Thursday, 9 January 2025

Entering the Dragon's Lair


Location: the Lortmill mountains - former Duchy of Ulek. Near the village of  Hallowuud

Date: 20th of Reaping, High Summer

The RedWater Fellowship:

Doc Holliday - Male 1/2 Orc | Gunslinger/Paladin

Nenwin Albion - Male Aasimar | Paladin

Graxxuzzaz - Male Lizard-folk | Sorcerer

Tibaltuous -  Male 1/2 elf | Bard/Rogue/Warrior

Hester - Male Tabaxi | Cleric

The Fellowship gather in he control room, Lukann is recovered a little, still unconscious. The tower's demonic engine has drained his lifeforce down to near death. The once Master mage in the fullness of life, is now an ancient man seemingly in his 90s. [he has 2 hit points MAX now]. All his knowledge and power is gone. Divine level or a wish spell could potentially restore him. The party make the man has comfortable as possible as they all take stock of their recent retaken tower from the drow elves.

The Flying tower has enough energy in the reserves to probably fly about 300 miles. The rumoured dragon's lair is about 100 miles away to the South. This will probably use about 70% of the energy. The small librarian goes back to the library, and starts to clean up - using a mage hand spell.

Graxxuzzaz notes a figure appear nearby in the crater. As the tower hovers over the lake, a grey skin man with angelic wings and a ghostly halo drifts down from the sky, landing in the crater. He looks around as if searching for something before his eyes drift to the armored drow elf lying submerged in the bottom of the lake. He floats towards the dead elf, hovering over him, gives the man a prayer before looking at the great sword lying in the clear water stuck into the silt, blade 1st. He picks up the sword water cascading down the blade, while giving another prayer and what appears to be a salute to the dead drow elf. 

"I will carry this sword with honor, I pray your.. troubled spirit goes to a better place, than the one you

strived to fight for in life."

The humanoid holds his hands together gripping the hilt - sword blade up as he turns around, flying up towards the tower. "As I take this gift with me, you will not be forgotten." 

The party move down to the ground floor and meet this new person warily, warily, weapons at the ready. 

After some dialogue, this is Nenwin - a male Aasimar paladin of Heironeous who had been hunting the drow anti-paladin. Delighted the tasks was done, he is intrigue by the group. An offer is made for Nenwin to join them and hearing of this evil black dragon lair being the next location the Fellowship heading towards, agrees to adventure with them.

Discussion was made on Graxx's continued - or recent - denial to 1 god, another denial to a demon lord and take up of a 3rd elder being. [DM blogpost]

The party then rest and recuperate as Gothi and Graxxuzzaz fly the tower South towards this black dragon's lair.

Doc notices that the formerly glum gargoyle, is gone and then sees Gargoyle is gone. Figure of a gargoyle on the shelf, as well, the door is gone he was guarding. This door led to a layer or area of the Abyss.

Newwin learns a great deal about the Holy/unholy blade he now has. It appears to suck the soul of the dying wielder into the blade as part of the sentience it has. Nenwin is soon speaking to the enraged former anti-paladin, recently killed in the battle, now part of the two-handed sword's sentience. 

Avenger's Blade +5 to hit/damage

Dispel magic - If hit is 5 above AC - opponent wisdom save (DC18) or have magic affect drained (ie spell cast. If no spells or effects in use, will drain a spell or ability (until long rest) - random. Wielder is healed d10 hp. 

Retribution if opponent misses in melee, wielder can use reaction to make melee swing at opponent. This can be used twice between short/long rests

  • If knocked to 0 (& con fail save DC18 - 3 times) , sword drains soul of wielder to be next sentient intelligence of sword

The tower flies without incident tot he noted area. Then Tibaltuous and Nenwin fly out as the tower lands to explore the area. The two note a destroyed village with only one building still standing. A wispy smoke comes from the chimney.

The area - called the Old Hills - gnomish and dwarven mines, copper and rubies were found. This looks to be the village of Checcar nearby, dragon repeatedly attacked until remaining folks fled. The party note a flow of putrid acidic flow from upstream has infused the river and streams so no fish or other creature can live in or near it. Except.. one.
Tibaltuous and Nenwin see what was once a natural dam further up stream was destroyed by the acidic flows it appears to the point it burst through and flooded part of the village. Some died that night, most left the next day.
The single building was the smoke trail has a sign over the door: Percy's Smoker Pipes

Tibaltuous land and knock on the door. After some back and forth dialogue, a 1/2ling opens the door slightly and speaks to the party warily at 1st. One arm is a melted ruin, has a metal armlet that can take various tools attached. His long hair tied back in a pony tail. It seems the party has found their dragon. The dragon - Zemycran - likes smoking hobbit leaf weed so allows the hobbit to stay and continue his business. Percy a farmer and pipe maker is most open with the two heroes telling them of the destruction as well as the monastery up river where the dragon makes their lair. 

It seems that the halfling has some good information on the dragon. "Whatever he wants he gets, so that makes him very reasonable."

The halfling tells the two of a variety of pipeweed and pipes he sells.

His pipeweeds - besides some basic standard types..:

• Hobbiton Glimmerroot - allows a person to see in the dark up to 20' for 1 hour after smoking a pipeful

• Mossglen Blend

• Duskwood Twists - hallucinogenic 

• Shadewell Leaf

• Twilight Briar

• Wyrmbane Whiff - masks pain, gives +1 on CON checks for 1 hour after smoking a pipeful

• Fallowshade Blend

Other than standard smoking pipes he has some unique ones created:

1. The Hollowthorn

A pipe carved from the gnarled wood of an ancient thornbush, its twisted stem mimics the shape of the plant’s spiny branches. The Hollowthorn is said to imbue its smoke with a subtle, calming effect, like the whisper of a forest breeze. Smokers often speak of a faint aroma of moss and earth that lingers in the air, evoking the deep, secretive groves of the wilderness.

