Saturday, 20 February 2021

Honey & Kobolds

24th of Coldeven

In the evening, the party are recovering from the battle with dark dwarves, and the drider when they hear the coughing from the 2nd floor of the burning lodge.

Pyra notes Wooden shutter broken open also a 2nd floor window open on left back side of lodge [after finishing the darkdwarf off earlier]

Perception checks by party hear a coughing gasp again.. Flames and more smoke billow out of a 2nd floor window..

Corrin scans the building, "If there are survivors we would be wise to help them. I'm sure our employers would want to know what happened." Vencer says and looks to his mirror images who all nod "That's four votes."

Corrin looks up, “But how will we get up there? The flames look to be out of control. Even if we do get to the 2nd floor how will we get down?”

"Ahh my friend you forget I am a man of many talents." The wizard says and prepares to teleport up to the roof.

Skrit, breathing a bit hard after trying to chase down the creature, smirks a bit to himself at Vencer's 'miscounting' of votes

"That's all well and good, you can teleport. Are you sure you will be able to help whoever is in there on your own? Having some other...non illusionary people would be most beneficial"

Vencer replies with a wide smile."I can teleport them back down here, right into your caring arms, alternatively I can teleport both of us up there."

“Does anyone have small book or parchment of some kind that I can use to draw on, that and something I can draw with? If they’re willing to part with it I’d greatly appreciate it. I need to do something that’s important to me while you attempt to rescue that poor soul in the burning building. I fear I won’t be much use in the rescue so I’d like to partake in something else while you do that.” Heste and Corrin start negotiating (after casting friends spell on Heste) for a good price for a small journal and charcoal pencil. Corrin starts sketching in the dim light of the fire from the lodge partly burning. There is a lantern hanging from a hook on a post from the shed. A few candles are gathered.

(Corrin plans to use a small book as a sketch book to draw one of the drow in it so he’d have an easier time memorizing what some people look like)

Something clatters to the floor inside [main floor] Irakul thinks from the kitchen area [right corner]

Vencer using his teleporting ability while Irakul climbs to the 2nd floor and are able to find some dead dwarves. Down the hall is a monk in robes whom coughs and gurgles.

Pyra smiles at the group and walks into the burning building, "I can go in the building, I have resistance from fire.." She disappears into the smoke. A book is found.. written in draconic.

A variety of loot is gained, while Irakul brings out the unconscious monk, a younger human male.

Skrit heals the monk and binds a number of burns. While the kobold assists the monk, Irakul, enters the kitchen and is able to coax a small cat out of the burning building. Using some snacks, the warrior is able to calm the female cat and it starts purring and curls up in the large goliath's lap. 

Speaking to the monk, Fendro, the party learns he is from the monastery of the 3 Crescent Moons. It seems there was a negotiation for a keg - or two - that went bad. The keg (emblem of double hammers) from the monastery, is worth its weight in gold, it seems there is a scroll that has an invoice for 2 barrels for 10,000 GP.. The party looks incredulously at each other.. 5,000 GP for each keg! Hoovrin Imports - Pyra notes this is a front for the Scarlet Spider Syndicate from Wayberry. (which - it seems - is no longer around due to the demonic horde - see Previous BlogPost)

Fendro casts a ceremony spell of some sort on all the dead monks.. and they eventually disappear..

After some negotiating with Fendro, there is a dispute on the loot from the fallen monks as well as they decide to keep the keg and Fendro starts to leave the group. He advises that the the owners of the keg - whom already paid for it - will now be interested in the party as they are taking the keg and cart. 

Vencer flings with a murmur and hand movement conjures an ice knife that cuts into the back of the monk, and then Pyra with a kill shot with her crossbow. The monk stumbles to the ground gurgling as he looks back at the party. She smiles back at the group. Corrin moves over to loot the fallen monk.

As the party travels, the party converses and discusses the pros and cons of dragon types, kobolds relationships to dragons and more.

Vencer identifies a number of items one being Pipe of healing [1 per day smoke a full pipe of weed can heal 1d4 x 1d8 HP.] and a Stone of Good luck.

The party rests for the night (DM: Pyra, Corrin and Irakul gain 2nd level!)

The party moves on, with Irakul, cat perched on his shoulder keeps a watch with Pyra whom is flitting through the shadows as the party moves at a walking speed along the Silver Path. Ahead, Pyra notes a large bear - a grizzly bear - in a stream near a small waterfall and a bridge across the stream. The party decides - after a little discussion - to try and avoid the bear whom rears up on its back paws. Growling it takes up one fish with a paw. Slowly moving the cart forward, Skrit taps the reins on the warhorse, to keep it at a walk. The kobold cleric successfully moves the party past. 

Into the afternoon, Pyra hears a loud buzzing. She scuttles into the shadows of the fir trees, she sees a fallen tree across a ravine. A number of giant wasps are buzzing around this tree where there was a strange beehive oozing glistening honey. It seems that the wasps have attacked the beehive killing the bees. 

The party scout up and find a good vantage point to see the ravine and fallen tree. The beehive smashed open, is confirmed to be Imperial Honeycomb

[Imperial Honeycomb: takes 5 minutes to consume. Once finished, eater will have similar effect to have taken a short rest. All feats, abilities etc that would be recovered during short rest, as well as using hit die for healing. Eater must take a long rest within 12 hours or suffer 1 level of exhaustion.]

Realizing this, the party attacks. At first, the battle is going well, but then more and more wasps fly out of a variety of holes in the long fallen tree.. then the Queen wasp appears..

The battle goes long and the wasps' sting has a powerful poison, wracking the body with pain if it hits. In the end the party is victorious but then realize more wasps are in the hollowed out tree so beat a hasty retreat.. after gathering some of the precious honeycomb.

The party moves on and rests again to heal wounds and try to recover from the poisonous wasp stings.
 The morning of the 25th of Coldeven, the party moves onward. 
They move closer to the first of the Silver mines, seeing a bluff with two buildings and wisps of smoke coming from the chimney larger building.
Corrin sees something flying in the air - a small humanoid with wings away from the mine Northwards.
The party communicates back and forth with Corrin and Vencer both having the message spell.

Corrin climbs a tree up 50' getting an excellent vantage point view of the area. The humanoid sees that the land rises ahead where the trees have been clear-cut down to stumps. There looks to be a kobold - fully black scaled not like the partly furry Skrit - moving into the mine entrance. The party takes the wagon down into a gully and then waits while Corrin climbs down, the changeling falls part way down and bruised a little. 
Walking along, Corrin moves ahead then waiting for the party he hears a chittering.. and then out of no where a ballista bolt cuts through the air from the bluff near the larger building and pierces Corrin in the shoulder! knocking him to the ground. The party hears a clanging from from the buildings and mine.
The party hunkers down and discusses tactics as they glimpse over to see two kobolds reload the ballista..

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