and rests, keeping vigilant for Vicen, but the Bounty hunter - whom was near death - does not make an appearance. Under the destroyed tent a box had bene found which foiled all attempts to open, Obaz taking it as a personal mission to open. After most of the Fellowship had spent some time investigating, Obaz stepped back in frustration. They glanced around at the trees and nature centering themselves, took a deep breath and then glancing back at the box noted a barely visible heraldry on the top(?) of the case. Something rattled around slightly the sound muffled, as the druid slowly picked up the case. Kantif had determined no mechanical traps were on it, and Graxusas had not noted any magical traps but was not sure.
Taking a closer look at the heraldry, a few members of the Fellowship look troubled as they recognize the sign. They had heard of this group - The Scarlet Brotherhood (DM: Info). A VERY shadowy organization from the South East jungles on the peninsula of Tilvanot (DM: Info). Rumours have said they are allied with the Black Runes, others say they command and control the Black Runes from the shadowy dark behind the Black Lords of the Black Rune Council.
After some further experimentation, Obaz determines with Doc's help that there are minute traces of
blood along the wavy lines of the heraldry. The druid cuts a finger and they drop the blood into the lines. After a moment, the blood disappears, and they trace the full emblem. "CLICK". As the box opens. A felt-lined case with a bone tube scroll case lies inside. 2 wax seals on the tube, the Black Runes and the Scarlet Brotherhood. What did Vicen the BountyHnter have..? the party discussed further asking both Bara and Quiston, Quiston shrugged not caring, while Bara lamented and cried advising the party that opening this case was a death sentence from the Scarlet Brotherhood. After some persuasion and deception, the two Black Runes seemed to believe the party that there was nothing in there..
blood along the wavy lines of the heraldry. The druid cuts a finger and they drop the blood into the lines. After a moment, the blood disappears, and they trace the full emblem. "CLICK". As the box opens. A felt-lined case with a bone tube scroll case lies inside. 2 wax seals on the tube, the Black Runes and the Scarlet Brotherhood. What did Vicen the BountyHnter have..? the party discussed further asking both Bara and Quiston, Quiston shrugged not caring, while Bara lamented and cried advising the party that opening this case was a death sentence from the Scarlet Brotherhood. After some persuasion and deception, the two Black Runes seemed to believe the party that there was nothing in there..
Opening the scroll tube in secret, the party unroll a parchment with strange writings on it. Unfortunately none could read it! They were able to determine it was a language of the Underdark: Drow, DarkDwarf, Deep Gnome or some other.. language of the Underworld denizens.
After a restful sleep the party's next stop would be the outpost at the top mountain pass. The party flies over noting the large frozen lake, the shadowy form in the ice - which still has a connection to Gothi. The plume of fire and smoke that was at the tall column of stone on the little island in the middle of the
lake is now out. No light or smoke coming from the once burning pyre that had been lit and never gone out in living memory.. the group circle the column high up, not seeing any movement or activity and then Gothi motions to the group to the Outpost on the lake's edge where a fortified compound and all had originally been the Duchy of Ulek and the Elves of Enstad before being overrun by BlackRunes. Now the area was also deserted, many of the walls destroyed as well as some of the buildings in shambles blackened with soot and rubble.
lake is now out. No light or smoke coming from the once burning pyre that had been lit and never gone out in living memory.. the group circle the column high up, not seeing any movement or activity and then Gothi motions to the group to the Outpost on the lake's edge where a fortified compound and all had originally been the Duchy of Ulek and the Elves of Enstad before being overrun by BlackRunes. Now the area was also deserted, many of the walls destroyed as well as some of the buildings in shambles blackened with soot and rubble.
The Fellowship had devised some hand and call signals for the polymorphed adventurers to communicate with the riders and the group decided to land outside the outpost and investigate first.
The gate was still intact, bit multiple areas of the wall had been blasted out, black with flame or magic..?
Moving to an opening, Doc, Kantif and Gothi slipped through carefully. Then Gothi spied it a crumpled humanoid form near one of the buildings. An orc. Was missing an arm, torso blackened and cauterized, flame or magic again. Another larger form was near the squat tower - an ogre. It was missing a section of one leg thigh to knee. Also black and burned.
