Thursday, 3 October 2024

Battle for the Flying Tower Rages


Location: the Lortmill mountains - former Duchy of Ulek. Near the village of  Hallowuud

Date: 18th of Reaping, High Summer. Close to midnight. 

The party leap into battle, a hobbit having come out of one tent, as well as rustling and high squeaking yips coming from another. Gothi's cavebear, Morsel and Graxxuzazz the direwolf noses to the ground

catch the scent of the female drow. She was about 30' away invisible. Seems a combination spell of misty step and invisibility were activated.

The hobbit tries to backstab Tibaltuous but misses and calls out for aid! To cover his 'tactical retreat' a new enemy emerges from one of the tents. At that moment, Graxxuzazz the direwolf - polymorphed - runs over to the hobbit - in dire wolf form - and tears a chunk out of the small creature's leg. Yelping the hobbit looks for a way out. Hester casts Circle of life which allows the Fellowship to be much more agile [DM: dodge area effect spells]

In the dim light, the evil knight emerges from the shadows, his armor a twisted amalgamation of dark steel and jagged spikes. His helmet, adorned with menacing horns, conceals a face twisted by malevolence, with eyes that burn like green embers in the night.

He wields a massive two-handed sword, its blade etched with ancient runes that seem to pulse with a sinister energy. The sword’s edge glows faintly, as if thirsting for the blood of its next victim. Each step he takes echoes with a chilling metallic clang, sending shivers down the spines of those who dare to oppose him.

His presence exudes an aura of dread, and the very air around him seems to grow colder, as if the warmth of life itself recoils from his touch. This knight is a harbinger of doom, a relentless force of darkness that leaves only despair in his wake.

The battle then is engaged with the drow knight. The sword he wields appears to have an enhanced effect of draining magic ability and spells from the opponents mind as a number of spellcasters are hit and drained of the ability to remember to cast a spell! This also appears to have the separate effect of healing the fallen knight. His sweeping blade cuts deep as he fights the party. The anti-magic blade hits Tibaltuous and he forgets how to cast some of his keys spells. The knight then hits Doc, slicing into the gunslinger/paladin. Morsel, having lost the scent for the female drow leader sets his sights on the hobbit and barrels forward to rip him apart. The hobbit

scuttles away behind some boxes and one of the tents with a cry of fear as Gothi's cavebear towers over him. Tibaltuous casts Heat Metal on the drow knight then the dark elf's black armour starts to smoke under the effect. Tibaltuous checks one of the tents and encounters a kobold with mace in hand. The ever-quick and silver-tongued bard persuades the kobold to go back to sleep! During battle! [DM: extremely high persuade roll!]

The female drow appears in a blink near the bridge and invokes dark energy. A swirling necromantic fog drains life energy from a few of the party, fortunately, Hester's spell allows a few party members to fully avoid the deathly tendrils. She then disappears again!

Gothi activating her X-Ray vision, blood starts to drip down from both her eyes as the vision allows the ranger to see through the tent walls. She sees 2 small tied up figures in the tents as well as the kobold the bard persuaded to sleep. She then notes motion on rope bridge - the female drow? Calling out to the party, she leaps towards the rope bridge. Morsel appears from the fallen tent, the limp body of the hobbit drops from the massive cave bear's jaws.

Tibaltuous tackles the drow knight over cliff, the spiked armour digging deeply into his flesh as he bowls the surprised dark knight over the edge! Trying to let go, the bard is then caught in a deadly grip about his throat as the knight squeezes. The two fall, the drow's helmet flung off into the dark, and then they start to drift down gently. Tibaltuous grimaces. Featherfall! Damnation. Tibaltuous sees the blazing eyes of the grinning drow. 

"I'll take you with me.. halfbreed." The drow grins, blood dripping and falling away. 

