Thursday 29 March 2018

Sessions II & III

After some recovery and rest, the band of heroes decide to follow-up on the 'blood-gold' and rumours of wizards and priests being kidnapped.

Trekking through the snow to the wagon-bunker, they fight some orcs whom were searching(?) the bunker and seem to server the mysterious K.
Finding some tracks leading off along an old path in the snow. Further investigation comes across wagon tracks and then some footprints leading off into the forest..

Following the footprints, they come across a large.. very large hold in the ground. Investigating they discover a tower has sunk deep into the ground, now on an angle. Using rope and climbing they spelunk down to the tower and start to explore..

Fighting some spiders.. and more. Treasure is found in some unlikely places.. They descend through the levels until they hear an argument out at the base of the tower. It seems a barter session between a robed human and 1/2 orc guard and dark-dwarves is going on over 2 slaves. Swinging and shooting into action the party battles and then after negotiates as this human seems to be quite powerful..
Gold changes hands, the party saves one of the slaves. The human mage and 1/2 orc - who ALSO seem to server the nefarious K.  -- leave.
The party then attacks the dark-dwarves and defeat them saving the 2nd slave! Returning to Fort Manchus the party is heading to see the Mayor.. information to be given and rewards..?

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