Then as she moved forward, Gothi heard sounds from inside the tower. The door and all windows and arrow slits were blocked. The ranger did not understand the language but knew it was goblin. The rest of the party moved up and then after some quiet discussion, Doc knocked on the door, they were friends of the Black Runes, so why not?
There is a shuffling at the door but no response. Then Doc calls out the group is an ally. At this, there are whoops and shout of joy and more and a huge shuffling and banging as it seems many items were moved away from the door. A wounded goblin cracks open the door and grins, saying, "Did you bring a regiment to save us!?"
Doc leans his musket on his shoulder looking down shaking his head, "Nope, there's 7 of us."
The goblins face falls noticeably and then with a shriek, he motions the group in frantically. "In! Get in here.. before they get you and me!"
Pulling on their arms, the Fellowship are drawn into the tower.
Inside all the windows and arrow slits are blocked and covered haphazardly with furniture and boxes and more.
Inside all the windows and arrow slits are blocked and covered haphazardly with furniture and boxes and more.
A body of an orc lies nearby, one of of her chest blasted, burned and blackened.
The adventurers, hear a tale of strange creatures attacking, ever since the stream crew mining into the ice had reached the gargantuan creature. As well, the burning pyre, which had never gone out in anyone's memory - even an old dwarf recalled back over 300 years - had gone out once they had drilled/melted through the ice to the dragon-like creature. Then the insectoids had come. Taking wounded, bodies and prisoners alive - the Black Rune soldiers screaming as they were dragged away. The insectoid creatures used powerful fire magic that burned and blasted anyone that opposed them. A force of two hundred Black Runes had once guarded the outpost. Now there were less than ten.. Obaz arrives with Bara and Quiston and all are now safe in the tower.
"No escape we are all going to die!" Moaned the goblin - Greebil - that had let them in. At that moment, a scream is heard from an upper level. All the Black Rune soldiers just cringe and huddle. The Fellowship nod to each other, draw and load weapons and head up the stairs..
It is now quiet and dark.. only the drip-drip-drip of water puddling in the round stairwell.
Gripping weapons, the heroes step cautiously onto the landing. A humanoid is laying in the darkness
ahead, as the light shines from a lantern it is an orc, but there is something wrong.. laying face down something is on the orc's back.. some type of insect which is slowly moving. As Doc moves up slowly, an insectoid body with many legs - some type of centipedal creature over two feet long - is attached to the orc's body, long pincers push in to the orc's neck as the insectoid pulses, with each pulse, the orc's body convulses. Long spindly legs dig into the back of the orc.
ahead, as the light shines from a lantern it is an orc, but there is something wrong.. laying face down something is on the orc's back.. some type of insect which is slowly moving. As Doc moves up slowly, an insectoid body with many legs - some type of centipedal creature over two feet long - is attached to the orc's body, long pincers push in to the orc's neck as the insectoid pulses, with each pulse, the orc's body convulses. Long spindly legs dig into the back of the orc.
Pulling his pistol and cocking the hammer, Doc hesitates noting he may hit the orc too.
Kantif runs passed Doc and stabs the creature on the orcs back with his dagger trying to hit the insectoid to stun it. the blade pierces the insectoid killing it, but also the blade cuts into the spinal column and with a gurgle the orc dies as well. Doc moves forward and peers into each room, pistol at the ready. He notes that the majority of the furniture boxes and other heavier items were taken down to the ground floor to block windows, arrow slits and the main door. As the gunslinger carefully moves around the circular hall, he sees a goblin on the ground, another of these insectoid creatures on the back, long pincers again around the neck. The body convulses as the insectoid burrows its many spindly legs into the back. Raising his pistol, "CRACK!" a loud gunshot echoes down the circular hallways. A high pitched screech from the creature, and Doc fans the hammer and hits the creature again as it is blasted. The body convulses and the pincers cut through the goblin's neck and starts to bleed out heavily. Doc calls out "There seem to be more of them!"