2. The Ironroot

Crafted from the root of a long-dead tree imbued with the essence of iron, this pipe has a strong, metallic finish. Its bowl is dark and pitted, as if scorched by time itself. Smokers claim that the Ironroot pipes channel an intense warmth, filling the lungs with a deep, rich smoke that feels like fire without the burn. It's favored by those seeking strength in both the pipe and the spirit.

3. The Moonlit Bowl

This pipe has a bowl that shimmers with an iridescent sheen, as though kissed by the light of a full moon. It is carved from bone-like material, polished to a soft luster. Legend says that the Moonlit Bowl helps the smoker see beyond the veil of the mundane, offering glimpses of hidden truths. The smoke it produces is light and fragrant, with notes of lavender and night-blooming jasmine.

4. The Thornspike

A pipe with a dark, jagged stem that tapers to a sharp, almost dangerous point. The Thornspike is rumored to be crafted from the wood of trees that grow on the border of the Faewood, where the mortal and magical worlds meet. It is said that the pipe’s pointed tip draws out the most potent and rare tobacco leaves, producing a heady smoke with an almost otherworldly, enchanting quality. Those who smoke from it often report heightened senses and vivid dreams.

5. The Emberstone

Carved from volcanic stone - from an active volcano in the Jotun mountains far to the West. This pipe feels cool to the touch but retains heat longer than most. The bowl is naturally etched with veins of glowing orange, reminiscent of the embers deep within a hearth. When lit, the Emberstone crackles gently as if the fire itself is contained within. The smoke it produces is warm and smoky, with a hint of sulfur and charcoal, perfect for those who seek a grounding, earthier experience.

Each of these pipes carries its own story, enhancing the ritual of pipe smoking with history, magic, and atmosphere.

The two take their leave and then head towards the monastery. Ready for anything. 
Percy had advised that there was a way to get into the lair through a stream behind or near some waterfalls. 
They know from speaking with Percy and some lore from Tibaltuous' days in the bardic college that the Monastery of Kinros - a monk of the goddess Ulaa - known as Saint Kinros built the sacred place.
Ulaa, a Lawful Good deity of Life and War, has the symbol of a Mountain with a circle at heart. Ulaa is the dwarven goddess of Hills, Mountains, and Gemstones. Her holy symbol is a mountain with a ruby heart; she places rubies in the earth as gifts to miners

Saint Kinros discovered the healing powers of the hot springs, but the secret was lost once the dragon.
The dragon's lair now is the former monastery, built over a number of caverns filled with hot springs area 
The over 300 year old monastery was renown for the healing waters of the springs. Many would take the long trek into the hills to visit the renown monastery. There was also mining going on for rubies as well as copper.

Over 50 years ago, a black dragon ravaged the area, destroying the small town, and laying waste to all the surrounding area. Multiple forays by Ulek forces have tried to remove and kill the dragon, but have been unsuccessful. Any of the warriors who returned were burned/melted and speak of the horror of their comrades being melted before their eyes, even in full armour and shield. It seems the acidic breath of the dragon is quite powerful against metals of most types.

The two make a pass over the destroyed monastery, mostly a ruin now. They also note an area nearby where two streams converge with waterfalls and the water is heavily tainted with green or yellow. The air becomes hard to breathe, a caustic mist burns at every breath.

The party finished their scouting return to the Fellowship and the grounded flying tower. The Fellowship prepare to take on a Black dragon in HIS lair. 

Leaving Gothi to keep the tower safe, the party set out towards the monastery following the tainted stream. all start to feel the affects of the caustic air burning with each breath. Coming up to the dual waterfall they see what looks like a yawning cavern between the two waterfalls, a flow of yellowish-green fluid dripping down into the small lake area and then flowing downstream. 

Venturing into the waters, it appears there is an underwater passage - quite large - the party are able to follow and then finally come out of and break the surface of the caustic water. After coming across what

look to be mining tunnels as well as melted skeletons and more, they come into a large cavern with pools of acid all around. Then the dragon appears. It is not large, perhaps a young one, the lair is supposed to have a number of dragons or offspring. Then a booming voice calls out to the party echoing down the halls. The dragon seems like he wants to parley, but in the end the heroes realize this is a ruse and don't fall for the trap.
Waiting for their moment, the Fellowship attack from surprise and start to cut the dragon down, then draconian warriors appear, to defend the dragon and attack the heroes. These black metallic scaled

humanoids fight to the fiercely and many to the death. 
Then as the battle appears to be going well, the black dragon.. appears from a passage nearby.

The battle rages as the heroes destroy one after another of the draconian servants, but more keep coming. Then at what looks like a dire moment, Graxxuzzaz calls out calls a demonic debt and summons the leader of the demonic horde that took Axegard. The cloud giant - Chief Tomklagg - had made a pact for his life to come the Fellowship's aid once. [DM: Blogpost
This was a defining moment in the battle now, allowing the party to focus and attack the dragon's servants while the cloud giant fights with Zemycran.

Then, Tibaltuous is in the claw of the dragon, Doc summons his nightmare and takes a trickshot at the dragon and hitting the scaly claw holding the bard, and Zemycran drops Tibaltuous who crashes to not moving.

