Our heroes of the RedWater Fellowship stare down into the city of Wayberry. Gothi decides to let Jawbone his monstrous pet to stay outside.
Entering the city brings back many memories to Doctor Holliday, whom takes on the role of guide.
A masker of the Guild of Arcane Lore stands with the guards near the gate, both town troopers as well as a few Black Runes.
The adventurers enter the city, to the left across the canal, sees a mob of undead as well as a few perceptive few note a smaller figure moving fast through a blasted building.
Doc recalls the Broken Crown Inn has a tavern as well as rooms to stay at. 3 stories tall, the place

looks well kept and clean as the party enters. They see a number of workers enjoying a drink after a long day of work. Some Black Runes sit at another table, while a 1/2 elf woman serves behind the bar and 2 young gnomes scurry around serving. Doc Holliday buys a round for the room to a cheer and then inquires of Thograa and the 1/2 orc woman with the mark around one eye. The party speaks to 2 patrons - Lady Ester and Aiden Serra - whom at first look to be upper-class but upon further conversations, that the 1/2 orc woman they search for is in
the Green. The party learns they are also associated with the local thieves' guild and possibly able to assist the heroes to enter
the Green. There was once a coliseum, in the area high class area, now it seems to be where prisoners fight against undead to the pleasure of patrons ACROSS the canal.This is where the 1/2 orc woman was last seen.
A meeting is arranged for the next night.
Gothi and Kantiff, meanwhile meet a strange looking fellow whom turns out to be a pawnshop proprietor, named Samsen.
Dragon's Horde Pawnshop. The heroes sell the tall older man a number of items and monster parts collected, as well, are invited to meet tomorrow when his business is open. Gothi brings out a number of animal and monster parts that Samsen is willing to purchase. Kantiff, uses his charlatan and persuasion skills to great effect to raise the amounts of gold acquired!
They also learn Thograa - through the unique wagon he had purchased previously. Last it was seen was near the Duke's palace. In their rooms, Doc also looks at creating some unique weapon - ice-thrower. Doc
determines that Graxusas as well as Gothi would be needed to build. The three determine how to do it, but need the parts and ingredients to devise. Graxusas to do research and Gothi to do some gathering in the wilds.

The next day, Doc Holliday guides the party to a blacksmith, one Janlinks of
the Ironworks a one legged and one armed 1/2 ogre - former warrior adventurer - whom seems to have no love for the
Black Runes. Doc Holliday uses some guile and suggestions to bring this master smith into the Fellowship's fledgling army.
Graxusas notes a roguish gnome - Teraco Brrrd from his past that had
stolen a necklace from the lizardman. Graxusas, Kantif and Gothi follow the thief, they track
him to a shed, a trap delays them, then into a small hidden room. Waiting and
ambushing the gnome, they confront the slippery little rogue. They are able to attain the necklace, which looks to be powerful but also mildly cursed. They use the
skeletal clasping hands to cast remove curse on the gnome and are able to remove the item. Shaking each of the three adventurers hands, the party agrees to part ways on friendly terms with the rogue.

The party visits the
Dragon's Horde Pawnshop, there was a strange door to open, but the party solves the riddle to open. They purchase and trade for a number of unique items from Samsen. There is discussion on some dragon blood which was an heirloom of Graxusas - from a brass dragon.

The party heads up into the former upper-class neighborhood near the former Duke's palace, searching for Thograa and his wagon. After some time they notice it down an alley, now owned by a new 1/2 elf whom sells unique and exotic pets. It seems the man purchased the wagon from a fellow whom works for the guild. Gothi

purchases a strange feathered lizard-like creature -
a raptin - as well as a large blue spider - a
sea-eight - named by sailors whom found the creature onboard sailing ships which Gothis is told to have unique poison effects
Taking their new items the party heads back to the Broken Crown Inn for the meeting with Lady Ester and Aiden Serra - the thieves guild contacts.. at this point the Graxusas, Kantif and Gothi realize their coin purses are slightly lighter! That damn gnome thief!