Saturday, 29 May 2021

Future Whispers and Shadow Tentacles

30th of Coldeven
 Corrin looks into the swirling snow, “Should we go looking for Poet? We may need her help in battles to come. It also dangerous for her to be left alone.”

As the party stand there and discuss options, Poet appears out of the swirling mist and snow. "I was up near the statue or idol to the North.. it has a glimmer of magicks to it, although I don't recognize the god.. " 

Turning to Corrin, the woman shrugs, "do what you need to do to survive, I know not these 2 explorers and what they were doing down here. As you all say, it matters little, their spirits are long gone now.." The bard stands near the bridge waiting to move onwards.

Corrin says to Poet. “I apologize for upsetting you. I grew up on the streets as a child. I had to take whatever I could get my hands on in order to survive, even if it meant taking from the deceased. I assumed that these bodies could have something useful on them to help aid us in our missions. I do not believe in a deity but I’ll pay my respects to these men when I’m done.”

Poet nods, "my apologies this place is getting to me. I.." she pauses and frowns, "I am tired of this war amongst the kobolds, I think I may go back on the road after this, playing inns and taverns." Looking down at the 2 bodies, she ponders, "I wonder where the 3rd explorer is.." Pointing to the empty bedroll. Then the ice mephit appears.

As the party binds wounds and pulls jackets and cloaks tighter due to the cold, they see a puff of icy swirl and a single glow slowly moving towards them. An Ice maphit approaches wobbly in the air. Seems to only have one arm and part of face is melted away ice. It puffs out ice and sleet again.. a cough perhaps?

Its one glowing eye looks at the party and the creature nods, holding up its one arm a sign of peace..?

"Our thanks.." Another puff and spray of sleet and ice.. "or my thanks now."

Corrin looks around, “It is no problem. Do these territorial disputes happen often? I’m surprised you’re not fighting each other all the time.”

Vencer smiles at the Ice Mephit "would you regain strength if i blasted you with ice?" Vencer asks "We need allies."

Looking between Corrin and Vencer the mephit's single eye narrows and then opens wide as if understanding the wizard's and bard's remarks.

"The Boss.. He keeps all the mephits in line.. Yes! Normally we would never ally or work with dem' 'Lava boys' or the 'Smokers'.." The mephit's mouth goes into a sneer then softens,  "but da 'Misties', well.. They're OK.. they just need to get colder like us 'Icers'.

The mephit looks to Vencer a little fearfully at first..  "Maybe.... Ah... but you need to do it beside me.. not AT me, Wizard. One hit.." the mephit makes a "zkkkkkking" sound, "I'm a goner."

Vencer casts Frost Finger and intentionally misses the Mephit. The cone of cold and frost pours out of the outstretched fingers of the wizard. Zimblaa the ice mephit at 1st hesitates and then flies into the cold spray. As the adventurers watch, parts of the mephit's body grow back partially, his visage is no quite so melted away, while his chest and missing arm partially heal. The mephit's eye does not heal but the small creature cracks a smile and dives around through the air. "Ahh my thanks, human wizard! I have not felt so good for sometime.." He looks down at the missing arm with a sigh.. "Ahh seems somethings don't grow back, but I thank you! If I can help you I will against the... the Boss." He finishes with a whisper and look towards the area across the bridge.

At the silence.. Zimblaa looks about at the group all moving his arm around that ends just at the elbow "I say, you are an interesting lot.." The ice mephit's single eye ranging across all of the party. "Why exactly are you all down here? You allies with the rock lord.. but he is quite the loner.. Hah! Doesn't like the scaly runts, saw him tossing yer kin over a cliff!" with a motion to Skrit,  "or biggies like the rest of ye.."

“We are allies with him, we’re looking for his brother. We’d appreciate some help freeing him, that way we can deal with your boss.” Corrin says

Skrit shrugs a bit, keeping a level and calm gaze, even managing a bit of a smile, "All the more reason to show him that I am unlike...most of my kin"

Zimblaa looks down at Skrit curiously. "Indeed, you are different from the other scallies.. very interesting." the mephit then turns to Corrin. Zimblaa shudders and a shower of sleet and frost comes off him at Corrin's mention of giant and Boss. "The Boss uses the shady thing to keep the giant workin'.. wants that gate built!" The mephit shakes his still partially melted head. "He is crazy now.. all he thinks about is opening the gate to his.. home." the mephit shudders at the last word.