Nenwin slices a draconian in half and moves onwards to the dragon!

Hester casts a healing spell on Tibaltuous and this brings the bard back from death's door, insulting the dragon from his resting place on the ground.

The massive head of the dragon turns towards the bard, then the gunslinger, then the priest, then the sorcerer and then the paladin and finally the giant. All resolute on his death. 

Until next time!

Thursday, 7 November 2024

Gods and Choices


Location: the Lortmill mountains - former Duchy of Ulek. Near the village of  Hallowuud

Date: 19th of Reaping High summer

The Fellowship:

  • Doc Holliday - Male 1/2 Orc | gunslinger/paladin
  • Gothi - Female Foreclaimer | Ranger
  • Graxxuzzaz - Male Lizard-folk | Sorcerer
  • Tibaltuous -  Male 1/2 elf | Bard/Rogue/Warrior
  • Hester - Male Tabaxi | Cleric
We rejoin the Redwater Fellowship as they are endeavoring to regain control of their Flying Tower from a band of Drow elves. Doc and the heavily wounded Tibaltuous are on the edge of the cliff looking down into the water where the drow knight fell and submerged; while Gothi, Graxxuzzaz and Hester are in the power chamber under the control room as the tower continues to ascend into the night sky.

Tibaltuous limps over to the tent where he had persuaded the kobold to go back to sleep during the battle and discuss how to get to the tower.

Graxxuzazz goes up to the control room with the sphere and controls. They are smeared with blood, and the lizard-folk grins and takes control and then the tower slows it ascendance, and then slowly moves over to an open area near the camp. Doc and Tibaltuous, nod and smile.

The Librarian
Gothi, assists Lukann and the small insect/reptilian creature [the Librarian] a hand manacle around its waist, both still being drained of life force. Gothi examines Lukann, the wizard appears to be nearly fully drained of energy and life and releases him. Lukann sighs as the intense pain stops. He only weighs about 40lbs. now. Gothi nearly leaves the Librarian, after heading some activity upstairs but releases the small insectoid humanoid as well.

With a crunch and grinding, the tower lands, and then both Hester and Graxxuzazz hear the click on heels on the stairs coming from above. Gothi comes up into the control room and the three then see a female drown elf in black leather shiny boots on at the bottom of stairs. Tibaltuous and Doc search the tents -  Doc finding two children tied up, the paladin releases them as Tibaltuous searches boxes and bags.

Gothi nocks an arrow and pulls back, aimed at the black armoured drow elf woman. Looks exactly like the one recently killed. Clone or twin..? "Well my friends..." She starts.. then smiles as Graxxuzazz holds up a finger as if "one moment". Graxxuzazz notes a sensor that blocks all communication or scrying and it is turned on. So the Fellowship's telepathic comm. units cannot connect to the two outside.

One of the Drow Sisters
Doc and Tibaltuous gathers three chests as well as holding the kobold by the neck. Doc sees the whole front entrance to the tower is smashed and one gate door is gone and part of round wall destroyed - assumedly when the tower crashed into the cliff. Doc assists the two human children a 7 year old boy and 10 year old girl. The Paladin is able to calm them.

The party then engage in conversation with the drow. back and forth until they reach an agreement to allow the drow to acquire an item from one of the levels behind the glum gargoyle. Doc and Tibaltuous rejoin the group as the negotiations continue when another drow female who looks the same as well - triplets? The drow advises there are thirty drow still in the tower, so at first, the party decide allow the drow to acquire what they want an amulet to take over control of a level of the Abyss. The party continue to debate - telepathically - about taking the drow crew on. It doesn't appear that the drow is lying about this [DM: multiple insight checks]

Graxxuzazz offers to go get the amulet, and the drow readily agrees, asking "Once he dies," pointing at the lizardfolk, "who goes next?"

Entry to the Forbidden Zone
The other female suggests they come with the two drow, Gothi suggests this. "Come back with the amulet and then leave." The two drow agree, while Doc starts to go up the stairs. The females move out of the way. Doc scans the former kitchen with his detect life capability, and sees - invisible - seven drow in the room. The gunslinger/paladin then heads back down.

The party confront a LOT of drow
The party finally agree - very reluctantly - to allow the two female drow to go past the guardian gargoyle to try and obtain the amulet. The gargoyle looks to the Fellowship for confirmation and Doc, Gothi
and Graxxuzazz agree, he lumbers aside. The door opens and two massive tentacles can be seen briefly, until the two drow move in and then the party prepare to take on the drow females' followers.

Doc and Gothi confront the drow followers - a group of mercenary types it seems - and intimidate them to leave their masters. Gothi requesting them to speak in elvish - rather than drow. Gothi counts eleven drow as they head down the stairs. The ranger very resolute to make sure they ALL leave. Gothi for a moment thought she saw something going up the stairs and Gothi shouts out in anger. Was there ten.. or eleven drow out into the darkness around the tower? The party race through the tower, checking rooms and searching. Gothi heads to the Power room and the dead sister is not there!

Behind the bars the prisoner says "He came down grabbed her and headed up the stairs!" Gothi jumping up the stairs, then stops, activating her X-ray vision. There is something strange about the figure in the cell. An illusion! Gothi shouts telepathically - In the engine room! Hester moves down to assist.

The humanoid casts a spell on both Hester and Gothi. 

