Location: the Lortmill mountains - former Duchy of Ulek. Near the village of Hallowuud
Date: 19th of Reaping High summer
The Fellowship:
- Doc Holliday - Male 1/2 Orc | gunslinger/paladin
- Gothi - Female Foreclaimer | Ranger
- Graxxuzzaz - Male Lizard-folk | Sorcerer
- Tibaltuous - Male 1/2 elf | Bard/Rogue/Warrior
- Hester - Male Tabaxi | Cleric
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Lukann |
Graxxuzazz goes up to the control room with the sphere and controls. They are smeared with blood, and the lizard-folk grins and takes control and then the tower slows it ascendance, and then slowly moves over to an open area near the camp. Doc and Tibaltuous, nod and smile.
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The Librarian |
With a crunch and grinding, the tower lands, and then both Hester and Graxxuzazz hear the click on heels on the stairs coming from above. Gothi comes up into the control room and the three then see a female drown elf in black leather shiny boots on at the bottom of stairs. Tibaltuous and Doc search the tents - Doc finding two children tied up, the paladin releases them as Tibaltuous searches boxes and bags.
Gothi nocks an arrow and pulls back, aimed at the black armoured drow elf woman. Looks exactly like the one recently killed. Clone or twin..? "Well my friends..." She starts.. then smiles as Graxxuzazz holds up a finger as if "one moment". Graxxuzazz notes a sensor that blocks all communication or scrying and it is turned on. So the Fellowship's telepathic comm. units cannot connect to the two outside.
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One of the Drow Sisters |
The party then engage in conversation with the drow. back and forth until they reach an agreement to allow the drow to acquire an item from one of the levels behind the glum gargoyle. Doc and Tibaltuous rejoin the group as the negotiations continue when another drow female who looks the same as well - triplets? The drow advises there are thirty drow still in the tower, so at first, the party decide allow the drow to acquire what they want an amulet to take over control of a level of the Abyss. The party continue to debate - telepathically - about taking the drow crew on. It doesn't appear that the drow is lying about this [DM: multiple insight checks]
Graxxuzazz offers to go get the amulet, and the drow readily agrees, asking "Once he dies," pointing at the lizardfolk, "who goes next?"
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Entry to the Forbidden Zone |
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The party confront a LOT of drow |
and Graxxuzazz agree, he lumbers aside. The door opens and two massive tentacles can be seen briefly, until the two drow move in and then the party prepare to take on the drow females' followers.
Doc and Gothi confront the drow followers - a group of mercenary types it seems - and intimidate them to leave their masters. Gothi requesting them to speak in elvish - rather than drow. Gothi counts eleven drow as they head down the stairs. The ranger very resolute to make sure they ALL leave. Gothi for a moment thought she saw something going up the stairs and Gothi shouts out in anger. Was there ten.. or eleven drow out into the darkness around the tower? The party race through the tower, checking rooms and searching. Gothi heads to the Power room and the dead sister is not there!
Behind the bars the prisoner says "He came down grabbed her and headed up the stairs!" Gothi jumping up the stairs, then stops, activating her X-ray vision. There is something strange about the figure in the cell. An illusion! Gothi shouts telepathically - In the engine room! Hester moves down to assist.
The humanoid casts a spell on both Hester and Gothi.
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Graxxuzzaz and Tibaltuous delve into the Abyss |
have a LONG philosophical conversation with the gargoyle on guarding one side or both sides of the door, as it has done this for hundreds of years only stopping those from going through one way not both! They finally make the guardian understand - they hope and head through. The two massive tentacles one on each side lie unmoving, burned and cut to pieces. A glowing blue portal faces the two adventurers.
