Wednesday 31 July 2024

A Heroes' Feast for the RedWater Fellowship


17th of Reaping High Summer

The battle with the undead titan continues, the many attacks from the Fellowship as well as the contingent of skeletons Graxxuzazz had summoned wearing the colossal humanoid down. Its connection to the shadow shield through the umbilical-like cord from its back now cut the giant appeared to be near lethargic as the attacks of arrows, bullets and magic continue to pepper it. The giant gash in the titan's stomach no longer was spewing forth zombies as well.

The fleshy arch had collapsed and continued to pump out caustic blood growing in area in some spots a few feet deep of the acidic fluid.

Behind the party, the cloud giant sheathed the massive sword on his back still holding the pulsing purple orb and called out, "Parley!" Gothi and Tibaltuous were closet to the cloud giant chief and could see he as well as heavily wounded.

A flying demon circling hears this and screeches in rage flying fast towards the giant. The demon flies by breathing fire on the cloudgiant, his skin burbling and bubbling taking the full force of the heated breath. 

Tibaltuous moves towards the giant as Doc calls out, "Take out the demons first, then we can deal with the giant." The bard steps up and shouts, "Drop your sword, giant!" 

The giant loosens a strap and the massive sword CLUNKS into the blasted town street. Nodding with a
smile the bard starts to intone one of his signature spells - Hypnotic Pattern - as a mystical pattern of swirling lights engulfs one flying demon while the other flies off.

Hester heals Gothi with a ranged heal then launched a guiding bolt at the demon flying off - missing. Graxxuzazz standing in the pool of acidic

blood takes some damage, but fortunately reduced by the twilight sanctuary spell.

Graxxuzazz also launches a guiding bolt as well but hits, and at first it appears to not have a major effect. but then, the giant watching aloof as the titan finally succumbed to the attacks of the heroes and started to topple to the ground the demonic landscape of the town quaking and rumbling as the sixty foot tall creature crashed into a few former houses and lay still.. after the party shot and loosed more missiles into him [DM - having fought zombies before and not taking any chances

Graxxuzazz directs his final skeletons to hack and shoot at the titan to make sure it stays.. dead.

Doc's fires his pistol and the bullet hits the retreating demon right in the back of the neck and crashes to the ground, turning into a cloud of black smoke that slowly disperses. Gothi looses two arrows into the titan, his Hunter's Mark letting the ranger know it now is finally destroyed, both arrows into the eye slit of humanoid's helmet.

The Chief seemed to focus on Tibaltuous and Graxxuzazz. "Orcus - touched Souls." Looking back over his shoulder into the destroyed town he wiped a streak of blood off his face with one hand as he sees the fallen titan. 

The Cloudgiant and Tibaltuous reach an agreement of letting the giant leave and he will return - one time - to battle or fulfill a task. The two agree, Tibaltuous stating, "I agree."

The large giant holds out the purple and black swirling sphere. "touch the sphere to sign this.. contract." As the bard touches the sphere, the 1/2 elf feels areas in his mind opening up like doors to new vistas. His understanding of the teachings of Orcus expand. Then Tibaltuous AND Graxxuzazz realize they are in on this deal together. They both must agree and summon the giant. 

The giant picks up the sword. He states his name is Chief Tomaklagg. He bows his head slightly to the bard and looks over at the lizardfolk. "I will go now, parley is agreed to, correct?", reaching down to pickup the massive sheathed sword. