Location: the Lortmill mountains - former Duchy of Ulek. Near the village of Hallowuud
Date: 20th of Reaping, High Summer
The RedWater Fellowship:
Doc Holliday - Male 1/2 Orc | Gunslinger/Paladin
Nenwin Albion - Male Aasimar | Paladin
Graxxuzzaz - Male Lizard-folk | Sorcerer
Tibaltuous - Male 1/2 elf | Bard/Rogue/Warrior
Hester - Male Tabaxi | Cleric
The Fellowship gather in he control room, Lukann is recovered a little, still unconscious. The tower's demonic engine has drained his lifeforce down to near death. The once Master mage in the fullness of life, is now an ancient man seemingly in his 90s. [he has 2 hit points MAX now]. All his knowledge and power is gone. Divine level or a wish spell could potentially restore him. The party make the man has comfortable as possible as they all take stock of their recent retaken tower from the drow elves.
The Flying tower has enough energy in the reserves to probably fly about 300 miles. The rumoured dragon's lair is about 100 miles away to the South. This will probably use about 70% of the energy. The small librarian goes back to the library, and starts to clean up - using a mage hand spell.
Graxxuzzaz notes a figure appear nearby in the crater. As the tower hovers over the lake, a grey skin man with angelic wings and a ghostly halo drifts down from the sky, landing in the crater. He looks around as if searching for something before his eyes drift to the armored drow elf lying submerged in the bottom of the lake. He floats towards the dead elf, hovering over him, gives the man a prayer before looking at the great sword lying in the clear water stuck into the silt, blade 1st. He picks up the sword water cascading down the blade, while giving another prayer and what appears to be a salute to the dead drow elf.
"I will carry this sword with honor, I pray your.. troubled spirit goes to a better place, than the one you
strived to fight for in life."
The humanoid holds his hands together gripping the hilt - sword blade up as he turns around, flying up towards the tower. "As I take this gift with me, you will not be forgotten."
The party move down to the ground floor and meet this new person warily, warily, weapons at the ready.
After some dialogue, this is Nenwin - a male Aasimar paladin of Heironeous who had been hunting the drow anti-paladin. Delighted the tasks was done, he is intrigue by the group. An offer is made for Nenwin to join them and hearing of this evil black dragon lair being the next location the Fellowship heading towards, agrees to adventure with them.
Discussion was made on Graxx's continued - or recent - denial to 1 god, another denial to a demon lord and take up of a 3rd elder being. [DM blogpost]
The party then rest and recuperate as Gothi and Graxxuzzaz fly the tower South towards this black dragon's lair.
Doc notices that the formerly glum gargoyle, is gone and then sees Gargoyle is gone. Figure of a gargoyle on the shelf, as well, the door is gone he was guarding. This door led to a layer or area of the Abyss.
Newwin learns a great deal about the Holy/unholy blade he now has. It appears to suck the soul of the dying wielder into the blade as part of the sentience it has. Nenwin is soon speaking to the enraged former anti-paladin, recently killed in the battle, now part of the two-handed sword's sentience.
Avenger's Blade +5 to hit/damage
• Dispel magic - If hit is 5 above AC - opponent wisdom save (DC18) or have magic affect drained (ie spell cast. If no spells or effects in use, will drain a spell or ability (until long rest) - random. Wielder is healed d10 hp.
• Retribution if opponent misses in melee, wielder can use reaction to make melee swing at opponent. This can be used twice between short/long rests
- If knocked to 0 (& con fail save DC18 - 3 times) , sword drains soul of wielder to be next sentient intelligence of sword
The tower flies without incident tot he noted area. Then Tibaltuous and Nenwin fly out as the tower lands to explore the area. The two note a destroyed village with only one building still standing. A wispy smoke comes from the chimney.
The area - called the Old Hills - gnomish and dwarven mines, copper and rubies were found. This looks to be the village of Checcar nearby, dragon repeatedly attacked until remaining folks fled. The party note a flow of putrid acidic flow from upstream has infused the river and streams so no fish or other creature can live in or near it. Except.. one.Tibaltuous land and knock on the door. After some back and forth dialogue, a 1/2ling opens the door slightly and speaks to the party warily at 1st. One arm is a melted ruin, has a metal armlet that can take various tools attached. His long hair tied back in a pony tail. It seems the party has found their dragon. The dragon - Zemycran - likes smoking hobbit leaf weed so allows the hobbit to stay and continue his business. Percy a farmer and pipe maker is most open with the two heroes telling them of the destruction as well as the monastery up river where the dragon makes their lair.