There is a crack and echo of a gun shot. Doc fires at the knight's arm holding the bard, and with a cry of pain he lets Tibaltuous go and Tibaltuous falls! Tumbling and smashing against the lake bed walls.  The bard's wisecracking sword - Sir Lawrence activates a newly enhanced power - used to be levitate, but now the wielder can fly. Good timing.

Doc and Graxxuzazz both here a commanding word from the female drow elf: "Jump!". She apepars again on the rope bridge with a wicked smile as both the heroes, shake their heads and then under the command powerful spell, jump off the edge! She then darts towards the tower.

Tibaltuous is able to save one of the two and reaches Graxxuzazz the sorcerer and stops his fall, the two then move towards the tower. Doc falls and starts to tumble down the side of the empty lake. Getting pummeled and smashed by outcroppings the 1/2 orc is able to stop his fall. Able to slow his tumbling, Doc starts to climb back up slowly.

Hester casts guiding bolt at the fleeing drow but misses and then invokes his power and summons an avenger - a large celestial angelic form of his deity. The 15' being filled with stars hovers before Hester and then gently picks up the cat like humanoid to carry him forth across the large empty lake

toward the tower perched against one cliff wall. Tibaltuous is flying there as well, Graxxuzazz in tow, the bard holding the tail of the lizardfolk as they fly onwards. Graxxuzazz casts lightning bolt, enhancing the spell to fire. It bolts into the slowly falling drow knight. The combined fire and lightning doing extensive damage.

All hear a grinding noise as the tower seems to push and pull against the cliff wall. dust and debris fall. The female drow screams out, "Noooo!" her cry of outrage echoing around the walls of the dry lake. The tower seems to be leaving them behind..

Gothi now on the rope bridge, nocks an arrow and shoots true, hitting the female drow in the shoulder, the arrow dripping blood. Grimacing, the drow limps away taking a potion which seems to visibly heal some of her wounds. She casts dispel magic on the avenger but then Graxxuzazz casts counter spell on it! Frustrated in rage and she then slips into the open doorway on the balcony on the 3rd flor of the tower.

Doc holding on with one hand to precarious outcropping over the deep water below, pulls out some climbing claws which allow him to climb faster. 

The drow knight then starts to float upwards! The drow's levitation ability taking him past Doc and towards the edge of the cliff. Flying towards the tower being carried by his tail, the sorcerer launches a final lighting/fire bolt at the drow knight. The drow is able to hold on to his spell and continues to levitate upwards. He tosses a rope and snags an outcropping pulling himself to safety. The drow knight grins down at the climbing paladin/gunslinger, bandaging a wound on his arm,

Morsel attacks the drow knight and the fight slicing the bear, and massive bites out of the drow. The evil power affects the bear and it runs in fear. Morsel is howling in fear and rage into the darkness as it runs away.

The party come to the door at the balcony. It is closed and locked. Graxxuzazz and Tibaltuous summon their ghast - "Sir Ghastly" using the power of Orcus. [DM blogpost for more info] . It starts to hammer and smash the door. The stench is atrocious, all of the party- Gothi, Hester, Tibaltuous and Graxxuzazz  nearby eyes are watering.

Gothi remembers her key! All the party have a key to the doors. This allows them to gain full access. They enter but are is in full darkness - magical it seems. Fortunately Graxxuzazz and Gothi know the layout of the tower well.  Inside the tower, Hester invokes his gods power to allow the party to see in any type of darkness. Graxxuzazz using a fell amulet sees fine in the darkness.

The party explore, now able to see in the dark. The adventurers, enter their study, the books on bookshelves primarily look to still be there of the small library they had been collecting. Graxxuzazz notes his small friend's little house on one of the shelves is still there, somewhat enhanced since he had last seen it. They move through into the hallway, the circular stairwell going up and down. The avenger angle unfortunately cannot make it up the stairs, it's massive size not able to navigate the tight circular stairs. They go up to the control room, and see the a fallen male drown at the controls, his

head burnt and frozen at the same time. At that moment, a blast of necrotic energy hits all three, all lurch back in pain, but Graxxuzazz's held spell - Scorching ray - hits the drow, burning her even more as she runs down a set of stairs nearby. Gothi and Graxxuzazz know this is the power chamber where the demons drained soul energy to power the tower. Gothi raises her bow but the lithe drown elf is gone , out of sight. Tibaltuous heads back to see if Doc needs any aid.

