A more calm travel takes hold as the days pass, and the heroes open up as some mention parts of their life, relatives and more. Binding the group into comrades that care and help each other.

Master Senji slowed the boat's engine as the party looked intently around. The broken bow of the ship jutted out of the water, parts of its hull sticking out of the water like ribs. As the party got close.. Doctor Holiday jumps and swims to the wreck, climbing on board. As he started to look around for survivors and more he noted something in a dark hole.. perhaps leading to the hold, as he leaned down, a pale fish-headed face appeared long claws reach out and pulled him head first into the ice cold water.

Kantiff dove/jumped over to help Doc Holiday. Reaching to grab his
feet he fought a war of strength to pull the 1/2 orc up. Meanwhile, Robin Hood, Cedric and Extrano dealt with the orc and goblins.
Kantiff was surprised when he saw a 2nd pale creature grab a hold of Doc Holiday.
Pulling him further down, the rogue went in as well. Now both were fighting for their breath and life.
Extrano unfurled his wings and flew over to the wreck and started using his spells on the fish-like humanoids.
A close battle, Holiday and Kantiff fought and successfully killed one and then Kantiff was pulled in again! Spells from Extrano and Robin finish the creature and the party was triumphant. Exhausted and chilled to the bone from the ice cold water.
Some treasure found, at first the party was going to keep all until they realized Master Senji knew the owner of the wreck, and was very thankful to the group for giving some of the treasure and loot for the family of the crew.
Travel continued. 10 days passed since the settlement of RedWater Falls, the next stop would be Sorenson Outpost a trading stop for humans and elves. No other traffic was seen on the river and the snow-covered road that occasionally went along side. On the 11th day, multiple plums of smoke were seen ahead. Again the party prepared.. for who knows..

survivors, but none were found. Taking the next step, Doc Holiday performed an orcish ritual for the dead - 8. Five adults and three children.
Exploring the ruins they find little, except Doc Holiday acquires an anvil and tools, installing it near the steam engine - hoping to do some tinkering with his guns.
A confrontation takes place about the amulet of Orcus worn now by Robin Hood - which Cedric wanted to destroy. At this point at an impasse..

Until next time.. ambush!
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