Sunday 26 May 2024

The Siege of Axegard

 15th of Reaping. High Summer

The road East is full of dead soldiers, with carrion eaters flying, crawling and legged in abundance. Vultures, crows, jackals and other animals are spooked many a time as the Fellowship travel in their wagon. The party look for any loot and scavenging, but it appears many if not all were looted where they lay dead or dying by either comrades or others.

The hot sun beats down baking the land, the rising stink of the dead bodies hard to manage. Part way along, Gothi, riding Morsel her cavebear, notes a dying orc soldier in the livery of IUZ emblazoned on his hard leather armour. A spear had was lodge in the side of the dying warrior's chest, the shaft broken off 6" out. "Kill me.." He gasps out blood dribbling down his chin.

The orc at first is belligerent of the group, even after some torture by Tibaltuous - nudging the spearhead with his boot - until the orc grimaces and cries out, coughed up more blood and then provides some minimal information as the bard tries to deceive the warrior, that the adventurers were followers of Iuz. The orc defiant, spat blood at the bard and so Tibaltuous healed the orc to continue his 'interrogation'. The orc again asked to die. But it appeared Tibaltuous had other plans making ready to enthrall the orc with his reading of the Psalms of Orcus from the tome he and Graxxuzazz were reading. [DM: Blogpost]

Gothi and Doc were against this; in their view was an evil act and thus the paladin of the Raven Queen took out Lucky 7 - his executioner's sword and finished the orc off.

As the Fellowship travelled, Gothi sent out his pet scavenger - Scurvy. The reptile had come across some interesting finds: the ruby ring turned out to be a powerful Ring of Spell-turning! A once magical harp - now broken [perhaps fixable] as well as a pair of wire-rimmed glasses - with one lens cracked. As they rolled along, the party decided to share out some magic items found recently and in the forgotten city of Herodia as they travelled.

As the next day dawns -16th of Reaping - the Fellowship come across the another still living soldier on the long road. A tall young man, long red hair with blue eyes, wearing furs, his muscular form covered in sweat probably from a fever. The boy - probably only 17 - had lost one arm, the blood seeping through what appears to be a thin bandage hastily wrapped around surmised Doc with a practiced eye. The party this time decide to work together and heal and support the youth. Doc Holliday cauterizes the wound with his flaming sword, and then applies some of his medical skills to keep the lad from dying. The young man after recovering somewhat, at first a little wary agrees to provide all the information he knows for allowing him to leave, and travel back to his homeland - the land of Black Ice many weeks
travel to the far North. He was part of a clan of seafarers who lived in clans along the West coast of the Dramidj Ocean, plying their long boats far along the coasts of that cold and unhospitable land. The way the boy talked about it, seems he liked the cold waste of the North much more than the hot lands he was in now. Through gritted teeth from the pain, he told them his name was Halia Rain-night. The youth was a font of information on Axegard, it seems that the remaining defenders were mainly demons and giants. Led by a massive white-skinned giant, Chief Tonoklagh. Not a frostgiant the youth was quite sure. Wielding dual massive swords and wearing black and red armor, the giant used magics to great effect as well. 

After some more descriptive details, Tibaltuous nodded sagely, "Cloud giant."

The young man went on advising his clan had been press-ganged - as 'mercenaries' to fight for Iuz. The young warriors were enthused to go off to battle but the times and death of most of his clan had tempered that young enthusiastic mind, the ravages of war taking its toll. The demons started to use the humans and other 'living' forces of Iuz in their demonic rituals. Now, Halia wanted to go home, the majority of his clan destroyed in Axegard. Both by demons and aerial bombardment by the forces of Lord Royce.

The party are skeptical the young warrior could travel such a long distance so Doc provides the barbarian a shortsword and advises of the Fellowship's town - DragonKeep - to the North in the mountain pass that may provide some respite on the way. Halia grateful for this, takes his leave, wishing the party good luck. The Fellowship continue their wagon ride East. Lady Luck smiles on them as they are able to find a stray horse, which helps pull the heavily laden wagon.

The Fellowship have no further encounters along the way, finally coming to Axegard. The once splendid river town was now under siege by the forces of Lord Royce. The lands surrounding the town blasted and smoking, in ruins. The town itself barely visible through a black and blood red shadowy dome. Evil emanates from the area even from a long distance.

Royce's' forces are on both sides of the river and as well have ships anchored up river and down blocking all access to the town. Pickets of the Lord's forces stop the Fellowship but after making them selves known as the RedWater Fellowship, they are escorted to the tents of the Lord Royce. 

The group are provided a fine large tent for them to relax and rest in. Their wagon with precious cargo right outside. Gothi goes out into the forest with Scurvy sending the growing reptile off to scavenge outside in the ruined town and away from Royce's pickets and patrols. While Lars stays near the wagon, leaving his coffin on it. Morsel at first was barred from the area, but Gothi being a hero of the Fellowship, the large cavebear is allowed to rest next to the wagon. Gothi's skills with animals showing as the three horses now are not spooked by Morsel.

