Using all the tools at their disposal, the party was able to open the complex locked doors to what looked to be a throne room. It seems 3 of the gnolls had perished here. Drained of life-force as well as all bodily fluids. A coldness pervaded the room all feeling a chill except Robin Hood - his amulet of Orcus keeping him warm and comfortable. The walls seemed strange behind the variety of banners and tapestries - which depicted dwarf and elf allies - a strange occurrence with recent history! The walls looked to be made of glass, and dirt, rocks and roots of trees can be seen..
The party investigates the 3 gnolls, acquiring some loot - a gnarled staff with a skull on the top. After exploration of the thrones a spirit appeared - ready to attack. Smooth talking by Doctor Holiday
and it seemed appeased at the knowledge that they had killed more of the gnolls. It retreated and flew into the floor near the columns carved to look like trees.

time to roll up new characters! 😁
The party arrived in a new area of the dungeon complex. The majority of the party felt a coldness similar to the feelings in the throne room except Robin Hood - his amulet seeming to keep him warm. After doing some more exploration came across 2 dwarf like guardians.
They did not seem to activate until the party tried to pass. Extrano was able to hit upon the clue that if white cloaks, helmets and halberds were carried (stored behind a red curtain), the guardians made no move. Onwards.
Further exploration found an armoury where more loot was found. Then what looked to be a actual dungeon with cells as well as a spot where a blood trail on the flagstone floor. An apparition of a
female elf shackled to the wall appeared sobbing, mumbling about a baby boy. The party - except
for Kantiff, whom after seeing the figure was an elf had little interest in the dungeon, moved in, and the at that moment the ghost attacked! Some quick thinking by the party determined that the white cloaks, helmets and halberds had triggered her anger. After dropping that gear, she returned to her shackled position on the wall. Doctor Holiday decided to investigate and talk to her more, holding the raven feather. The rest of the party explored the cells. Looting more and coming across a large pile of rotgrubs which attack and were easily destroyed. At one point Robin Hood the arakokra ranger was attacked by the rot grubs - he felt the amulet of Orcus become warm and the rotgrubs fell off dead.

The party searched further finding a cave-in and after some interaction were attacked by carrion crawlers. Paralyzing and biting into the party. Doctor Holiday was able to with a critical hit to impale one on his two-handed sword. Fast work by the other party members working together - the witchdoctor Baris creating a totem that healed everyone extensively - and the giant creatures were destroyed.
Deciding the worked passages were probably the way out, the party started down a long, very long, extremely long passage lit with torches. It seemed the party had come into some type of trapped illusion. Coming to a point 1/2 way between two torches the party searched and found the way 'out'!

After some search they found 2 unseen servants that poured them all tea, a fireplace that never went out and was quite warm and pleasant, some interesting loot, a map and books (one being the wizard's spellbook!) Then a trap was sprung when one bookshelf was searched and fire engulfed it and caught the table as well.
Trying to put out the fire unsuccessfully the party had to retreat and were able to escape back to the throneroom. There was no sign of the derro Skeegin, the party searched for tracks but with the amount of foot traffic in the rooms and passages were unable to locate the small humanoid. Extrano left the derro a note on where they were going next - Sorenson Trading Post.
The party boarded the steamboat, leaving behind the Lonely tower, having destroyed the gnoll threat and released 2 spirits to the care of the Raven Queen. Tired but content, the heroes continue their journey once again up the river to the Kron Hills.
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