It seems that the halfling has some good information on the dragon. "Whatever he wants he gets, so that makes him very reasonable."
The halfling tells the two of a variety of pipeweed and pipes he sells.
His pipeweeds - besides some basic standard types..:
• Hobbiton Glimmerroot - allows a person to see in the dark up to 20' for 1 hour after smoking a pipeful
• Mossglen Blend
• Duskwood Twists - hallucinogenic
• Shadewell Leaf
• Twilight Briar
• Wyrmbane Whiff - masks pain, gives +1 on CON checks for 1 hour after smoking a pipeful
• Fallowshade Blend
Other than standard smoking pipes he has some unique ones created:
1. The Hollowthorn
A pipe carved from the gnarled wood of an ancient thornbush, its twisted stem mimics the shape of the plant’s spiny branches. The Hollowthorn is said to imbue its smoke with a subtle, calming effect, like the whisper of a forest breeze. Smokers often speak of a faint aroma of moss and earth that lingers in the air, evoking the deep, secretive groves of the wilderness.
2. The Ironroot
Crafted from the root of a long-dead tree imbued with the essence of iron, this pipe has a strong, metallic finish. Its bowl is dark and pitted, as if scorched by time itself. Smokers claim that the Ironroot pipes channel an intense warmth, filling the lungs with a deep, rich smoke that feels like fire without the burn. It's favored by those seeking strength in both the pipe and the spirit.
3. The Moonlit Bowl
This pipe has a bowl that shimmers with an iridescent sheen, as though kissed by the light of a full moon. It is carved from bone-like material, polished to a soft luster. Legend says that the Moonlit Bowl helps the smoker see beyond the veil of the mundane, offering glimpses of hidden truths. The smoke it produces is light and fragrant, with notes of lavender and night-blooming jasmine.
4. The Thornspike
A pipe with a dark, jagged stem that tapers to a sharp, almost dangerous point. The Thornspike is rumored to be crafted from the wood of trees that grow on the border of the Faewood, where the mortal and magical worlds meet. It is said that the pipe’s pointed tip draws out the most potent and rare tobacco leaves, producing a heady smoke with an almost otherworldly, enchanting quality. Those who smoke from it often report heightened senses and vivid dreams.
5. The Emberstone
Carved from volcanic stone - from an active volcano in the Jotun mountains far to the West. This pipe feels cool to the touch but retains heat longer than most. The bowl is naturally etched with veins of glowing orange, reminiscent of the embers deep within a hearth. When lit, the Emberstone crackles gently as if the fire itself is contained within. The smoke it produces is warm and smoky, with a hint of sulfur and charcoal, perfect for those who seek a grounding, earthier experience.
Each of these pipes carries its own story, enhancing the ritual of pipe smoking with history, magic, and atmosphere.
Leaving Gothi to keep the tower safe, the party set out towards the monastery following the tainted stream. all start to feel the affects of the caustic air burning with each breath. Coming up to the dual waterfall they see what looks like a yawning cavern between the two waterfalls, a flow of yellowish-green fluid dripping down into the small lake area and then flowing downstream.
look to be mining tunnels as well as melted skeletons and more, they come into a large cavern with pools of acid all around. Then the dragon appears. It is not large, perhaps a young one, the lair is supposed to have a number of dragons or offspring. Then a booming voice calls out to the party echoing down the halls. The dragon seems like he wants to parley, but in the end the heroes realize this is a ruse and don't fall for the trap.
humanoids fight to the fiercely and many to the death.
The battle rages as the heroes destroy one after another of the draconian servants, but more keep coming. Then at what looks like a dire moment, Graxxuzzaz calls out calls a demonic debt and summons the leader of the demonic horde that took Axegard. The cloud giant - Chief Tomklagg - had made a pact for his life to come the Fellowship's aid once. [DM: Blogpost]
Then, Tibaltuous is in the claw of the dragon, Doc summons his nightmare and takes a trickshot at the dragon and hitting the scaly claw holding the bard, and Zemycran drops Tibaltuous who crashes to not moving.
Nenwin slices a draconian in half and moves onwards to the dragon!
Hester casts a healing spell on Tibaltuous and this brings the bard back from death's door, insulting the dragon from his resting place on the ground.
The massive head of the dragon turns towards the bard, then the gunslinger, then the priest, then the sorcerer and then the paladin and finally the giant. All resolute on his death.
Until next time!