“Do you know if we’re getting close to the main nest? Would we have to wipe out all the rats or just their leaders be okay?” Kantif asks Hagrahoc.
The dragonborn rogue/warrior grimaces and in his hissing broken common, advises it makes sense.. but he does not know the extent of the Skaven cult. "I know leetle of thesse passsaggesss and the Ssskaven waysss." He advises further that the area was never explored and was sealed off for many
years even before Noose and the guild took residence in the upper areas closer to Wayberry.
Returning back to what seems to be a central area with multiple exits at the cardinal points, as well as a trap door in the centre. After some more exploration of the trapdoor which led to what appeared to be a storeroom and Gothi using her ranger skills, they find the tracks again heading through the South door. There is a symbol painted in blood of a 2-heaaded rat on the door. Coming to a "V" intersection, they easily are able to follow the tracks. It seems the murals of the four elf brothers - now three -
continues, where with some religious knowledge they determine the three brothers are now in the Abyss. Facing strange and infernal creatures. Asagron examined them closely, but the artwork looked different from his view into the Abyss where his father was trapped. The mural has been defaced with a large hunched over rat with a spines coming out of its back. Doc Holliday takes a hammer to part of the symbol to the rat god destroying some but making a deafening noise. Then Cedric pulls out a spare flask of holy water and this burns away the symbol to the god.
Deciding to follow the tracks still they stay to the left, the putrid smell of the sewers seems to have come back, as the adventurers move down the passage to a door. The sewer smell is quite powerful now, as they enter the room. A sewer channel crosses the room on one side, while there is a large pile of bones and a barred door on the right.
Keeping his pistol aimed at the bones, Doc Holliday moves over to the door and hearing noise behind lifts the large bar. It seems though the noise comes from something very large, desperately trying to replace the bar, the door flies open and the 1/2 orc is thrown back as a monstrosity appears. Looking to once have been either human or skaven, it was a mix of both disfigured and hunched it still stood over 9' high.
Battle was engaged. AS the creature was beat down by the blows, arrows, spells of the Fellowship, it

Battling back and forth the heroes finally defeat the two monsters. Taking a short rest, the party discover some treasure and move once again following the tracks.
They lead down once again into the sewers, one side a narrow ledge to walk and the other, slow moving green and dark sewage.
Following along, Gothi keeps an eye on the tracks, while Kantif uses his keen eye to look for any traps. They come to a point where a half submerged skeleton - looking to be skaven - lays on on the ledge. Then further ahead is another. Searching and investigation show the skeletons don't seem to be a threat. Then Graxusas at the rear of the party with Hagrahoc, hear a singing voice.
Preparing for battle or worse, the group hide using the pass without trace ability of Kantif to hide VERY well. Up the passage behind them comes a small canoe floating and being paddled by a small figure, which is doing the singing.
Looking to b a gnome he is very surprised when the party basically come out of the shadows along the wall. The party learn this is Eli Garthfinkle Dunadin, the 4th of Sigolar. A gnome merchant tinker whom sails the sewer channels looking for items lost and cast away. He builds many into new and unique items he sells.
The RedWater Fellowship breathe easy.. until a drumming throb can be heard. "That is the cult of the spineys." Eli advises. "They are preparing for a ceremony. This will last probably 12 hours.. then they do the sacrifices." Nodding sagely to the group as the heroes do some trading with the strange little gnome.
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