1. Gate and keep rebuilt - 100%
2. New tower built - 100%
3. Recovering farmlands for food - 2 fields ploughed and
planted. 3rd will be ready for next Spring
4. Roundtower [with 2 cannons] - at 75% [fixing mechanism to rotate tower is still an issue]
5. Walls at 90% [all walls along main road and
grasslands: complete, walls along river nearing completion]
6. 3 mine entrances are now open - two being explored by
Pyra and her crew. Small amount of silver being mined and refined.
7. Fighters stronghold - 90%
8. The mist is cleared from the large crater. Irakul and
then Cedric has worked to turn the crater into an arena for use by the town,
with stands, seats and more. Also for training the militia. [60%]
Sending spells cast to contact Skrit at the town of Dragonkeep for the large update:
- Valloran and the monks from the 3 Crescent moon monastery are scouting - expected to return in a few days
- Two BlackRune
deserters. interrogated - from one is an elf with musketeer regiment,
other is a human sailor from a BR corsair ship sunk at Wayberry.
- Pyra is excavating and
exploring the mines. Her crew now is 20 kobolds working in the mines.
- Irakul - and his lawyer
- and the Shadow Lantern are still missing.
- Faust is no longer in
withdrawals from the Shadow lantern researching some books that Pyra found
- building library. At former inn - now BETA crew's resident.
- Vencer is completing
researching new spell and building a lab for research. [80% on spell | 30%
on lab]
- Cedric the paladin
continues training the recruits - organizing militia.
- Obaz completed crops
and a aqua system from river. Spending more time in wilderness to West
- Skrit continues to
oversee rebuilding of town and fighter's guild primarily.
- Sir Raknell - fallen
Paladin of St. Cuthbert - [former Marshall Drogarr] still has not returned
as of yet from his quest to regain paladinhood
Total refugees -> townsfolk:
Variety of professions and skills but notable below.
[most have taken up various residences/buildings in town]
Shopkeepers [38]
innkeeper [and family - 10]
general store [and family - 6]
fortune teller
leatherworker [and family - 4]
Tailor / Washerwoman [and family - 3]
Brewer (ale and mead) [Family 6]
2 blacksmiths
4 merchants [3 with ties to Wayberry and 1 to Rastor]
Farmers [60]
Farmers [18 families number: 73 total. 60 are working
age, the rest are children]
Injured/unknown or have not advised of an profession, skill or capability: 27
[Living in tent town area]
Militia [56]
Green: [23] no assigned skills yet
Standard: [6] no assigned skills yet
Pikemen [standard - 8]
Archers [standard - 17]
Sergeant (VET): 2
ol'Greeta [https://sleet-dnd2.blogspot.com/2021/07/the-wagon-trundles-down-path-north.html]
shows up at the town selling seeds [these are expensive] herbs, spices &
the strange fruit ["Tulsanri" - addictive to kobolds]. Trading her
wares for a donkey, she tells of two sightings she had in mountains to West:
1. strange glowing multi-coloured lights around an old
mine entrance [supposedly long cleared out] 2 days ride to the West
2. A caravan of grey skinned dwarves - with full beards -
was seen going up a zig-zag trail in the Lortmill mountains South of
Dragonkeep. Probably 3 days ride.
- A rumour that Rastor -
city North of mountains has tried to rebel against IUZ, but the demonic
forces and mercenaries are crushing the rebels.
- Rumour of a group of
refugees taken over one of the wayfarer lodges to mountain pass ->
Enstad in Lortmill mountains. not sure if they are making this a permanent
Inventory of supplies: Between weapons acquired by
the Fellowship, BETA crew and various found and acquired, there are currently
enough weapons and armour to arm all troops with majority in leather and
studded leather. All are able to have weapons for their unit type. Quality is
standard to poor. A variety of kobold weapons are available but these as all
Food forecast: Between crops and various herds of
sheep, cattle and such, food will be just enough for current population through
to winter as long as crop growth continues as well as it has so far. Obaz has
used his extensive skills in the is area with the 18 families of farmers to
good effect.
Current nearby neighbors and allies:
- Stone giants [Good]
- Poet and kobolds at
southern mine [excellent]
- Monks @ 3 crescent moon
monastery [Good]
- Rastor [No contact - at
this time, there is a merchant who seems to have contact[s] there]
Wayberry [Good - Overlord Romack's forces]
- Other mines that may
still have kobolds holed up in them [no contact]
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