“Be very careful in here. I’m not good with magic traps so we have to be extra careful. But we may be able to find some nice magic items or spell books for Graxus or for Lukaan.” Kantif says.
A number of chests and crates are investigated and treasure gained.
The party investigates crates as well as further down a worked stone passage. Alert party members notice strange inconsistencies and it seems the walls may not be there. After some exploration, the party realizes the passage has no walls into a cavern - an illusion, where Gothi nearly stepped off into the dark and depths.
The party continues to explore, Graxusas using his owl familiar, then misty steps over to one area with a small pool and grassy area. Suddenly a large mass of insectoid creatures attack, slinging out
tendrils to take down the familiar and attack the sorcerer.
Using his versatile sorcerous skills, the lizardman misty steps back and then lightning bolts cracks out from his outstretched fingers to blast the creatures to a smoking ruin.

They explore the rest of the Arcanists' mill, finding some treasures but most of the main floor has been already ransacked. A large telescope is found in the tower.. how to install in the party's flying tower at some point is discussed.
Traveling on to the old picnic site, Doc Holliday reminisces on his times as a young lad in the lands.
Then the 1/2 orc talk further of his exploration in the Halls of Heroes. "One of the stories I heard when I was in the crypt was of a band of warriors known as the Bards of Hell. They wielded bows and lead the armies into battle. They would blow into these pipes that sounded like screaming people. I think replicating that for a group of scouts armed with Muskets short bows and short swords would make quite useful for guerrilla warfare. We would need basic infantry and cavalry as well. Maybe we could slip into the green ward and free some prisoners when we are leaving Waybury."
The party meets up with Nalin - that party's apprentice blacksmith and Doc's mother to a tearful reunion.The Fellowship learn that the Black Runes and Greyskull mercenaries moved into the Duress estate, and commandeered 1/2 of the mansion. The party realized they needed to Meed with Commander Bajin and make amends.
Parting ways, the Fellowship head to the Duress estate meeting BlackRunes and Greyskull mercenaries. Ushered finally in to meet with Commander Bajin and his wife the drow elf, V’larra Giss’ben.
The Commander was no happy to hear nearly 40 of his troopers were dead because of the Fellowship's attack. But they did not have too much time to discuss.. a flash of blue light will be seen outside the manor. Then a goblin will
race in and whisper in the commander's ear..
Looking at the
party.. He will shake his head and say "Be careful now m'lads."

The woman's mask
white With bright red lips in a sad face. She will look at each person
carefully, the eyes behind the mask glowing briefly as she does. Perhaps she has a
spell in concentration, thinks Graxusas.
After looking at
each both figures will stay standing and wait for a moment. And then the party hears a high pitched voice. "Where is everyone? Belial! Sargorn!"
The woman looks
at the armoured figure and then as if with a small sigh moves over to the door
and opens it wide. In will stride the Inquisitor Darakus is a hobbit - an
amusing funny little hobbit barely 3 feet tall.
He will come in to
the room last - after his 2 henchmen - seemingly a bumbling absent-minded
fellow. Smoking a pipe.
place.. A little run down in my opinion, but.. May suit our needs for the short
Now.. Where is dinner!?"
Hmm.. Now whom do we
have here.. You.. Commander. Well met. Good work holding that pass for so
long!" he says with a sarcastic wink.
The commander
grimaces at this and just nods to the hobbit. "Hail and well met
Inquisitor Darakus. All mine is yours." The dwarf rumbles.
"Ahh my
dear," he says to Commander Bajin's wife, "you are looking as beautiful as ever.
Not a day over 100 years old!" As he saunters by she fingers a wand at her
belt but moves it away the masked woman puts a hand to one of the pistols.
Nearing the large
table, the Inquisitor hops up onto a chair. "Now where.. is my flying
tower?" The hobbit asks.
The commander
huffs.. " Rmmm.. We were not able to bring it down.. We have patrols out
The hobbit meantime has taken up an apple and bit a large
chunk out of it. Screwing up his face.. "By Iuz's tail.. The fruit here is
disgusting!" He tosses it over his shoulder it is about to hit the large
armoured figure with a flash catches the fruit and crushes it in one hand.
"So you failed me again, Commander. You were unable to take the mountain
pass at Enstad.. Now this." The hobbit sighs.
Many of the perceptive party note the commander's wife slowly putting one hand on the gruff and
fuming dwarf. Visibly calming down
at her touch, With a quick glance at the party, the commander continues..
"Perhaps we should continue this in private, Inquisitor.."
The Inquisitor had
taken up a bowl of grapes and was popping one in after an other. "Mmm..mmm
these are good.. I see why they make wine here." Looking up as if for the
first time seeing the group. "Hah.. I thought these were your lieutenants..
A strange bunch.." Looking at each of the Fellowship as he continues to pop grapes
into his mouth. "Now who these fine folks..?" As he finishes saying
this, the face covered woman moves to the inquisitors side and you hear a
The Inquisitor's
eyes narrow. "Really…"
Commander Bajin
stands and starts to talk, the Inquisitor holds up a finger and looks at the
party.. "Now who are you?"
Further discussion, deception (DM: and good dice rolls!) look to appease the hobbit, whom then dismisses the heroes. The party make plans and then decide to head to Wayberry. A few hours later, it is dark and the large city appears ahead.

