Kantif turns to Doc, upset from the recent events. “You were too reckless in that fight. We almost lost you and we almost died trying to save you too. You have to be more careful next time.” Doc lays in a pool of his own blood heaving and smiling "My time came for me, that rat had to die and I would have gone down either way. I have accepted my fate, it's coming sooner rather than later I know that. All of us aren't going to make it through this war."

What looks to be a bedroom is quite well decorated, there are three tapestries, show the 3 Elvish brothers continuing their quest.
One tapestry shows the second brother defeated by a large 3-headed scaly creature. Another tapestry details the third brother was falls to a host of infernal minions. The 3rd tapestry shows the last of the four brothers walking up a long path to black castle with two towers, with a sea of bones surrounding. The Fellowship decide to take the 3
tapestries for future study and possibly selling or display in the flying tower.
Some interesting items are found, and the Fellowship decide to take a rest and recover as all are tired and wounded.
The 2 captives recover and speak with the party.
One is named Vencer, whom is a wizard and had been captured by the skaven. The other.. a young woman named Penelope Crakin, daughter of one of the three Crakin brothers Doc Holliday knew
well and the party had met outside the Duress estate. (DM: see blog entry: Reunions, old friends and enemies) She is Tyler Crakin's daughter.
Doc Holliday and the rest of the party look at each over in shock and there are many plans forming as the Crakin clan are merchant opponents and enemies as of late.. There looked to be some possible evidence that Doc's father was being held by the Crakin clan. The young woman does not seem to recognize Doc or the name of Holliday, and seems oblivious to the war between Duress and Crakin.
The prisoner is interrogated and they determine the rat warrens where the creatures lived. The party lets the skaven leave as it had fulfilled the bargain to point out the way out and the rat warrens. Searching they find some more treasure amongst the rooms. They are able to find some of Vencer's gear as well as Penelope's. The party decides it is prudent to get Penelope back to the Crakin estate, thinking there may be an option to negotiate.
Leaving the former rooms of the Rat god, they encounter what seems to be traps that would have hindered any coming into the rooms. Passing those, the party come across a number of false doors, and old storage rooms. These lead out to a different secret door entrance into the sewer near the underground bazaar. Hagrahoc, is quite certain these new ways into the complex will be very useful
to the thieves guild.. his grin is toothy and wide.
(DM: a short session this time due to technical difficulties)
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