The party realize Zimblaa is the same name the smoke mephit used..

“The shady thing? What would that be?”, Corrin asks.

"Yes we are allied with the stone giant. And a Mephit with a similar name to you good sir." Vencer says

Zimblaa looks between Corrin and Vencer..

"Allied with giant.. curious and curiouser.." The mephit's single eye turns to the wizard, "Ye know Zimbla do ye? How is the old Smoker?"

Then realizing what Corrin asked he balls up into what looks like a malformed ball of ice and snow and falls to the ground with a whimper, "the shady thing eats us.. it took Zimblaaa last.. sucking the  steamer into the shadowy horror.. stay away from it! Only the Boss can control it!" The ball of ice and snow shakes, a puddle forming.. as the party realizes Zimblaa is crying..?

DM: Party roll insight or intelligence checks that wish too. Corrin rolled an 8 | Vencer got a 14

Corrin, still suffers from the effects of the rotgrubs does not notice, Whereas Vencer notices Zimblaa says each of the names slightly different.. drawing out the 'a' longer in some cases.

"Forgive my lack of knowledge of your customs. Are all Mephits a variation of Zimblaa or Zimblaaa?" Vencer asks and wraps a piece of cloth around a fresh burn

After a minute the puddle stops getting bigger. An eye appears in the snow-ice ball. Muffled voice, "Ahh certainly not! There is only one Zimblaa in all Icers. There is only one Zimbla and there is.. or was.. only one Zimblaaa. He's gone now.. probably not home.." With a sniffle the mephit snowball rocks a little. "Zimblaaaa was killed by the Stone Lord first. The Lavaboy cracked under the giant's boot!"

Pyra looks at the icy ball, "I wonder why and how all these mephits got here and where from?"

The party continues to search the area, Corrin continuing to use a torch to remove the ice from the two bodies - a dwarf and human. While Vencer investigates the dwarven idol/statue in the North area of the chamber. A dwarf in fine robes, with a broken stone staff. Vencer takes the broken staff - perhaps the

stone giant smith can fix.

The party persuades Zimblaa to try and ally Smokers and other Icers mephits to join in the battle against "the Boss". They will join the adventurers after they start their attack.

Further searching reveals: 

  • Glistening orange feather quill. Cannot dull and can be used to write any spells -very useful to a wizard - from a Scintillating parrot. Which originates from the same area as the Scarlet Brotherhood - jungles to the southeast. Which brings a pause and looks back and forth amongst the party. Vencer looks for any information or tattoos and finds 2 large "XX" on his inner wrist. After some history checks, they realize this is a pirate guild that ranges off the Wild Coast near the city of Fax.
  • Dragonborn scale pale green female 60 years old - in a pocket worn down as if someone rubs it possibly a good luck charm
  • Silver edged dirk (large dagger) seems to be able to hold a single spell for 24 hours. Vencer ponders on what spell could be cast on this
  • Well made white leather armour

Vencer confronts Corrin and asks him to shrink down to a dwarf and wear the fine white armour.
Corrin, pauses, and then advises his shapechange is like the disguise spell. 
Pyra seems to not believe, Corrin, while Vencer is unsure. [DM: Party trust takes a hit.] Those that had seen Corrin change form - his face and hands -  due to the rot grub attacks seem unsure..

The party finishes a short rest. The party investigates the trail of blood that leads to the frozen river. Looks to be a dark skinned elf. A drow. Irakul pulls the body out of the while one hand gloved and holding a black walking cane.

