Uk’walir knights were the elite force from all the orc clans in the lands, a great honour - the greatest - to be invited and join the small group. All genders were welcome, the deciding factor was the honour of the individual
A great war between orc and elf - once allies. The elves were expanding over the mountains from the East. The knights betrayed the orc clans to the elves whom were besieging the citadel
Kantif dodges then also uses a bag full of ball bearings to slow down the enemy as Graxusas uses his spells and Doc tries to read as the skeletons hack at him.
The Uk’walir knights opened a secret way in into the citadel allowing an elite force of elves to enter. The elves took the main gate losing many, but were able to open the gates letting the vast forces of the elves and allies - dark shades -into the citadel
Polymorphing into a bonedevil, Graxusas is able to resist some of the attacks. Section by section,
Doc reads off the story, taking blows and trying to parry. Doc uses his paladin spell Bane to try and limit their attacks. Finally, after a number of rounds of combat, the final section is read:
The pact had been to allow all the non combatants to leave alive, but the elves broke the pact, killing and pillaging the clans. Including children and elderly, none were safe. The dark shades were a demonic force under the elves control or a demonic pact.. we are the Fallen Uk’walir knights. Our deeds are our ruin.
At that moment, the final section of script fades away, and the skeletons disappear and reappear on the tombs laying down once again. It seems though the engravings of their history did not, the bones are bare. A critical hit on Doc disabled his left arm. the wound opened to bone, fortunately the flaming blade cauterized it somewhat.
The trio breathe heavily, Doc heavily wounded heals himself with the divine energy of the Raven Queen. Doc thinks perhaps of a ceremony of some type is performed the knights may be able to join them to re-forge their honour.
Obaz and GrandMa Holliday think that with 2 weeks of healing he could recover. The witch doctor thinks though a magical salve could be created to speed up the healing. The Fellowship look through the long list of various monster ingredients they have harvested. Obaz and Grandma are able to create the salve the primary ingredient being rat ogre bone marrow (DM: Blog post), which they recall did regenerate, RedWater leaves (DM: Blog post) sharp grass from the Black Wine monastery (DM: Blog post).
Using the salve, heals and regenerates the wound. Doc's arm is still sore but usable.
Doc takes an entourage back to the room of the Uk’walir knights and performs a ceremony to allow them to rest after one final task. Defend the Holliday Stronghold. After a long and strenuous ceremony, it is complete, and the five remaining knights stand at Doc Holliday's command. A powerful force. (DM: inspiration to Doc for this move)
Kantif during this time speaks to the refugees and folks of his father the infamous assassin - Fargin - giving a description of the elf. None have seen elves for some time - since the Great Deliverance (DM: Blog Post). Both the son and father have one similar feature blue eyes with flecks of gold. Tollyn, the young apprentice engineer recalls seeing a man - human of this description in Wayberry 6 months back a small temple to the Elvish god near the Duke's palace.Graxusas checks in on the bug creature in the library of the flying keep. A little house had been built, chunks of paper used to repair it. Graxusas acquires and makes actual miniature items so the creature does not use torn pages from the books.
The three now refreshed from a long rest, prepare once again to enter the Makra tomb as there was still one section unexplored.
Behind locked and trapped door, with no mishap they find some treasures:
Sandin’s Portable tool table
A rectangular box, (1’ x 2’ x 6”) made of fine wood, weighing 10lbs.
Upon the command word, quickly transforms into a finely crafted table 4’ x 6’ (table height based on user) useful for a variety of crafting skills and tasks.
In drawers below table are all the basic tools and very basic ingredients and supplies to assist with the work required. Using same command word will transform table back into box.
Upon attunement, becomes a tool table for the crafting professions:
• Tinkering table (covers jeweler or fine craftwork metal smithy)
• Alchemy table (covers poison, medicine or herbalism)
• Cooking table
• Artist table (covers forgery and writer)
• Woodworker table
• Weaver table (covers Leatherworker)
• Blacksmith table (covers weapon and armour)
The table can only be used by the attuned person. If the attuned person wishes to switch table type (i.e. from tinker to cooking), the table will be dormant for 3 days as it magically creates the tools and ingredients. Once another attunes the table type cannot be activated for a full day and changed for 1 week.
For a user with the background profession, gives advantage on making basic/simple changes and repairs. Once per day, can give advantage on complex/difficult creations or changes. If user already has advantage, gets +4 to rolls.
Note: the basic supplies and ingredients do not allow creation of anything worth greater than 1GP. Does not supply the primary ingredients for creation (i.e. does not supply a shield for enhancing or a pair of boots, or ring, or all the ingredients for a full meal, etc.)
Nightmare’s Spurs
These coal black metal spurs have a wide metal shank razor sharp.
Once attuned and equipped, the wearer can summon a nightmare whom may dutifully serve. If given a treat of crushed platinum, rolled oats and apple, the nightmare will serve automatically.
No treat and a DC13 wisdom check be required to force the bond on the nightmare, as they despised forced servitude, if the check fails, then the nightmare appears, neighs, rears up and in a choking flash-of smoke and brimstone disappears..
A rider summons their mount by tapping the spurs together or passing them through blood of a sentient creature, the nightmare will appear from another plane, in a flash of fire and smoke.
Can be used once every 24 hours.
Duration: Nighttime, will last until Dawn| Daytime, will last 1d4 hours plus wisdom bonus
As the trio make it back to the Hall of Heroes, they look out the large main doors, seeing a bright sunny day. Taking a deep breath, all step forward and then they hear the dreaded sound.
A horn blast! It comes from an outlying watchtower
Graxusas sends up his owl, does not see anything, except Gothi riding Jawbone along the road path towards the stronghold.
Doc musters the troops - pulling along Graxusas, Kantif races down to the bridge.
Kantif is at the bridge when the ranger pulls up on her mount, Avalanche both ragged and exhausted. "They are 3-4 hours away. The scrabbling, screaming demonic horde flying and running towards here!"
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