Graxxuzzaz and Tibaltuous delve into the Abyss
Meanwhile, Tibaltuous and Graxxuzazz head after the two female drow, behind the gargoyle. The two
have a LONG philosophical conversation with the gargoyle on guarding one side or both sides of the door, as it has done this for hundreds of years only stopping those from going through one way not both! They finally make the guardian understand - they hope and head through. The two massive tentacles one on each side lie unmoving, burned and cut to pieces. A glowing blue portal faces the two adventurers.

Graxxuzazz takes the time to summon his owl familiar and it flies through the portal. The sorcerer thinks he no longer has contact with his owl. Tibaltuous draws Sir Lawrence - his sentient sword - and puts the blade through the portal. The sword sounds like he is 100s' of feed away yelling, but the bard cannot hear. Tibaltuous steps through the portal, stepping onto a spongy surface, flesh like, with oozing sores, gangrene pock marks, blood and other fluids oozing from wounds. The passage walls seem similar as well, oozing wounds dribbling blood and other puss like fluids trailing down them. The two look back and the passage looks to be about a 100' back

Meanwhile, Hester fights off a charm like feeling while Gothi does not want to attack the drow. Hester fires a guiding bolt at the drow.  Hitting and the energy washes over the female dark elf. The drow tells
Gothi - charmed - to protect her and stand in front. Glowing bolts of energy fly from the drow's fingers and smash into Hester.

Doc having taken control of the tower and raised it into the sky to around 300', heads down to assist Hester and Gothi. Doc yells down to take the spike growth spell, but she declines, after the drow whispers to not do this. Doc jumps down taking some damage and joins the fray. Hester summons a Spiritual weapon. The moon sickle swings and hits, but she is able to keep concentration of the charm on Gothi. Doc calls forth the power of the Raven Queen and fires his pistol, still holding the concentration to dominate Gothi.

Back to Tibaltuous and Graxxuzzaz, the two move down the passage, a wall with a skull inset seems to recede as the two move forward, but the two start to sink into the blood and puss filled fleshy ground. The two pray to their patron? - Orcus. [DM: Blogpost].

Tibaltuous is starting to struggle and sink into the fleshy ground, the puss and bloody ooze seeping into his clothes and all over. For Graxxuzzaz though he is able to step forward and the skull wall appears closer. The lizardfolk looks back, pausing reaching down to assist the 1/2 elf bard but then stops and stands up tall, as the bard tells sorcerer to go onwards! The bard prays top Orcus and ponders realizes he is losing his connection to the tome of Orcus and sinks to his waste into the spongy gangrenous ground - even as Graxxuzazz gains the power and understanding. 

Tibaltuous calls out to Graxxuzazz to help,  the sorcerer turns and contemplates the bard, Graxxuzzaz tells him head back. Friendship or power.. It seems power wins out as Graxxuzzaz leaves the bard.

Tibaltuous raises his sword and tries use the flying power to raises himself but it only stops him from sinking. Tibaltuous slowly tries to continue. The two talk about treachery and more. Drama in the Book club [other party name]. The bard starts to sink again, all his power and more to try and hold steady.

Meanwhile, back with Gothi, Doc and Hester. Gothi is n o longer affected by the charm and the drow disappears [combo misty step and invisibility] and then up to the top of the stairs they see her. Hester brings the spiritual weapon forward but misses. Gothi action jumps around the corner and as she is leaping fires two arrows at the drow sorcerer - she slumps to the ground as the first arrow hits and the ranger ensures she is down with the second arrow cuts into her neck, Gothi walks up and stabs her fiercely with her trident. The drow sorcerer is dead drained of blood.

Meanwhile in the abyssal pocket dimension - Graxxuzzaz moves forward into a large room and find the two drow, he negotiates with the two and is able to grab the amulet from drow. Before they can react, Graxxuzzaz puts the amulet ON. 

gods and patrons

The lizardfolk feels like he is pulling in three directions by omnipotent beings:

His Lizard-folk God Essyliss - is starting to fade


Orcus his patron working with Tibaltuous for the last weeks and months - is starting to fade


This new being that is coming up behind the sorcerer. A formless entity, power emanating and pulsing - massive in size. He feels his bones, tendons and muscles being pulled in three ways and screams in pain, having never felt this level of agony before. He has a major decision to make choose his god, his patron or a NEW patron.

The Book Of Orcus
Gritting his teeth as blood seeps from his mouth, eyes and ears, he TURNS to face the new being as he feels the power of his LIZARD god AND of Orcus being ripped from his body. He sees and feels this form come around him and feels his body regenerating. He feels the power of his former god, and patron Orcus - gone. The  lizardfolk feels a new connection to the Abyss.

Tibaltuous chest deep in the bloody ooze of the spongy ground. He feels newly energized and no longer tied to the book of Orcus. The bard is able to move forward and sees a massive room filled with lava with pedestals across the area.

Tibaltuous launches a fireball which hits the two drow and Graxxuzzaz. The two drow bow to the sorcerer. 
Graxxuzzaz hears in his mind: "Don't kill your servants or mine." 
Tibaltuous casts hold person and one of the drow is not moving. Graxxuzzaz advises the drow are not a threat. 
Tibaltuous pauses and looks about - thinking. He realizes he is in a room created by the demons and elves. There is a massive form behind Graxxuzzaz and it looks to be a humanoid form, it is one toe of the massive being. Probably estimates 600' or 700' tall. Tibaltuous and Graxxuzzaz discuss and debate. Later both realize that the form was not a toe, but their small minds could only perceive a humanoid form as they thought about it longer both realized the form was amorphous.. was a vast entity in space.
The NEW Patron

One of the sister drow says to Graxxuzazz, "Avatar. Do you wish us to deal with him?" She places a hand on her dagger hilt as she looks at Tibaltuous with a gleam in her eyes and a wicked smile.