  • has a wide brimmed hat on, with an emblem of the Guild of Arcane Lore on side
  • Aqua blue fingerless glove. Arcane focus - that will provide all nonmagical non expensive spell components (anything under 10gP) for 1st-5th level spells. Can be used by any arcane type caster (bard, wizard, sorcerer etc.)
  • Sword cane made of black ironwood. Silver dragon's head. (equal to a shortsword for battle)
Heading further down the passage the passage warms up fortunately, the party starts to defrost. The passage no longer is covered in lava, mud or ice. Pyra is ahead flitting from shadow to shadow, keeping an eye out for traps as well as listening.. nothing. There is no longer the mining cart rail going along here as well. The Tiefling comes to a set of double doors, one hanging off its hinge. The other slightly ajar. 

The room is nothing like what they have explored so far. This must be - or was - part of the older dwarven/gnomish complex. The walls are finely chiseled and worked red stone of some type, while the

floor has an inlay black fine granite on white shiny flagstones creating a complex pattern. Arches along both sides with torch scones on each reach up into the dark. 
A heraldry in green and blue of a miner's pick and a craftsman's goggles is spaced along both walls. Arches lead to an upper balcony, that leads off into the dark.
It seems the mephits have not defiled, destroyed or changed this large hall..
The party hear a humming.. A child's hum, a lullaby..? They cannot quite make it out. From ahead in the darkness..

As the party crosses the room they here a girl’s voice from the dark..
“Hello… are you real..? Or the naggers back again..", a sigh "The flying pests.. they torment me..” It seems as if she is talking to herself.. A sigh again then a giggle if no response.

Pyra stealthily moves into further and then starts talking to the.. girl?

Vencer uses message spell to keep in touch with Pyra.
The girl's voice again.. “Aaa.. You.... You are seekers.. Fortune is your bread..  Danger.. Is your wine.. HEROES one and all.” Then a girl’s giggle..

“Would you like a fortune? Yes you want fortune, power .. Treasure.. Would you like.. Your fortune told to you..?” A pause, “Your future.. only a little price for that.. Only a small price.. A single memory shared.. A secret memory.. A special memory.. And you learn your fortune.. Tell me, who..“ A giggle again, “Who wishes to learn of their future…?”

The voice comes from the dark. The party tries dropping pebbles with a light spell into the large hole but it winks out.

The party moves up and they start a long conversation with the 'girl'. Corrin decides to name her Adrin. Which.. Adrin readily agree

The party decides one at a time to agree to the terms of the exchange. A special memory for a fortune told.

Vencer agrees then regrets right away. 
The memory.. A party before his graduation. Vencer's love - betrothed to another. A scuffle and Vencer killed him.- the wizard's friends taking away the body. Never found..
The party can hear the little girl croons in pleasure at this as if a thirsty person drinking a refreshing glass of water.. for a moment there is a glow in the dark in the hole, then a finely detailed card flits out of the darkness and floats right in front of the wizard.
The Fortune -- The Gambler
The card depicts a lanky old woman in a cave. The card has a small bloodstain. The back is pale brown with willow trees and a constellation designed with interlocking shapes.
"You will meet this woman in the cave. Do not do what she asks.. she is the Gambler and she will gamble with your life."

Pyra agrees.
The memory.. when she was 4 years old. Stealing bread from a chef, a guild member of the thieves guild in Wayberry. She had been with them ever since.. but no longer. 
A card flips up to be caught by the rogue.
The Fortune -- The Masked Wizard
The card depicts Gothi with a gloomy girl behind her - stalking her. It is bordered by embers. It has gilding on the picture. The back is green-brown with a mouth and a pair of eyes 

Skrit agrees
The memory.. Skrit wandering through a blizzard and finding a library dedicated to Istus and his exploration and investigation of the abandoned archive.
A sigh from down below as if in contentment and then a card flips up into Skrit's hand.
The Fortune -- The Juggler of Death
The card depicts a Cedric with a jagged scar standing in front of a Large burning tree. It is bordered by shadows. It is creased along the width. The back is olive with a castle and a chariot involving repeating design. 

Irakul agrees.
The memory.. Irakul describes early in his life when he left his tribe to seek out work, was deceived by a wizard or sorcerer into being forced to kill his own family. 
The Goliath reaches out as the card flips out of the dark.
The Fortune -- The Hanged Beggars
The card depicts 3 youths in nooses, wearing Black Rune armour with Irakul as executioner. It feels warm to the touch. The back is dark blue-violet with an open hand.

