When last we saw our
heroes, they had just completed rescuing the young girl from the monster in the
caves of the Red Water.
Return to RedWater
Falls Village
A light snow has
started to fall. The air cold. The fir trees smell fresh and clean after the
dank and dark dungeon. As the heroes move through the trees, the young girl -
probably about 12 - moans and stirs in arms of Doctor Holiday. Bree,
one of the quarry miner's daughters. “Wher.. Where am I?” Cough cough.. “who are
you?” She sees the strange group and starts to look scared.. The group does
well in calming the young teen.
Upon return, some young children playing by the falls see the party. One calls out to Bree while 2 run off into the village yelling and pointing. By the time the party arrives, a crowd from the miners and villagers have gathered. Cheers ring out and shouts of joy. A older woman rushes up and scoops up Bree, tears in her eyes. The heroes are patted on shoulders, hugged, and more.
Upon return, some young children playing by the falls see the party. One calls out to Bree while 2 run off into the village yelling and pointing. By the time the party arrives, a crowd from the miners and villagers have gathered. Cheers ring out and shouts of joy. A older woman rushes up and scoops up Bree, tears in her eyes. The heroes are patted on shoulders, hugged, and more.
The crowd as a group
escorts the party with Cedric in the lead to a large tent. It seems a festival
was in progress of being setup. Winter Fall. This is the time the red fir
pine cones are gathered.
Nature check by
proficient by the party determines the pine cones can be used for
Steam engines are powered by the infused red tinged
cones. Instead of 4-5 large chunks of wood, a single cone can give off the same
heat and energy for a longer period in some cases.
Also used to create burning musket rounds
Can be infused by an alchemist to create fire
resistant magically enchanted potions, clothing etc.
After some interaction
in the village and local traders, the group is escorted and seated at the table
of honour.
Winter Fall agenda:
The celebration
The honouring
The Spirit of thanksgiving
The Gathering
The cones only fall
one night of the year along the Redwater Falls and river. If they are gathered
and brought to the alchemist (Chanlik) and infused correctly, they can be used
for the above.
The celebration

The Honouring
The 2 innkeepers lead
the ceremony honouring the power of the red water falls as well as the Temple
of Nine. And the life, it brings to the growing village. Once only a few tents.
A group of 9 robed and
hooded figures enter and stand in a circle around the bonfire. Each one
represents one of the imprisoned demigods.
Merikka, Agriculture
Stern Alia, Law & Truth
Wastri Amphibians, Bigotr
Xilonen, Corn
Zuoken, Phys. and Mental Mastery
Chitza-Atlan, Underworld
Tlazoteotl, Mother of the Eart
Rudd, Chance & Skil
Iuz, Deceit & Pain
Everyone starts to
chant in an olde language.The party realizes after some history checks
determine this is a dialect of gnomish. Giving thanks for the water of
red life. A large goblet is passed around and all drink from it. The guests of
honour go first! The sip tastes very spicy hot. This has a strange effect,
those whom cannot handle it (Failure) gain some small wisdom for 24 hours.
Those whom can take the drink become more hardy for 24 hours.
The Spirit of
Led by the 2
innkeepers once again, a light (magic) show in the fir trees and falling snow
lights up the area. The children laughing and 'oohs' and 'ahs' from the
As the party watches ,
a number of townsfolk bring over small gifts in thanks with a murmur of words
for saving Bree. Each party member gets a small minor magic item.
After a restful night
- at no charge - the heroes climb on to the riverboat, heading once again up
into the forests of the once the fey kingdom of Celene.
While traveling:
- the perceptive Baris sees a camouflaged figure creeping near the riverbank on the far side of the river. No further investigation was done..
- A battle was heard up river so the party prepares. An orc (or 1/2 orc?) battling what looks to be multiple Black Rune Clan (BRC) dwarves and associates. After some good range shots by the party the BRC forces retreat. The lone 1/2 orc - Thograa - swims over to the riverboat and thanks the party profusely. It seems he was a member of an adventuring group or small band searching through the now abandoned elvish lands for loot, and was separated from his group and set upon by the BRC.

- An islet is seen in the distant river with a broken down tower. Some searching finds a trapdoor. Further investigation shows that below the trapdoor is a small room with a variety of supplies: rations, glass spheres and a large set of boots, for a 8'+ tall (at least) creature. A stairwell descends below - a trap is set off - crossbow bolt - and then disabled by the rogue Kantif to a locked and secure door. After some discussion, the group finally listens at the door AND hears heavy breathing. Before they can act, the door is flung open and a tall hyena-like humanoid confronts the group. Backing down from the creature, the party retreats, leaving most of the supplies back where they were found under harsh words from the towering humanoid.