Gothi goes left and hearing a gasp from a female voice, the ranger moves quickly and quietly down the passage. She sees a horrific sight: an old orc woman tries to hold back a large creature with a broken
chair. A hybrid centipede-humanoid, with tendrils or antennae coming out of bloody eye sockets, and the wide mouth large mandibles clack and click as it is attacking the old orc woman. In one hand is some sort of what looks to be a hand crossbow - without the bow mechanism. The other clawed hand grasps at the old orc, to try and pull her towards the writing tendrils.
chair. A hybrid centipede-humanoid, with tendrils or antennae coming out of bloody eye sockets, and the wide mouth large mandibles clack and click as it is attacking the old orc woman. In one hand is some sort of what looks to be a hand crossbow - without the bow mechanism. The other clawed hand grasps at the old orc, to try and pull her towards the writing tendrils.
Goth draws an arrow and shoots. the first arrow hits the centipede-humanoid in the shoulder, and then the 2nd shot by the ranger is a again a perfect shot. (DM: NAT20). The 2nd shot takes the creature in its wide open mouth as it was about to sink the long mandibles into the old woman.
The creature shudders gaging on its own blood and is flung back from the force of the shot. Legs and body still moving even though it is dead.
The old orc woman turns to Gothi and thanks the ranger profusely.
As she is about to move towards Gothi, more of the smaller creatures swarm up to her and on top of her. [DM: now called "Swarmers"] Down the other side passage, a number of these swarmers scuttle towards Doc, along the wall, floor and ceiling.
Doc, Gothi and the old orc woman are all being attacked by a number of these creatures. Doc is able to fight off the poison, but one swarmer has climbed up his leg, heading towards the orc's neck. Similarly, Gothi is hit twice and both are climbing the ranger's legs. The orc woman already injured, slumps to the ground under the assault, one oft he swarmers moving along her spine, pincers around her neck. A hybrid-centipede appears around the corner coming towards Doc. Graxxuzzaz moves up, castinga lightning bolt making it so Doc saves using the lizardfolk's sorcerous power and it blasts all the swarmers and the hybrid-centipede, burned and smoking. One swarmer barely alive is then destroyed and screeching in pain as Graxxuzzaz pulls more of his power to cast a firebolt.
Obaz, comes around the corner to support Gothi and casts a thornwhip to pull one of the swarmers off the ranger toward the druid. It screeches and chitters as it is tangled in the whip. Kantif moves up, with monkish speed, and then stabs the swarmer tanged in Obaz's thornwhip. The blade easily pierces and kills the wounded insectoid. Darting into the shadows the rogue fades from view.
Doc sees the hybrid ahead, reloading a chamber on his pistol, he moves up. As he does, the hybrid holds up the black metal device, and a blast of dark energy hits Doc. Burning black energy hits the 1/2 orc in the shoulder. Shrugging it off, Doc pulls out his blunderbuss and fires at point blank. A fine yellow mist is what the creature is turned into [DM 168 damage from CRIT and more!]
More swarmers and two of the hybrids attack but are put down by the Fellowship.
The old orc woman is on the ground, in a coma with one of the swarmers on her back, long pincers around the neck, while the many legs are slowly sinking into the back along the spinal column. Fast and very creative medical and nature work by Doc and Obaz with Graxxuzzaz supporting are able to pull off a miracle by killing the swarmer at the moment of removal. The long sharp pincers clack shut but Obaz deftly removes it before it cuts the neck, while Doc surgically removes the many legs burrowing into
the orc's skin. A gasp of pain, surprise and emotion from the old woman as she wakes up momentarily with a smile looks up and then faints.
the orc's skin. A gasp of pain, surprise and emotion from the old woman as she wakes up momentarily with a smile looks up and then faints.
Gothi notes a hole into the ceiling [DM: red circle] in one of the rooms, seems to be where the creatures are coming through. As the Black Runes had blocked the circular stairwell passage to the next floor.
Gothi and Kantif make a combined trap on the hole, so any creature coming through is pinned as well as sounds an alarm for the Fellowship and Black Runes to be aware..
Rest or move onwards.. the Fellowship will decide next session.
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