Corrin agrees.
The memory.. tried to sneak into a bard's house and steal some of his possessions except he caught me, The bard, Richardson Ashfield then good fortune or bad taught Corrin how to a bard.
Corrin catches the card deftly.
The Fortune -- The Nightmares
The card depicts a nightmare (burning horse from Hell) with many scars in an abandoned ruins. It has a beautiful silver gilded border. It is square-shaped. The back is dark green . Slight smell of brimstone.

Vencer casts detect magic (ritual) on the the area where Adrin speaks to the adventurers, a variety of magicks pulse in the area.. no set one more powerful than another. cards, they are all enchantment magic.

The party decides to move on.. as the humming begins again and child's lullaby. "Have fun.. but not too

much fun. heehee.. heeeheeeeheee." then more humming and another giggle. Then, "Don't die before your fortune comes true.." another giggle.

Vencer, a troubled look on his face, "and why is that?" 

The humming stops and another giggle. "You will join me if you die before your fortune comes true.." Then the giggling again, and then the humming of the child's lullaby continues.

At that troubling news, the party presses on. They come to a T intersection where the mining cart track heads into a passage no larger than the small carts.
Taking the larger passage it starts to ramp down as the lava and mud start to once again coat the walls, floors and ceiling,
Skrit, Corrin and Vencer feel a pressure on their minds. There is something.. ahead that is emanating an energy or something.. wrong.. opposite of what it should be. Irakul and Pyra don't seem to understand and are not affected it seems (DM: form of sanity check, where you don't want to understand)

The passage opens up into a large room, now the walls fully covered in lava and mud. A groan from a

large creature ahead in the darkness and shadows.

Irakul and Pyra move into the dark and shadowy room. and then a voice in the dark.. "You have arrived.." a gravelly guttural voice from the dark.

There is a giant about 12' tall covered in tattoos looks to be in a pit a pick in one hand, at 3 locations there are these black tentacles - shadowy - wrapped around his body. He is gaunt and looks to have gone without food or water for many days. He is the creature groaning. He looks to be working on something below him.

Vencer and Corrin cast mirror image. Skrit gets a bless spell off.

Battle rages with groups of mud and lava mephits. The shadowy tentacles start to lash out at the party members, catching Corrin, and another wrapping up Avalanche.

The party hear battles going on further in the chamber, Zimblaa has brought friends and in engaging the mephits on the far side.

Then the Boss appears. A massive mephit darkness and shadow and inky blackness - any that look at

him just feel.. wrong. The Boss holds a lantern of silver and ebony. Inside is a black candle. Looking through the glass one can see swirling shadows and forms. The bottom of the lantern has shadowy tentacles dangling from it that move similar to the large tentacles attacking the giant and the party.

Skrit calls upon the power of Istus to do damage to mephits and heal party members, his bless spell being very helpful in key moments. Poet sings and the inspiration is helpful to each of the party.

The crafty Boss hides in shadow as Vencer uses his wizardry to teleport out of the tentacles range and then hits the shadowy form with his shadow blade -
does not seem to take psychic damage unfortunately, but DOES affect the Boss.. The stealthy attacks of Pyra cut down a tentacle with Avalanche, but the Boss shoots forth a new one the next moment.
Corrin casts reduce on the giant which gives the tired and gaunt figure a moment to break free from the shadowy tentacles. He now grapples with one.
Avalanche falls under the attack of the Boss as it breathes a cloud of black negative energy. Prya cries out in grief and anger!
The blade of Irakul cuts into a mephit cutting the dripping lava creature in half and it explodes doing damage to them all.
The party are back on their heels, injured and most spells and powers used. The mephits are reeling under the attacks of the heroes.. whom will win? 

Next week..

Saturday, 15 May 2021

The Icers, Lava Boys and 'Nat 1s

 30th of Coldeven

Our heroes had just avoided an untimely death of Corrin by these rotgrub leeches. Fast work by Skrit and Vencer had saved the bard, but burned him badly in the process.

