The mother (?) seemed to control them all from the stage, her giant bloated body sitting in the water of a pool. The headmaster's stretched and gaunt face was a visage of pain and grotesque agony. Under the water, humanoid bodies could be seen with small creatures swimming about them.
Taking deep breaths, they planned tactics to defeat the reptoid hive and mother and escape the
undercity of Enstad.
Three prisoners - a derro - the party realize this is Skeegin - portly lizardman and elf were being herded up to the theatre stage - further sacrifices..?
The adventurers put their plan into action. Doctor Holliday activated his figurine of wondrous power a giant dragonfly. Flying out he prepared a untried weapon - one of the BlackRune dwarf flamethrowers! With a concoction of extremely volatile oil and a ground of red fir pine cone from RedWater Falls village (DM: What are the Red Fir pinecones?) he flew out over the railing towards the far balcony. The plan to divide the enemy and attack from multiple sides. Grasping the weapon it spewed oily fire all over the hive mother. He noted though the cannon was starting to over heat very quickly! While this happened, Robin, Kantiff and Thograa fired arrows and bolts. Extrano, took a missile from his necklace of fireballs and seeing the damage Doc Holliday did with the flames through the missile. Flying unerringly the glowing bead hit the hive mother and WHUMP!, the first of quite a few fireballs did massive damage.
Cedric, using his bow of the Shadows, teleported to the far balcony and prepared for battle.
The headmaster was not to be destroyed easily. She reared up and vomited a rain of acid onto Doctor Holliday and the dragonfly.
The plan - like many plans in battle - had changed as Doctor Holliday fell to the middle of the theatre, swarmed on all sides by the reptoids. Before he fell, he threw the overheating flame-cannon and hit the hive mother squarely as it blew up dealing more damage!
The battles continued and it looked desperate a few times for the fellowship, Kantiff and Thograa down, Doctor Holiday falling and swarmed by baby reptoids, Robin lost a hand to a critical hit but fighting through the pain continued on, summoning 3 skeletons with the power of magic and his new patron the demon lord Orcus - Lord of the Undead. It seemed Thograa used magic, divine or other to heal the Doc from a distance.
The tide turned and the tactics seemed to be working as finally with a massive blow, Doc Holliday shoved his two-handed sword deep into the belly of the hive mother reptoid, headmaster Prascilla Entruymin, her agonized screams of pain seeming to be in some ways of relief..
The Hive mother vanquished the reptoids were mindless and scurried off into the multitude of tunnels. Treasures were acquired..
Releasing the 3 prisoners, a happy reunion with Skeegin took place as well as with two new adventurers.
Both Cedric and Doc tried to use their god-given paladin abilities, but it seemed the gods had forsaken them with some insight they realized that associating, helping and working with a warlock of an undead demon lord was not approved.

The adventurers, gathered their equipment and were able to exit the Alchemy college.
Enstad had changed, a heavy snowfall was coming down, it seems the Elvish power to control the weather had been successfully taken by the BlackRunes. The party breathed deeply of the clear air looking out to see that the lone tree - the last haven of civilization in Enstad was leaving. All the businesses, houses and more were forming a caravan. Heading North-East to Verbobonc on onwards.
Extrano, the wizard also decided to leave and travel with the caravan, his quest for the owner of the book he still treasured would take him East, not West as where the fellowship were headed.

Tearful farewells, each of the party would later find a gift in their packs, it seems the former slaves had gathered some resources and credit and acquired a MINOR magical item for each of the fellowship. (DM: next session they will find out)
The RedWater Fellowship - now with a new Graxx, lizardman sorcerer and Gothi, strange elf ranger in the ranks - purchased some horses (with Thograa buying a wagon and massive wathog pulling ) and decided to head west. The gate out of Enstad and Duchy of Ulek awaiting them..
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