Royce is delighted to see all the heroes, Doc, Graxxuzazz and Gothi and the new members, Hester and Tibaltuous. A war council is in progress. The party is introduced, all enjoying the long list of Graxxuzazz's titles. Royce's council somewhat in awe, Royce smiling as he had heard list the titles before, but not some of the newer ones.

 The dome of darkness and shadow appeared about a week past. All attacks are being blocked and and arcs of shadow hit the griffon riders killing them. Lord Royce looks to the Fellowship, "There is a way.." grinning at the heroes. "We have a former resident of the town a sewer worker."

The party look at each other.. sewers.. again. Great

Lord Royce signals a retainer and a small humanoid enters from the side looking around furtively. A half-goblin, half-gnome female,  with long blue hair and violet eyes, peering out from under a wide brimmed red hat. 

"Her name is Gizzard." Royce motions the goblin/gnome forward.

Wearing tattered clothes, remnants of a life spent navigating the grimy underworld. The fabric clings to her wiry frame, patches of faded brown and gray barely concealing her gnarled skin. A rusty dagger, its blade chipped and stained, hangs from a frayed belt. The creature’s eyes dart nervously, ever watchful. A backpack with shortsword sheathed on it, as well as a hand crossbow at her belt, completes the ensemble. The backpack appears worn, its leather weathered by the damp conditions of the sewer, yet it seems to bulge with equipment, treasure or perhaps just the necessities for survival in this harsh environment.

The party is introduced. "We will make an all out attack on the town, a feint, but it will cost many lives.." Royce points to a map on the large table, "while you RedWater Fellowship have the most critical task, if you are agreeable.." Royce smiles grimly and continues, "guided by our friend Gizzard into the downstream sewer entrance and under the town. There it is imperative to find a way to disable or stop the demonic shadow shield, then we should be able to finish this siege!" 

The Lord Knight/Priest of Tempus looks around at the grim faces as they contemplate this extremely dangerous mission. He winks. "I may be able to assist you with your quest too.. to find your tower." Motioning to a familiar face Lady Cowl steps out of the shadows and nods to the Fellowship.

"We will of course, assist with some gear and supplies. And.. We can possibly teleport you closer to your goal. The tower. " The enigmatic head of Overlord Romack's secret and shadowy intelligence group advises.

Discussing briefly, the party agrees, listing some supplies needed:

  • Masterwork Thieves' tools
  • Black powder and ammunition
  • Potions of water-breathing for each [needed to get down to the sewer entrance at the river bed, down river of city] 
  • Herbs and incense worth 1000gold [only partially provided]
  • Potions of healing
The party makes ready, leaving the wagon its precious cargo [the cube] and much of the supplies they won't need for this espionage mission guarded by Lars.
Early morning of the next day, 17th of Reaping, the Fellowship leave the camp of Lord Royce with his good wishes and salute. The army preparing for the feint attack. All realize some of these soldiers would die this day.
Gizzard takes the adventurers South along the river and then they wait. It is a clear, the early morning stars twinkling. A slight breeze from the West as the party prepares. Horns blast and lights flash explosions are heard, the attack at Axegard is underway. 
Gizzard pops the cork on the water-breathing potion and downs it motioning to the party to do the same and she wades out into the river and under the dark cold water.
A strange feeling of breathing water.. but the party get used to it and follow the little goblin/gnome swimming down into the dark water. Except Graxxuzazz, who is adept at holding his breath for very long periods being a lizardfolk.
They come to the large metal grate covering the sewer entrance - locked. The party are able to deal with this after some time, - missing the skills of their former rogue Kantif at first. A magic ward blasts out as well, injuring some but the party take this in stride - or swimstroke - and head in. After a time they break the surface of the flowing putrid sewage and are able to stand in a sewer tunnel. The smell is atrocious the sewage coats them all until Tibaltuous casts prestidigitation to clean up.
Gizzard at first seems happy to be back in the sewers, she tells the party she was an engineer down her before the war and demons/giants took over the town.
They start to explore the sewer tunnels. Then Gizzard advises, "Something smells wrong.. something
tastes wrong.." The party hadn't really noticed anything other than the smelt was ghastly and fetid sewer water was filled with who knows what.. Hester casts death Ward on himself and advises the party he
has healing  and aid available.
Moving further then all felt something different a shift.. or a pressure..? Gizzard points to the flow, "It shouldn't be getting deeper.. it should be staying level.." The sewage was over the canal edges now, that flowed normally down the center of the sewer tunnels; now lapping around their ankles and calves. As they moved closer to the town then what they thought was past the shadowy dome. They were now under the town.. The pressure and feeling of.. wrongness.. growing with them all.

Next time.. in the sewers under the DEMON controlled town of Axegard.

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