When last we left the heroes of RedWater Falls, they had retreated
from a gnoll under a broken down tower. After some discussion and
determining that some ration packs had been made from human or elf
flesh, the group decided this evil gnoll should not continue to prey
upon others, and thinking of the villagers and miners at RedWater Falls
village, they returned to confront.

Master Senji to reverse course, they grounded the steamboat to see the
gnoll now in the tower rubble, a longbow and arrow ready and
aimed at
them. Some battling and the gnoll went down, as he fell with a bullet
from Doc Holiday's gun grazing his head the hyena-faced humanoid pulled a
hidden string.. an alarm?

gnoll dead, the adventurers carefully searched and delved down into the
complex below, wary of traps. The denizens of the place having some
time to prepare - it seems from the alarm pulled by the gnoll and then
again by Doc Holiday - ambushed the party at the first door. 2 gnolls,
lobbing a flaming flask of oil caught a number of the group on fire.
After a short battle the 2 gnolls lay dead. The party found a trapdoor
and continued onward after searching and looting. Further exploration
found quite a number of boxes, crates, barrels and bags of foodstuffs,
equipment, clothing and more. It seems these gnolls were raiding and
killing quite often from this as a base. Some fine treasure found as
- Elvish Longsword (The blade in perfect condition, the scabbard, leather with
inlaid gold and enamel is becoming pitted and worn. Some of the gold
patterns have worn, broke off or come apart. Still, the scabbard is in
fairly good shape.History checks reveal this is a elvish leader's weapon. A: Cristhâdh
- The Forest hunters or palace elite guard used this type
of sword. Normally with a 2nd weapon (using the finesse) a long dagger
or short sword possibly of similar style and make.
- Bent / broken wand - fixed with sovereign glue by Doc Holiday! What could it be...
- A variety of coins and some gems cut (and uncut)
- 4 chunks of GoldTear honeycomb. If eaten, will
remove disease & poison.
- A Masterwork dirk (longer than a dagger)
While searching they encountered a strange dwarf in the 'kitchen' area of the dungeon.
Skeegin - a derro - was in a cage, a soon to be meal for the gnolls. He advised the party (through Extraño the only one to speak goblin) after some healing (multiple wounds and a broken arm) and water that he was from a force from the down below -
the UnderDark. After some direct questioning, it came out, his 'Masters' would be unlikely happy to see him with the rest of his patrol dead. With the proper support and more, perhaps the derro will be enticed to join the heroes.....?
The Derro was able to give some minor advice on the gnolls as well as rooms and doors.
Further exploration came upon a room the gnolls used for garbage, refuse and more. The stink from it was gagging and many of the group felt sick to their stomach.

Doc Holiday, moving down a slippery set of stairs tripped on a femur and slid right into a large pile of refuse and garbage in the center of the room. Sitting there for a moment, he started to smile then in horror he gasped as a clawed hand started to rake his chest. the room was NOT empty of enemies. A ghoul tried to bite into his neck, the quick moving gunslinger was able to shove the barrel of his

blunderbuss under its chin and the ghoul's head disappeared into a fine black mist of blood and bone! A 2nd ghoul then attacked! After
defeating the two undead creatures, the group searched for treasure trying to still not lose their breakfasts and lunches in the process.
Acquiring more loot, they found a long circular passage cut from rough stone, not like the finely fitting stonework of the previous chambers and halls. Deciding to backtrack they came back and with the roguish skills of Kantiff to open some very complex locks were able to gain entry to another section of the complex, where more gnolls awaited them. While fighting this group, the party was flanked by a larger gnoll leader and his hyena. The wizard let loose with a barrage of magic missiles finishing one of the gnolls. Another went down under the blade of Cedric.

Kantiff went down, Doc Holiday nearly went down as well, but his 1/2 orc heritage allowed him to fight through the pain and blood loss to continue the battle until Baris' witchdoctor totem was able to give healing to all the party members - even Skeegin whom had been cutdown by the gnoll. Baris tried to heal Kantiff, but the the gnoll leader swung the pommel of his two-handed sword to stun the

spellcaster - foiling the spell - yipping his battle cry in triumph. Battling heavily with the gnoll leader, and the hyena, the tide turned and the gnoll tried to escape. While this happened the loyal hyena fought on until the druidic skills of Baris brought him to heel - as well as some timely tossed over meat rations.

A timely healing from the paladin Cedric for Doc Holiday had the adventurers chased the retreating crafty gnoll, down the winding passage, it was about to escape until the arrow of Robin took him in the back of the neck! The battle over, the party bound wounds and took stock of loot. The gnoll leader - a
Agrik - had a what looked to be a well crafted sword. The blade looks worn and dull. It seems the gnoll was not proficient -

caring to - keeping the blade in good repair and shape. Under the
rust and blood and dirt are faint runes..

A massive chunk of amber enclosed a strange looking creature, sticking out of a passage wall..
Robin sneakily took a strange medallion (which seemed to be the symbol of the demon lord Orcus) from Cedric whom was planning to have it destroyed.
A gong was heard again - it seemed to come from behind the double doors still unexplored..
Session End.
The party gains a level! Still more dungeon under the Lonely Tower to be explored..