“Oof. I’m feeling pretty woozy after all that. Thanks for your help for the most part. I think I may need to take a short rest after all that.” Corrin says as he holds his head, swaying on his feet.. his words slightly slurred..

A medicine check by Skrit  tells more of the affect of the secretion from the leeches, it seems they are attracted to blood, burrowing into a hosts body right to the heart. Corrin seems to be exhausted and tired. It seems as well, during this ordeal his changeling face reverted in colour - gray - to his base creature and the party members could see this.

Corrin tries to deceive the party, Vencer knows he is lying though. No one else seems to make mention. Skrit is able to create a salve from the excretions and his medical supply kit that helps Corrin somewhat.

Skrit advises the party that kobolds are cunning and use creatures like this, stinging insects, and other
types as a trap or weapon against enemies. Irakul finds some clay pots and the party working together - Vencer's mage hand cantrip being key are able to secure some of the rotgrubs in 2 sealed clay pots. Each one has a thick string attached - ready-made missile weapons.

In the mean time, Pyra is engaging with her new pet ghol and decides to name her Avalanche.

Leaving the sealed barrel alone - a symbol of many legged creatures on it - the party moves on across the bridge. "Centipedes..? Millipedes?" Pondered.. the adventurers decided to leave this barrel, after their experience with the rotgrubs.

(DM: Corrin goes up a level while the party rested)

Carefully moving forward, alert for any dangers as the mephits are very cunning and can hide easily as smoke, lava or a patch of mud.
The party moved onwards across the bridge over the river of lava, Pyra's good perception skills (with the help of Avalanche) allow her to find the weak points in the stone bridge. 

Safely to the other side without mishap, they once again feel a cool breeze from down below. Perhaps there is another exit to the mines there?

Pyra hears voices and screams echoing up as if a group of these mephits (?) seem to be shouting at each other from the slowly ramping passage.

The party finds some rooms, as well as broken and cast aside mining carts for the track. Searching the area, they find little until Vencer, Irakul and Pyra detect something along the one wall. The stone there is not quite right. A secret door.

Pyra investigates and is able to figure out how to open but needs some assistance and Irakul moves up to push the sliding rock. Irakul summons his echo on the other side and then swaps places with the echo. And is in the room. A moment later, a wisp of smoke appears behind the warrior and indignantly orders Irakul out of the room. "This is my private chamber. This is unacceptable! These are my belongings. You must leave!" 

Irakul, with a grin replies, "Why was there not a sign? The door was left unlocked? There was nothing stopping us coming in.

Pyra the rogue chimes in as she walks in, "yea.. very bad security." 

Back and forth they talk. "He will be upset at you!" 

Irakul tries to deceive the mephit, but the smoky creature seems to doubt this. Pyra and Irakul keep the mephit so confused and then corrin casts suggestion on the mephit and as it succumbs to the spell, Corrin is able to get the mephit to divulge many secrets. of the path ahead. They learn more of the stone giant prisoner. "The Boss" is getting the stone giant to build the gate. To the mephit's home plane, but this part is not the regular elements. 

It seems the Boss is able to make the mephits able to work together - normally they are quite combative against other types.

They learn the mephit is called Zimblaa. 

Vencer realizes he thinks that mephits if destroyed in this plane depends on if they were summoned or through a gate will decide if they can return once they are destroyed.. The mephits were summoned by the Boss, through multiple gates..?

Vencer puts the thoughts of revolution in the smoke mephit's mind.. while this goes on, some treasure is found in the broken chest as well as a table with papers, a book - all covered in dust.

Incense, a 3 pronged miniature trident, and a glass globe 1/2 filled with sand and water. Seems to be Divination magic. A tome is found that at 1st Irakul keeps but after prodding by Corrin may allow him to read it. [Book: To Cheat A Devil: The autobiography of a man who tricked dozens of minor devils, and even a few archdevils into doing his nefarious bidding.]

It seems a scroll is covered in cold magma.. so the party tries to  come up with ways to recover the scroll with 2 spells.