Graxxuzazz takes the time to summon his owl familiar and it flies through the portal. The sorcerer thinks he no longer has contact with his owl. Tibaltuous draws Sir Lawrence - his sentient sword - and puts the blade through the portal. The sword sounds like he is 100s' of feed away yelling, but the bard cannot hear. Tibaltuous steps through the portal, stepping onto a spongy surface, flesh like, with oozing sores, gangrene pock marks, blood and other fluids oozing from wounds. The passage walls seem similar as well, oozing wounds dribbling blood and other puss like fluids trailing down them. The two look back and the passage looks to be about a 100' back
Meanwhile, Hester fights off a charm like feeling while Gothi does not want to attack the drow. Hester fires a guiding bolt at the drow. Hitting and the energy washes over the female dark elf. The drow tellsGothi - charmed - to protect her and stand in front. Glowing bolts of energy fly from the drow's fingers and smash into Hester.
Doc having taken control of the tower and raised it into the sky to around 300', heads down to assist Hester and Gothi. Doc yells down to take the spike growth spell, but she declines, after the drow whispers to not do this. Doc jumps down taking some damage and joins the fray. Hester summons a Spiritual weapon. The moon sickle swings and hits, but she is able to keep concentration of the charm on Gothi. Doc calls forth the power of the Raven Queen and fires his pistol, still holding the concentration to dominate Gothi.
Back to Tibaltuous and Graxxuzzaz, the two move down the passage, a wall with a skull inset seems to recede as the two move forward, but the two start to sink into the blood and puss filled fleshy ground. The two pray to their patron? - Orcus. [DM: Blogpost].
Tibaltuous is starting to struggle and sink into the fleshy ground, the puss and bloody ooze seeping into his clothes and all over. For Graxxuzzaz though he is able to step forward and the skull wall appears closer. The lizardfolk looks back, pausing reaching down to assist the 1/2 elf bard but then stops and stands up tall, as the bard tells sorcerer to go onwards! The bard prays top Orcus and ponders realizes he is losing his connection to the tome of Orcus and sinks to his waste into the spongy gangrenous ground - even as Graxxuzazz gains the power and understanding.
Tibaltuous calls out to Graxxuzazz to help, the sorcerer turns and contemplates the bard, Graxxuzzaz tells him head back. Friendship or power.. It seems power wins out as Graxxuzzaz leaves the bard.
Tibaltuous raises his sword and tries use the flying power to raises himself but it only stops him from sinking. Tibaltuous slowly tries to continue. The two talk about treachery and more. Drama in the Book club [other party name]. The bard starts to sink again, all his power and more to try and hold steady.
Meanwhile, back with Gothi, Doc and Hester. Gothi is n o longer affected by the charm and the drow disappears [combo misty step and invisibility] and then up to the top of the stairs they see her. Hester brings the spiritual weapon forward but misses. Gothi action jumps around the corner and as she is leaping fires two arrows at the drow sorcerer - she slumps to the ground as the first arrow hits and the ranger ensures she is down with the second arrow cuts into her neck, Gothi walks up and stabs her fiercely with her trident. The drow sorcerer is dead drained of blood.
Meanwhile in the abyssal pocket dimension - Graxxuzzaz moves forward into a large room and find the two drow, he negotiates with the two and is able to grab the amulet from drow. Before they can react, Graxxuzzaz puts the amulet ON.
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gods and patrons |
The lizardfolk feels like he is pulling in three directions by omnipotent beings:
His Lizard-folk God Essyliss - is starting to fade
Orcus his patron working with Tibaltuous for the last weeks and months - is starting to fade
This new being that is coming up behind the sorcerer. A formless entity, power emanating and pulsing - massive in size. He feels his bones, tendons and muscles being pulled in three ways and screams in pain, having never felt this level of agony before. He has a major decision to make choose his god, his patron or a NEW patron.
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The Book Of Orcus |
Tibaltuous chest deep in the bloody ooze of the spongy ground. He feels newly energized and no longer tied to the book of Orcus. The bard is able to move forward and sees a massive room filled with lava with pedestals across the area.
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The NEW Patron |
One of the sister drow says to Graxxuzazz, "Avatar. Do you wish us to deal with him?" She places a hand on her dagger hilt as she looks at Tibaltuous with a gleam in her eyes and a wicked smile.
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