These are the Bards of Hell. Once an elite unit of the now fallen orc empire, that Doc Holliday mentioned. Cedric wakes in his dream near the fork in the tunnels to the tombs of the orc warlords. Cedric recalls this place in the Macgrah Chambers under the orcish camp.
They need to find the leader of these
soldiers.. then perhaps they can return to fulfill a destiny wrought in a
forgotten age..
Towering spires of the guild merchant halls stab through the smoky clouds that fill the night sky, while the stone and wooden homes of the commoners huddle together on the streets. The light of the dual full moons
Familiar smells and tastes of the city fill the night air. The alchemists’ labs spew thick fumes into the night.
I f you were to climb one of the two rival wine merchant’s - Duress or Crakin - you’d only see city. And more city beyond that. The city has become a womb of corruption, reaching out and holding you. Never yielding, but ready now to take one's wealth or life without remorse..
ugh an assortment of oddly shaped chimneys, the smoke suffused with sulfur and sea salts. The city markets, normally a cacophony of bartering voices and animal sounds, are hushed. The scents of the sweat meats, fruits, stale wine, and horse dung linger along the thoroughfares to create an atmosphere thick enough to taste.
creep their way through the mist and smog, creating small patches of illumination, some red and other patches in silvery white that amplify the shadows, making them longer and deeper than during the haze of daylight.
The "Green Ward" or many now just call the "The Green" area once was the upper class area of Wayberry. Was overrun by undead a year and 1/2 ago. Now is walled off, all bridges blocked. A canal of water with holy protections continually invoked keeps the variety of undead back, as well. Criminals from all over are brought here, and loosed into the area to try and kill off the undead. The few that have survived and returned seem to
At night, green lights can be seen on occasion throughout the city, does not look to be at the same spot. This is where the area got its name.
think this is NOT working.. prisoners are given basic weapons and sent over the main west road into the Green. With a large influx of Duchy troopers whom did not surrender, The Green is a busy place..

Familiar smells and tastes of the city fill the night air. The alchemists’ labs spew thick fumes into the night.
I f you were to climb one of the two rival wine merchant’s - Duress or Crakin - you’d only see city. And more city beyond that. The city has become a womb of corruption, reaching out and holding you. Never yielding, but ready now to take one's wealth or life without remorse..
creep their way through the mist and smog, creating small patches of illumination, some red and other patches in silvery white that amplify the shadows, making them longer and deeper than during the haze of daylight.
But even worse.. the once great city has - or had - a dark and vile secret.. no longer:

At night, green lights can be seen on occasion throughout the city, does not look to be at the same spot. This is where the area got its name.
Welcome to the city of Wayberry.