Graxxuzzaz declines and says no. It seems the drow look to the lizardfolk as their leader now. He advises Tibaltuous he had to relinquish his worship of his god and Orcus.
The bard agrees reluctantly and the two make their way out of the Abyssal plane. The two drow do not follow.

It appears the number of titles of Graxxuzazz grows larger. The titles he holds:
Graxxuzzaz, governor of the west, deacon of the south, chief of money, noble of the north, sir of treasure, finder of passages, the entertainer, slayer of evil, Namer of lakes, holder of many titles, banisher of spirits, master of locks, flyer of towers, master of fire, Parter of Waves, Master of History, master of elements, closer of gates, slayer of giants, grand strategist, destroyer of otherworldly beings, Champion of Essyliss, crusher of stone beings, man of many faces, persuader of demons, the strong, the lucky, the wise, the willful, the Abyss walker, the steadfast, the charismatic, Senteq Saply, the great, the glorious, the First and Only.
Now.. "Avatar of..?"

Once back in the hall, they see and move by the sad gargoyle. Doc scans through the tower looking for hidden drow and doesn't detect any. The Fellowship finally.. have full control of the flying tower! 
Next time a debate/confrontation between Graxxuzzaz and the rest of the Fellowship!

Audio Summary: 

Thursday, 3 October 2024

Battle for the Flying Tower Rages


Location: the Lortmill mountains - former Duchy of Ulek. Near the village of  Hallowuud

Date: 18th of Reaping, High Summer. Close to midnight. 

The party leap into battle, a hobbit having come out of one tent, as well as rustling and high squeaking yips coming from another. Gothi's cavebear, Morsel and Graxxuzazz the direwolf noses to the ground

catch the scent of the female drow. She was about 30' away invisible. Seems a combination spell of misty step and invisibility were activated.

The hobbit tries to backstab Tibaltuous but misses and calls out for aid! To cover his 'tactical retreat' a new enemy emerges from one of the tents. At that moment, Graxxuzazz the direwolf - polymorphed - runs over to the hobbit - in dire wolf form - and tears a chunk out of the small creature's leg. Yelping the hobbit looks for a way out. Hester casts Circle of life which allows the Fellowship to be much more agile [DM: dodge area effect spells]

In the dim light, the evil knight emerges from the shadows, his armor a twisted amalgamation of dark steel and jagged spikes. His helmet, adorned with menacing horns, conceals a face twisted by malevolence, with eyes that burn like green embers in the night.

He wields a massive two-handed sword, its blade etched with ancient runes that seem to pulse with a sinister energy. The sword’s edge glows faintly, as if thirsting for the blood of its next victim. Each step he takes echoes with a chilling metallic clang, sending shivers down the spines of those who dare to oppose him.

His presence exudes an aura of dread, and the very air around him seems to grow colder, as if the warmth of life itself recoils from his touch. This knight is a harbinger of doom, a relentless force of darkness that leaves only despair in his wake.

The battle then is engaged with the drow knight. The sword he wields appears to have an enhanced effect of draining magic ability and spells from the opponents mind as a number of spellcasters are hit and drained of the ability to remember to cast a spell! This also appears to have the separate effect of healing the fallen knight. His sweeping blade cuts deep as he fights the party. The anti-magic blade hits Tibaltuous and he forgets how to cast some of his keys spells. The knight then hits Doc, slicing into the gunslinger/paladin. Morsel, having lost the scent for the female drow leader sets his sights on the hobbit and barrels forward to rip him apart. The hobbit

scuttles away behind some boxes and one of the tents with a cry of fear as Gothi's cavebear towers over him. Tibaltuous casts Heat Metal on the drow knight then the dark elf's black armour starts to smoke under the effect. Tibaltuous checks one of the tents and encounters a kobold with mace in hand. The ever-quick and silver-tongued bard persuades the kobold to go back to sleep! During battle! [DM: extremely high persuade roll!]

The female drow appears in a blink near the bridge and invokes dark energy. A swirling necromantic fog drains life energy from a few of the party, fortunately, Hester's spell allows a few party members to fully avoid the deathly tendrils. She then disappears again!

Gothi activating her X-Ray vision, blood starts to drip down from both her eyes as the vision allows the ranger to see through the tent walls. She sees 2 small tied up figures in the tents as well as the kobold the bard persuaded to sleep. She then notes motion on rope bridge - the female drow? Calling out to the party, she leaps towards the rope bridge. Morsel appears from the fallen tent, the limp body of the hobbit drops from the massive cave bear's jaws.

Tibaltuous tackles the drow knight over cliff, the spiked armour digging deeply into his flesh as he bowls the surprised dark knight over the edge! Trying to let go, the bard is then caught in a deadly grip about his throat as the knight squeezes. The two fall, the drow's helmet flung off into the dark, and then they start to drift down gently. Tibaltuous grimaces. Featherfall! Damnation. Tibaltuous sees the blazing eyes of the grinning drow. 

"I'll take you with me.. halfbreed." The drow grins, blood dripping and falling away. 

There is a crack and echo of a gun shot. Doc fires at the knight's arm holding the bard, and with a cry of pain he lets Tibaltuous go and Tibaltuous falls! Tumbling and smashing against the lake bed walls.  The bard's wisecracking sword - Sir Lawrence activates a newly enhanced power - used to be levitate, but now the wielder can fly. Good timing.