Gothi leaps after and enters the familiar by dreadful room. Strange beds or racks flat have chains and

shackles. Glowing glass chambers line one wall and at the head of each rack. There are 3 beds - or racks - with 3 humanoids strapped in. 

Lukann the wizard's apprentice to the famous Leomund is strapped into one, he looks to now be an ancient frail man, with withered skin, sunken eyes; hair falling out to point of being just long wisps on a shiny skull. He once was a vibrant man, with long black hair, well-trimmed goatee and moustache. Fairly fit even in his fortyish looking age when the Fellowship met him.

A large glowing orb like chamber at his head is pulsing and the wizard convulses, crying out weakly as tears run from his wincing closed eyes with each pulse.

The 2nd rack holds what appears to be a firbolg. The tall - 8' - humanoid is not moving the orb at near her head has just a glimmer of light in it. The body of the firbolg - female from appearance - is now a dried husk. Sunken features - mummified.

The 3rd rack holds what appears to be a very small scaly figure - Graxxuzazz knows this as the caretaker of the library. She is secured down with 1 of the shackles that would fit a humanoid around

her waist. She convulses as well, as the orb at the far end of the rack glimmers and pulses.

The drow hovers near Lukann, a dagger at his throat. "Stop or I kill him. This blade will drain his soul."

She grin bloody from the constant attacks of the Fellowship. Gothi stops, Graxxuzazz comes down with Hester to also see the tragic scene. There appear to be some figures huddled in some cells. Appear to be townsfolk possibly.

Meanwhile outside, The drow knight then yells down to Doc, "want a rope? Then we can fight as equals. One on one combat." Doc nods and he pulls himself up. The drow knight steps back, swinging his sword around easily, waiting for the1/2 orc to prepare. Then they battle. Both cleave and slice into the other, their sharp blades hacking and cutting back and forth. 

Back in the Power chamber, Graxxuzazz uses his sorcerous skills to command the drow to "Drop" the blade. An echoing clatter of the blade as it hits the floor. [DM: bad wisdom save!

Gothi scoops up her bow and looses four arrows at the drow. All hitting, she convulses and falls back. Graxxuzazz casts another scoring ray and the blasts drill into the drow's chest. She falls down between the racks, gurgling and crying out and then.. nothing.

Outside the melee duel continues. Doc, desperate and realizing this drown was a master swordsman, uses all his skills and pulls his pistol, the shot echoing around the cliffs, a disarming shot, and the drow drops the massive sword. Doc tries to kick it off the edge, but the drow knight stops it, stamping on the blade. 

The drow picks up his sword and raises it for a killing blow as there is a rumbling from the tower as it starts to rise into the air. 

Tibaltuous quips, "You cannot call us cowards and start to run away." The drow growls and then launches himself hitting the bard multiple times. Tibaltuous falls to the ground. Putting his sword to the bard's throat, threatens Doc.

Both Doc and the drow knight are surprised when with a roar of rage, Morsel appears again, no longer affected by the fear and launches himself at the knight, Both go tumbling off the edge into the dark!

Morsel is able to stop with his claws, the tumbling drow smashes down the side, sword clanging and spinning and then with a splash of water as the drow sinks into the water.

Tibaltuous is being healed up by Doc, as the 1/2 orc looks up at the tower rising and down at Morsel.

It appears.. the tower is once again under the control of the Fellowship, Lukann and the librarian being drained of energy, and the tower is ascending very quickly with no one at the controls! 

Audio Summary