Web Orb

1st level evocation  (wizard)

Components: V, S 

Casting Time: 1 action 

Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute 

Range: 50 ft.

Area of Effect: 1 creature Saving Throw: Dex / negates effect

You project a small, gray glob of fluid from your hand at a creature you can see. The creature is struck by the glob unless it makes a successful Dexterity saving throw.

When it hits its target, the glob expands into a small net of stick}* webbing as strong as fine steel wire. A Large or smaller creatine struck by the net is restrained. A restrained creature can use its action to make a Strength check against your spell save DC; if the Strength check succeeds, the webs burst and the spell ends.

A thin line of webbing trails from the net to your hand. As an action, you can make an opposed Strength contest against the restrained creature. If you win the contest, you pull the creature 10 feet closer to you; otherwise, it remains where it is. In either case, the creature remains restrained.

Sacred Champion

5ih-level transmutation Cleric, Paladin

Components: V, S

Casting Time: 1 action

Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes

Range: Touch

Area of Effect: 1 creature

Saving Throw: None

For the duration of the spell, one creature you touch has tactical advantage when it makes an attack roll against a fiend, and fiends suffer tactical disadvantage when they make attack rolls against the sacred champion.


The mephit continues to discuss, looking at the smaller passage. The one tunnel leads down to the level of the lava river. But there is only one way down, the ice cavern and then darkness and then into the main chamber where the gate is being built.

Wishing the party "Elemental god speed in destruction of the "Boss", Zimblaa realizes what it said his eyes get really big and he flies out of the room racing toward the North end of the bridge. 

Heading down the long ramp, the party hears more shouts and screeches from ahead and then a blue faint glow ahead.

The party sees into a mist, snow sleet filled room. in swirling eddies. The party can only see about 15 feet in any direction.

The party can hear ice mephits and magma mephits shouting and calling out to each other. It seems the ice mephits and the magma mephits are at odds, and it seems none seem to like the 'lava boys'.

Back and forth they yell and call out each other, while the adventurers come up with a plan to assist with one side - the ice mephits. All in the party are feeling the effects of the unnatural cold except Irakul and Skrit to their respective heritages.

The party stealths up to try and meet one of the ice mephits.

An ice mephit flies by trying to avoid the magma mephits, while Irakul and Corrin try to persuade it, a magma mephit appears and asks why to help the "Icers". Undeterred, both Corrin and Irakul side with the Icers, so the Lava Boy breathes burning magma on the two.


The battle rages back and forth, the breath weapons of the lava boys as well as when the mephits die the explode whittle down the hit points of the party. And then the lava ooze appeared...

A flowing live blob of burning lava it struck out at Vencer and Pyra at first and the lava ooze has the initiative. Irakul swings the Giant hand ax - a gift from the stone giant - a massive two-handed ax for Irakul.

[DM: the party have never rolled this many natural 1s - some bad fumbles!]

The guiding bolt of Skrit, The Handax of Irakul, the buffing spells and bardic inspiration of Corrin, the orbs of electricity from Vencer's wand and Pyra's sneak attacks finally bring the magma ooze down, Irakul's ax getting the killing blow - but the blast of magma hit all and many in the party are covered in burning wounds and magma.

Pyra  a near perfect shot kills to finish off the last magma mephit engaged with Poet.

A final magma mephit flees , possibly hit by a bolt by Pyra. The magma mephits are defeated. It seems only one ice mephit is left there alive now..?

The party finds an encampment where there is a human and dwarf - no fully frozen. Skrit determines that this was formerly a dwarvish/gnomish temple. It was probably much different room before the mephits came here. It was possibly more shaped and chiseled. The mephits probably the magma mephits changed the actual stone walls and shape of the room. 

Using a torch, Corrin starts to melt the ice and clothing of the 2 bodies while Irakul looks at the chest.