Doc and Graxxuzazz both here a commanding word from the female drow elf: "Jump!". She apepars again on the rope bridge with a wicked smile as both the heroes, shake their heads and then under the command powerful spell, jump off the edge! She then darts towards the tower.

Tibaltuous is able to save one of the two and reaches Graxxuzazz the sorcerer and stops his fall, the two then move towards the tower. Doc falls and starts to tumble down the side of the empty lake. Getting pummeled and smashed by outcroppings the 1/2 orc is able to stop his fall. Able to slow his tumbling, Doc starts to climb back up slowly.

Hester casts guiding bolt at the fleeing drow but misses and then invokes his power and summons an avenger - a large celestial angelic form of his deity. The 15' being filled with stars hovers before Hester and then gently picks up the cat like humanoid to carry him forth across the large empty lake

toward the tower perched against one cliff wall. Tibaltuous is flying there as well, Graxxuzazz in tow, the bard holding the tail of the lizardfolk as they fly onwards. Graxxuzazz casts lightning bolt, enhancing the spell to fire. It bolts into the slowly falling drow knight. The combined fire and lightning doing extensive damage.

All hear a grinding noise as the tower seems to push and pull against the cliff wall. dust and debris fall. The female drow screams out, "Noooo!" her cry of outrage echoing around the walls of the dry lake. The tower seems to be leaving them behind..

Gothi now on the rope bridge, nocks an arrow and shoots true, hitting the female drow in the shoulder, the arrow dripping blood. Grimacing, the drow limps away taking a potion which seems to visibly heal some of her wounds. She casts dispel magic on the avenger but then Graxxuzazz casts counter spell on it! Frustrated in rage and she then slips into the open doorway on the balcony on the 3rd flor of the tower.

Doc holding on with one hand to precarious outcropping over the deep water below, pulls out some climbing claws which allow him to climb faster. 

The drow knight then starts to float upwards! The drow's levitation ability taking him past Doc and towards the edge of the cliff. Flying towards the tower being carried by his tail, the sorcerer launches a final lighting/fire bolt at the drow knight. The drow is able to hold on to his spell and continues to levitate upwards. He tosses a rope and snags an outcropping pulling himself to safety. The drow knight grins down at the climbing paladin/gunslinger, bandaging a wound on his arm,

Morsel attacks the drow knight and the fight slicing the bear, and massive bites out of the drow. The evil power affects the bear and it runs in fear. Morsel is howling in fear and rage into the darkness as it runs away.

The party come to the door at the balcony. It is closed and locked. Graxxuzazz and Tibaltuous summon their ghast - "Sir Ghastly" using the power of Orcus. [DM blogpost for more info] . It starts to hammer and smash the door. The stench is atrocious, all of the party- Gothi, Hester, Tibaltuous and Graxxuzazz  nearby eyes are watering.

Gothi remembers her key! All the party have a key to the doors. This allows them to gain full access. They enter but are is in full darkness - magical it seems. Fortunately Graxxuzazz and Gothi know the layout of the tower well.  Inside the tower, Hester invokes his gods power to allow the party to see in any type of darkness. Graxxuzazz using a fell amulet sees fine in the darkness.

The party explore, now able to see in the dark. The adventurers, enter their study, the books on bookshelves primarily look to still be there of the small library they had been collecting. Graxxuzazz notes his small friend's little house on one of the shelves is still there, somewhat enhanced since he had last seen it. They move through into the hallway, the circular stairwell going up and down. The avenger angle unfortunately cannot make it up the stairs, it's massive size not able to navigate the tight circular stairs. They go up to the control room, and see the a fallen male drown at the controls, his

head burnt and frozen at the same time. At that moment, a blast of necrotic energy hits all three, all lurch back in pain, but Graxxuzazz's held spell - Scorching ray - hits the drow, burning her even more as she runs down a set of stairs nearby. Gothi and Graxxuzazz know this is the power chamber where the demons drained soul energy to power the tower. Gothi raises her bow but the lithe drown elf is gone , out of sight. Tibaltuous heads back to see if Doc needs any aid.

Gothi leaps after and enters the familiar by dreadful room. Strange beds or racks flat have chains and

shackles. Glowing glass chambers line one wall and at the head of each rack. There are 3 beds - or racks - with 3 humanoids strapped in. 

Lukann the wizard's apprentice to the famous Leomund is strapped into one, he looks to now be an ancient frail man, with withered skin, sunken eyes; hair falling out to point of being just long wisps on a shiny skull. He once was a vibrant man, with long black hair, well-trimmed goatee and moustache. Fairly fit even in his fortyish looking age when the Fellowship met him.

A large glowing orb like chamber at his head is pulsing and the wizard convulses, crying out weakly as tears run from his wincing closed eyes with each pulse.

The 2nd rack holds what appears to be a firbolg. The tall - 8' - humanoid is not moving the orb at near her head has just a glimmer of light in it. The body of the firbolg - female from appearance - is now a dried husk. Sunken features - mummified.

The 3rd rack holds what appears to be a very small scaly figure - Graxxuzazz knows this as the caretaker of the library. She is secured down with 1 of the shackles that would fit a humanoid around

her waist. She convulses as well, as the orb at the far end of the rack glimmers and pulses.

The drow hovers near Lukann, a dagger at his throat. "Stop or I kill him. This blade will drain his soul."

