Doctor Holliday ordered another Dark Storm and looked around at his associates, carefully. "Keep your eyes open, the city doesn't seem to be as safe as it used to be. We shouldn't over stay our welcome." Sigmund looked worried.
Kantif nodded with a leg of pork in one hand and taking a bite, savoring the juicy taste, replied, "“It might be to risky going into The Green. We don’t know if they through in actual prisoners or prisoners wrongly thrown in there. That and there’s probably hundreds of undead in there.”
The rogue/monk - now an assassin - expressed his concerns to Doc and the Fellowship.
Discussing plans to meet with Lady Ester and Aiden Serra. Two would be 'nobles' whom advised they would assist the party in meeting a a contact in the Thieves' Guild - the Scarlet Spider Syndicate. There was talk of going to Raisa's Curios, run by 3 gnome brothers, but the time was short and as well, Kantif pointed out, “I think we might’ve bought too much here. My coin pouch feels pretty empty. I wonder if we can find anything of value in The Green.”
Gothi discusses options to get Jawbone into the city. Kantiff thinks it is unlikely his disguise skills, so Gothi decides bribing a guard may work.

on to the North between the demonic forces of
They hear that six paladins of the Duchy forces were recently sent into the Green. There is an underground ruler in the Green.. supposedly a troll or ogre with mage abilities.
Entering the strange edifice, The party asks for the professor.The library is a massive building
Graxusas joins the Guild of Arcane Lore, learning of the guild benefits of the library and alchemist lab as he gains in power and skills.
The heroes speak to the professor, while they notice a older student boy seemingly to be listening in to their conversations. They discuss the Holliday's tribe not having yet fealty to the Black Runes. They learn more of the Green. The party asks for her help doing research and she readily agrees. Another ally for the fledgling army to fight the Black Runes..?

The party meets with Lady Ester and Aiden Serra, they see the young man from the Obelisk, it seems he may be following them. Doc Holliday advises Lady Ester of this and the beautiful young woman commands her associate deal with the boy.

to discover the symbol of the Scarlet Spider Syndicate is found, and tracks by Gothi. Venturing further into the fetid, dank sewers, the party carefully explores.

Turning at one point, Kantiff is wrapped by a tentacle from the oozing sewer water, and the party are

A large room is entered where looks to be multiple exits. In the center of the room a bazaar has been setup where folks of variety of people ranging from humans, to 1/2lings, goblins, orcs, dwarves, and more barter and fence assumedly stolen gear, treasure and more.

interaction, the Fellowship step through into the
These the party learn are Hagrahoc, the Dragonborn, Elan the dwarf and Gyles the tielfing.

Bartering and discussion ensue. The master of the Syndicate is agreeable to helping the party into the Green.. on one condition ,they must deal with the former owners of this complex - the followers of the Spiny Rat God, Galixtik. It seems the creatures are coming back after being exterminated years ago. They must head into the unexplored areas and sanctify the areas with holy waters from a temple.
Agreeing to this trade, Hagrahoc - Noose's 2nd - is commanded to assist the group which the large dragonborn does VERY grudgingly with a spit.
The party prepares to delve into the unknown, to hunt rats...
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