Poet is aghast as Corrin burns and tries to warm the body to acquire any possible treasure, but tries to deceive Poet that this is for a religious reason.
Vencer chimes in agreeing with Corrin but Poet still is adamant at this and walks into the swirling snow. Corrin looks for Poet and tries to cast message but is unable to locate her and she does not reply. Irakul opens the chest in the camp and acquires some additional treasures.. - a finely made bearskin fur jacket and a bag of coinage and gems, bandoleer with 3 throwing daggers, 

The party takes a breath and next time.. the Boss?

Saturday, 1 May 2021

The Chair in Darkness

The camera switches.. to the RedWater Fellowship.

Gothi Looks for evidence of the Foreclaimers and with assistance from Lukann, is able to research that there may be evidence in the large lake at the mountain pass to Enstad. The massive dragon.. in the frozen lake.

Kantif looks to find out information on the Raven Queen and also some extra training, hoping to see if Doc Holliday can train the monkish rogue with a musket. While talking to a number of refugees, he comes across a young human male - Angelo D'Carn (3rd level wizard). The young wizard is a member of the Guild of Arcane Lore - which had persecuted Lukann. 

 Kantif devises the idea to train the young wizard, with Lukann. Giving a false name for Lukann - "Nakul". Thinking this a way to put his differences aside. Lukann, though was offended when the suggestion was for the wizard to disguise himself. 

"I.. Lukann, a high wizard whom studied under Leomund?! I will not lie and beg and stoop. to some.. some initiate. I can snap my fingers and he will be dead! I will NOT do deception." Turning on his heel the wizard storms out of the Flying Tower control room.

Cedric trains a unit of light infantry. 14 refugees sign up - 7 humans and 7 dwarves. - minimal equipment. hide, padding or piecemeal. Some of the dwarves seem to have heavy armour experience. A veteran Sergeant - from the Green. Duchy of Ulek Army. Sergeant Sandrina  - will lead the unit under Cedric.

Doc Holliday starts work on an advanced musket - BadNews - using a variety of ingredients to enhance(?) the weapon:

  • Ground up Demon horn and Yeti horn
  • Melted down drown elvish chainmail (+3)
  • Mithril bars
At one point during the work to melt down the metals to an alloy to start the creation, Doc realized it was pulsing with a strange energy, but was able to use his skill and expertise as a gun-smithy and tools to complete forging the bar of metal which had a spiral swirl of dark adamantite (from the chainmail) and light (mithril) which he thinks will create quite an unique pattern along the barrel. 

We return to the 2nd crew deep in the Drekarr Mines.

With a wisp and pop of hot air, the final elemental - a "mephit" Vencer had advised - is now a small puddle of melting rock on the ground.

The party feels a warm breeze then strangely cool wafts of air as they stand in what appears to be a set of rooms - perhaps guardroom or central worker areas. an area where there once was a wall looks out

over the river of lava a few hundred feet below.. A variety of smashed and broken chairs, tables and small beds are littered in some areas, burnt and blasted as well as some covered in mud.. assumedly the mephits have been active in this area..

Vencer thinks back, he recalls a lesson or study going on for smaller form intelligent elementals - well possibly intelligent. Then recalls his teacher was a dwarf whom spent most of the lectures reading from dry/boring tomes. While Vencer spent more time teleporting an orange from his desk to his friend's Laria and back again.

What he does recall.. Mephits are small elementals a combination of various elements 

Mud - which splattered Corrin: earth and water

Magma - fire and earth


Other than that they can be annoying and persistent.. That is all the wizard recalls.

Corrin recalls a late winter night in Greyhawk. He had taken up with a group of other Urchins. They called themselves the Nights of Greyhawk. (not realizing at time how to spell Knight). The Nights were hired by an dwarf to follow a human named Spydarr. Seemingly a mage.

At one point during this Spydarr in a graveyard attached to an abandoned temple summons a group of similar creatures.

They did not have the same accent ALSO the 3 were different types which immediately attacked each other until Spydarr waved a glowing hand to entrap all 3 in glowing chains. It seems different elementals NORMALLY do not work together (as these are the adventurers fought)

Spydarr then blasted 2 of the 3 elementals with bolts of energy and they exploded.. Killing the 3rd.

You hightailed it out of there then..

