The party idles away on the boat, some keeping watch, others interacting with the party. The two lads
under the watchful eyes of Mrs. Teedleton were fascinated by the two Arakocra, Extraño and Robin.

Kantif seemed to have some knowledge of what the sign meant..
The steamboat travelled onward. Master Senji advised they needed to go up to a small mining village - RedWater Falls - to deliver supplies and restock on fuel for the steamboat. At the fork in the river the again perceptive Baris noted a dwarf hiding! Holding a globe of fire ready he waited and the dwarves sprung an ambush.

Two goblins frantically tried to reload the small cannon, while a variety of shots from the party on board the steamboat grazed and hit the two crew. A ray of blue frost hit one goblin - from the wizard Extraño - freezing his clawed hand to the barrel! Frantically moving he was shot by Robin Hood and others until he slumped over.
The masked Witchdoctor Baris jumped into the cold waters of the river and swam to the right and went to attack two dwarves on the high bank.
Cedric used his healing skills to help those shot by the dwarf musketeers, while Doctor Holiday fired and then decided to also get to the shore by braving the cold river water after a dwarf thew a grapple and snagged the towlines pulling the barge.
Battle continued as Baris defeated one dwarf and pushed the dead slaver into the river grabbing his musket. Cedric waded to shore as well, and engaged with the one goblin still alive. A heavy hit weakened his shield arm until it was hanging limp, but he persevered and killed the goblin.
Doctor Holiday ambushed by a second dwarf slaver was looking to fall as he was cut and heavily slashed, but his tough orcish endurance saved the Doctor's life, as well as shots from Robin Hood's longbow and Cheeta's crossbow. Seeing the battle going badly, two dwarves tried to retreat - one taken at 400 feet by the deft and accurate longbow of Robin Hood!
Gathering the 2 muskets, a few rounds of ammunition, as well as a few gold and silver coins the wounded and beat-up party continued their river journey up to RedWater Falls. They perceived that the river was tainted red, but could not determine if it was natural or arcane. Able to rest, they arrived at the small village.

During this time Baris did some searching in the brush and trees nearby for herbs and roots, he found some unknown ones, not what he was used to for his alchemy work.
While at the BlackBell alehouse, they meet the dwarf slaver previously seen on the river! Kantif, - in disguise as a human since 1st meeting everyone - recognized the dwarf slaver. Cedric learns of of a missing girl taken by some type of monster.
It seems Parson Creoll knows more. Meeting up with the Parson near the temple they learn that 3 girls were playing up river and supposedly a furred and taloned bipedal monster took one of the village girls. The paladin vowed to help and find her.
Meanwhile, Doc Holiday was negotiating fixing his blunderbuss with a dwarf smith - at first doing work on some horsehoes and then trading one of the BlackRune muskets.
Extraño approached the BlackRune dwarf slaver in the alehouse, asking of an address he was searching for in Verbobonc.. After some tense words and the bartender intervening, Extraño exited.
Cedric gathering the group, the party deciding to try and save the young girl, at that moment, Extraño whom was off by himself noticed the clumsy dwarf slaver trying to sneak up on him! The slaver quickly ran away.. with the birdman chuckling.
The party then moved off up river, following the tracks under the perceptive eyes of Robin Hood and the skills of the witchdoctor Baris. They tracked the strange footprints to a cave where the wide stream flowed from - pure red water here.
Into the caves next...? Until next time.
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