She grin bloody from the constant attacks of the Fellowship. Gothi stops, Graxxuzazz comes down with Hester to also see the tragic scene. There appear to be some figures huddled in some cells. Appear to be townsfolk possibly.

Meanwhile outside, The drow knight then yells down to Doc, "want a rope? Then we can fight as equals. One on one combat." Doc nods and he pulls himself up. The drow knight steps back, swinging his sword around easily, waiting for the1/2 orc to prepare. Then they battle. Both cleave and slice into the other, their sharp blades hacking and cutting back and forth. 

Back in the Power chamber, Graxxuzazz uses his sorcerous skills to command the drow to "Drop" the blade. An echoing clatter of the blade as it hits the floor. [DM: bad wisdom save!

Gothi scoops up her bow and looses four arrows at the drow. All hitting, she convulses and falls back. Graxxuzazz casts another scoring ray and the blasts drill into the drow's chest. She falls down between the racks, gurgling and crying out and then.. nothing.

Outside the melee duel continues. Doc, desperate and realizing this drown was a master swordsman, uses all his skills and pulls his pistol, the shot echoing around the cliffs, a disarming shot, and the drow drops the massive sword. Doc tries to kick it off the edge, but the drow knight stops it, stamping on the blade. 

The drow picks up his sword and raises it for a killing blow as there is a rumbling from the tower as it starts to rise into the air. 

Tibaltuous quips, "You cannot call us cowards and start to run away." The drow growls and then launches himself hitting the bard multiple times. Tibaltuous falls to the ground. Putting his sword to the bard's throat, threatens Doc.

Both Doc and the drow knight are surprised when with a roar of rage, Morsel appears again, no longer affected by the fear and launches himself at the knight, Both go tumbling off the edge into the dark!

Morsel is able to stop with his claws, the tumbling drow smashes down the side, sword clanging and spinning and then with a splash of water as the drow sinks into the water.

Tibaltuous is being healed up by Doc, as the 1/2 orc looks up at the tower rising and down at Morsel.

It appears.. the tower is once again under the control of the Fellowship, Lukann and the librarian being drained of energy, and the tower is ascending very quickly with no one at the controls! 

Audio Summary

Wednesday, 25 September 2024

The Flying Tower

Some views of the Flying Tower - current status [updated with correct rope bridges]


The Tower - closeup:

Rope bridge:

Thursday, 5 September 2024

Return to the Flying Tower

18th of Reaping, High Summer

[DM: back at the gaming table for the group was splendid after some remote/online sessions]

We rejoin the Fellowship as they look down on a small village enclosed by a wooden palisade about 15' high of unfinished point logs, there appears to be one gate with some buildings inside the walls as well as a small wooden tower. 

The party note that the evening wildlife which had been absent along the long road and then in Axegard has returned and is somewhat refreshing to all. crickets, birds, frogs and more.. the smell of lush forest a pleasant change from the demonic sewers in  and city grounds of Axegard.

One building has what appears to be a stone foundation while the rest are all wood. There is what appears to be one building has burned down. Smoke sill rising slowly up in a long trail wisp into the clear night sky.

1. The RustyKnight Inn
2. Ancient Cheeses of Blackmoor - Cheese shop and residence
3. Ralex's General Mercantile
4. McKran's Smithy
5. Burned out building

The party still up on a hill nearby, head down on to the road heading up to the village, the evening sky still somewhat lit by the setting sun even at 9 bells. The gate is closed as the adventurers move up. A muffled high-pitched voice answers after Doc knocks on the gate.
A high pitched but gruff voice after some shuffling, "Who's there?"
Doc replies, "Travelers, looking for a flying tower."
The voice sound somewhat strange, and the party becomes suspicious. Gothi and Hester sense something is off. Then some giggling from a few points on the other side of the gate.
Gothi - using her boots of spider climbing - stealthily and she peers over and sees three children [girl probably 14 and a boy and girl under 10]. Gothi draws her bow and a flaming arrow is pulled back, The two younger children scream and run away, while the older girl is shuffling back on her hands and feet.
The party tries to appease the girl, but she jumps up and runs. "My Da is at home!"

The party look around and check out the burnt down building. Investigating they confirm it happened recently. Tibaltuous confirms someone tried to put the fire out as he finds water, A small crossbow bolt - finely made - as well as a small chest under the remnants of a bed. A charred small crossbow bolt is found, but no markings or identifications found on it,
[DM: The party fixates on how the cheese is created - as no cows, farmlands, or ranches seen, milking dragon, unicorns being milked in basements, centipedes being milked.. 😆]

The party hear some laughter and voices from the larger building [#1]. Gothi and Doc go to investigate while Tibaltuous and Graxxuzazz continue to investigate into the cheese mystery.

Gothi and Doc enter the Rusty Knight inn and see some farmers, as well what appear to be 3 travelers, 2 serving girls, as well as a portly older man with large mutton shop sideburns behind the bar. Beside the hearth in the main room is a rusty suit of full plate armour worn by knights in jousts. Over the hearth is a massive two-handed sword. No rust nor scratch on the fine blade.

Gothi and Doc have a drink and order some food, Ol' Verris is the barkeep and owner, with his 2 daughters serving - Sarah and Vera. Sarah a cute girl in her late 20's is tall with long black hair in a pony tail, the intelligent one. The beautiful Vera is the blonde and bubbly always happy now 19.
Interacting with the 3 travelers, 1 appearing to be a hobbit and the other two are human females. 
Meanwhile Graxxuzazz and Tibaltuous look at the other buildings trying to figure out where the cheese is being made or creatures being held to milk it are. The bard makes a joke about spreading "the good word of IUZ" and he gets an intense pain in the back of his head. The two realize that saying those words about Iuz, the hated enemy of Orcus - was not a good idea..

