The party easily tracks the - what seems to be - a large creature to the mouth of the cave. There is a waterfall of clear water coming down from a cliff, and swirls in with a stream of
blood red water(?) coming from the mouth of the cave.
The water(?) is cold, but Extraño Buho, goes into the slow moving flow. slipping slightly, he tastes the red fluid and it has a sweet taste to it.
The heroes venture into the dark, Cedric carrying a torch and the wizard Extraño conjures some globes of light as well.

They move along and then come around a corner to an ambush by these small lizard-like creatures mainly carrying spears and crossbows.

Making short work of the small creatures, the party moves onward.

The adventurers come into a larger room with a low ceiling no more than 4'-5' high. Stalactites and stalagmites fill the room, some having become pillars in the humid dark.
Exploring the room, a skeleton - dwarf warrior looks to be - is found in one area and a skeletal hand looking to have once held a short blade in a pool of mud. Some minor treasure is found as well as a slime covered ring in a pouch. Doc Holiday puts the ring on and learns to his dismay the ring cannot be removed..
Moving down the passage, a bolt flies out of the dark. The trogs still harry the group. Coming into a large room there looks to be some raised platform with a variety of gifts(?) moldy fruit and fish - as well as a large giant skull. A ramp moved upwards into the dark and a very narrow passage are the only exits.
The party splits up!
The majority of the party moves with some difficulty through the narrow passage, being pulled and pushed to get through. Meanwhile Kantif and Cedric decide to head up the ramp, filled with spiderwebs.
While the main party fights off some more trogs, Cedric and Kantif move up burning a passage to walk through the webs. They come into a large room, where the webs are different they seem infused with a red filament or colour.. as they start to examine the webs more closely, Cedric notes a strumming or vibrations in the webs. Something is moving closer.. the paladin and rogue decide to retreat and rejoin the party!
Venturing further in, they come across large mushrooms and moss. Baris the witch-doctor takes some samples..
Crossing a fast moving clear stream the party comes upon a trail of blood. Robin seems to see something strange with the tracks.. Getting ready they move cautiously into an area with multiple passages. And then a massive fist crashes into the wall right above Kantif's head! A strange hairy and bearded humanoid creature towering over nine feet tall attacks.
The party engages the large monster, battling back and forth. Doc Holiday takes a massive blow from the giant ogre, but his orcish blood allows him to fight through and recover and continue to battle. As they engage the creature, more trogs ambush the rear of the party.
A close battle in the end but the party is victorious! They find the girl, drugged it seems as well as some treasure and more.
Exploring the rest of the caves they find a long passage that soon becomes work stone and then up to double doors. Along the passage are murals of the ascendance of hero to a demigod.

Venturing through the party comes across an amazing site. Across a large 50' wide chasm is a ancient and cracked stone bridge. Across the way, a large cavern can be seen as well as what looks to be a underground city or complex. At first the party determined the ruins were dwarvish, but there seems to be something different about them..
The party, wounded, tired and with the unconscious girl, decide to head back to the RedWater Falls. Moving through the caves the party mistakenly encounters the mud in the first cave and nearly all succumb to its strange effect to go diving into it! They survive the encounter muddy, tired and cold.
Doc Holiday breathes deeply looking about enjoying the day and being out of the cramped caves, sees some ravens roosting high up in 4 or 5 fir trees. Moving away from the party he silently speaks to them, thinking of the feather he holds and for some bizarre reason the black lipstick as well.. As he looks up, one of the Conspiracy of Ravens - a small, young bird caws back to the rest. Only Baris the Witchdoctor understood. The raven all black - except for one stripe of feathers down the right wing are gray - landed on the young half-orc's shoulder. One beady eye looks over the 1/2 orc. Doctor Holiday looking amazed realizes he has a new companion.
The villagers will be happy to see the girl safe! What will be next for our heroes of RedWater Falls?