The Fellowship's tower set down in the rocky mount above the Holliday tribal camp. The party takes stock of the tower, looking for damage as well as resting themselves.
Kantif looks troubled. “Hmm. We just killed multiple Greyskulls, that’ll cause problems
for our alliance. Not to mention also weaken our possible army.
Hopefully they can revive their fallen allies.”
The flying tower had taken a fair amount of damage, the boulders form the Black Rune giants, and even a catapult had impacted heavily. As well, the dual fireballs as well as time had taken a toll.
Doc Holliday advises the party, " I feel a calling to go into the Macgrah chambers, I'll head in there alone. If Darling comes back I'm in trouble. Before I head in we should speak to Grandmother and ask if she has anything to help us." Sigmund looks at Graxxuzaz and nods. Grax tells the party that after studying the wizards spellbook he can now cast identify and find familiar but he needs incense and a pearl before he can use these spells.
“Do you know how to get to your mother, Doc? Is it far? We can’t afford to fly near the Blackrunes again with how much damage the castle’s taken.”Kantif says, concerned
Doc visits his grandmother, seeking wisdom as well as a pearl for Graxus to cast one of his new spells he had been able to research - identify.

While Doc enters the MacGrah Chambers - tomb of the ancients - looking for guidance as well as the armour of his family, Graxus starts casting multiple spells to determine what a number of items are that the Fellowship had acquired over the past weeks and all.
Graxus summons a new familiar - an owl.
Gothi also heads up into the wild, following a deer or animal path to discover a mountain lion. One of the magic items Gothi chooses allows her to raise a skeletal monster as a servant for a period of time.
Kantiff, heads up into the wilds North of the camp, and finds a waterfall where he meditates and delves deep into the way of the shadow monk to become an assassin like his father. When the monk rogue returns, he seems to have new skills as well.
Meanwhile, Doc Holliday delves further into the MacGrah Chambers, with little gear and his raven, Darling. The ancient warriors and leaders of the once great empire of the orcs look down upon the warrior with Doc sees a lone boatman in one of flowing rivers bisecting the land. Near the skeletal figure sits his grandfather. The scene changes and Doc sees his father is in a cell laying on the ground not moving. A taloned claw reaches for his head and the father wakes up with a groan..

Shadows take the area and then Doc realizes he is in the Shadowfell. He climbs a vast tower and looks down upon the lands, with rivers of red.

Waking up once again, he sees his raven familiar - Darling now has a white stripe. He searched for the armour of his father and ancestors, but was unable to find it. A script on the floor half rubbed away leads him to believe there is a third passage down in the tombs. Perhaps the whole party could delve it.

rotten falls through into what looks to be a cellar. Not really hurt until a massive snake appears out of nowhere.. The Redwater Fellowship engages in battle. Graxus uses a new spell polymorph other - he turns the giant snake into a chicken! Yelling down to the party to toss the newly formed chicken. They do and he misses catching it! Everyone misses catching and the chicken dies and transforms BACK into a very angry snake. [DM: Battle continues after much laughing]
Graxus - whom had been tossing a coin most of the day - whenever it came up tails, something bad happened. When heads, it was positive. Lady Luck was having a time with the group. Finally defeating the giant snake, it disappears in a puff of greyish black mist. A passage leads off into the dark probably going into the cliff face.
Finding some dwarven merchant crates among the various other items in the cellar. One has a trapped box inside which has a black caustic mist engulfs the party.
What next for the stalwart heroes?
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