Sidenote: the job to follow Spydarr ended when he boarded a ship leaving for Fax in the WildCoast.

Vencer sifts through the furniture and lumber, Corrin follows suit.. commenting,

“I wonder what these Elementals could have been using this room for. Do they use like how we use them?”

Corrin pokes around a little but finds little so far. The piles of debris are primarily broken timbers, some loose bricks, rocks, and some broken furniture (stools and small table). A dented metal mug with a broken handle was the greatest find..

Pyra hears a rattle of chains and carefully - after nearly falling over - see a cage at the bottom of a long chain. Using his roguish skills of acrobatics, is able to climb down and sees a furry creature which seems to be part armadillo and a badger with plated armour and fur. Looks very hurt blasted with lava, steam, smoke and mud by the mephits. Good part of the small creature's fur and plates are gone.

Pyra easily is able to release the creature - a ghol from a nature check by Skrit - is a pet of the grey

dwarfs whom live in the underdark. It has 6 legs that end in long claws that are good for digging.  

A globe of darkness 5 feet in size holds a strange chair a throne. As soon as Corrin sits, he realizes he has been transported somewhere or some.. when? A vast chamber with 2 thrones. 2 sets of doors, 1 to left and 1 to right. The left side were locked the right.. open with a  gentle touch and the sounds of a massive, smithy, armoury furnaces and more. the shapeshifter looks out over a vast room where a multitude of dwarves work on a variety of metalwork.

Corrin is pulled out of the dream/vision/view by Vencer as the wizard pulled the bard from the chair. Still in darkness. Perhaps it teleports.. or is a vision of another time..?

Corrin goes in again, and tries to interact with a dwarf smith but the bard's hand passes right through the dwarf's shoulder.. exploring more he is still unsure of where or when he is.. and returns again as Vencer pulls the bard out of the chair.

Pyra agrees to go and is able to unlock and remove a trap on the other set of doors. Once unlocked they open with a touch - dwarven workmanship it seems is excellent.

The area seems to be sleeping chambers for royalty nothing can be moved or removed.. Then the rogue is brought out by Vencer.

While this goes on, Skrit starts a ritual to cast identify on a buckler they found.

Battle Lords Buckler shield. +1 shield.

  • Battle Insight 1st  level ability: +1d6 to initiative rolls
  • Battle Master - 2nd level (3 times per day) use can use a bonus action to give the 1d6 initiative to another comrade

As the party deliberates on what to do with the chair a shadowy mist appears with 2 glowing eyes.. and one of the mephits.

"Why are you taking my chair..? That is very rude." The mephit exclaims [in an English accent].
Vencer replies "I will take your life as well." as the wizard wipes his wet face.
That is even more rude! I don't believe it.." and combat was started.

Additional mephits fly up and engage the party. One attacks Pyra, and the ghol attacks it ferociously with four claw attacks. With Pyra's sneak attack they make short work of the creature.

After the battle, the heroes decide to take a long rest, retreating back up the stairs to the small way station. 
The next day now the 30th of Coldeven, the party more resolute and head back down to find the your stone giant.

Once again at the bridge over the river of lava over 100 feet below, they decide to explore the steps up to the left where one of the mephits - mud - had retreated into darkness. A room is explored where a smashed chest holds some treasure. Vials that seem to have a minor regeneration capability.
Then on the opposite corner sat 2 barrels one 1/2 full of water(?) and the other sealed. Corrin decides to check if it is water by dipping his hand into it and immediately feels biting pain as 2 somethings start to burrow into his flesh!
As the bar tries to pull one of the pale green and tan leeches or slugs or.. whatever they are, the other continues to burrow up his arm. In great pain, Vencer decides to use his wand of orbs - blasting Corrin in doing the damage to the creature - even as Corrin tries to dodge while trying to wind a rope around his arm... Then Skrit is able to light a torch. burning Corrin near to death but able to FINALLY kill the
Skrit is able to do some surgery and remove both creatures from Corrin, keeping him alive, but realizing that Corrin is either poisoned or diseased by the creatures.
The heroes then hear something swirling around in the barrel.. and realize there are more of the leeches...