Doc asks about the flying tower and one of the serving girls drops a tray of dishes with a crash. The lady names Doc and Gothi so it appears the Fellowship are well known. Gothi and Doc think they three are bounty hunters but it appears not.
Meanwhile, Tibaltuous and Graxxuzazz telepathically advise Gothi and Doc they will be down the road a 1/2 mile, and start reading their book again together.

One of the ladies - seems like the leader, a tall lady in her 30s with brown hair, long in a pony tail, blue eyes and wearing tan leather armour. A dagger at her belt - asks Doc if a reward if the tower is found. After a near combat moment the two leave. Telepathically talking that they need to figure who these folks are. They must know about the tower..
Gothi offers 77 gold, where Doc advises can pay 5000 gold if they find the location. This perks the three up a little, but other than a smirk from the hobbit, nothing more. Doc and Gothi get into some final words with the three and the the two adventurers can feel there is something wrong. 

They meet up with the sorcerer and the bard who are deep in a trance reading the massive tome ofOrcus' origin once again together.

While Doc and Gothi are moving down the road, the two and the bear hear a "Psst. hey Mister!" 
At first they don't see anything but then see the small boy from the gate. 
After some cajoling and offering 77 gold reward - the small 8 year old boy has never held a gold piece! 
The boy tells them of that they look like black-skinned elves. 
Doc and Gothi in unison: "Drow".
"Been a week in the town, they burnt down the building." He mumbles while looking at the gold, "Yea they carry tiny crossbows, like in one hand." Doc smiles and nods fingering the charred bot.
It appears they took some of the townsfolk away. At this the boy looks very sad, seems he has lost one of his family perhaps. Up in the mountains. The boy points to the Northeast.
The power source for the tower.. people
Doc tells the boy to go hide, gives the boys some food and water. "Get your sister and hide up there for a day or two." 
The boy looks sad at thinking of his family and friends being taken. "I'm a never comin' back.. with that much gold 77.. I can't count that high but I'll live like a king!"
Doc and Gothi come up upon Tibaltuous and Graxxuzazz. Both are in the dark, hunched over the familiar tome once again. Turning pages together.
Gothi rides up and jumps down and slaps both of them. The Portly athletic lizardfolk continues reading but the 1/2 elf bard is pulled out of his trance-like reading.
[DM ADVISORY: the next paragraphs may have some disturbing information to some feel free to skip]
Tibaltuous and Graxxuzazz are standing on a familiar desolate and featureless plan of black sands, nearby stands what appears to be a younger Orcus. In  front of the two is a human girl spread-eagled on
a wooden X. and Orcus looks down at the two, rumbles, "Kill her". 
At this moment, Tibaltuous is ripped away from the scene and awakes in the dark dizzy and nearly vomiting.
Graxxuzazz looks down and his clawed hands and realizes that he is not a lizardfolk but some type of barbed demonic humanoid, six arms, carrying multiple weapons in hand. Graxxuzazz/Demon cuts in to the girl, and he is pulled back to the realm. The two, now it seems to be not in sync they will need to re-read the chapter. 


The party discuss and decide the three in the inn are probably drow who were purported to be at or in control of their flying Tower!
[DM: some time was spent trying to figure out why Gothi and Doc had MAJOR issues with Drow. 😊]

Mission Impossible [DM: queue theme music]
The party returns planning to do a night raid to take out the three bounty-hunters/drow/evil folk - 2 women and hobbit.
After some great stealth and planning, Gothi gets on the roof and using her X-Ray vision. She scans the rooms and then finds the skeletal like forms of what looks like 2 slender women and the hobbit. 
Tibaltuous starts his mission to move in, with the telepathic link with Gothi providing perfect details on where to go. The room was right next to Ol'Verris' room.
Right before Tibaltuous, Doc and team crashed in, the party recalled that Ol'Verris had two daughters.. no three daughters! One being smaller. [met at the gate]
Gothi realized that the three were not the three potential Drow but the daughters of the innkeeper!

The mission was pulled back, the team moving out. As it appears the three travelers were NOT in the inn. Probably at the tower or on the way to it, based on the details from the boy the party had been given.

The Fellowship decided it was time to find their tower!
Moving as fast as they can, Gothi riding her bear - Morsel -  and Graxxuzazz polymorphs into a dire wolf. They all headed up into the mountains and found a bridge crossing a dry riverbed. The party saw some light ahead. Then a small camp with tents. but all that was minor, there was the RedWater Fellowship's TOWER.
The tower looks to be crashed/landed on the edge of a deep lake. The lake formerly fed the Siren river. It has nearly dried up it appears, now the lake depths can nearly be seen hundreds of feet below the tower precariously crashed into the wall of the mountain at a slight angle. A rope bridge along the steep and shear wall goes from the camp to a balcony - looks to be the 3rd floor].
As the party move up, a female drow appears smiling, wearing a wide brimmed hat. She was the one talking to Doc and Gothi in the Rusty Knight Inn. Her skin in areas is white and black, as if some disease or other gave it a patch work white and black. 
Some discussion and negotiations to work together or ally, but in the end, these break down. 
Gothi fires two arrows, but she quickly dodges and then disappears from sight. Between Morsel's and Graxx's sense of smell they know she is fairly close but moving away.. 
COMBAT - next session.

Audio Summary: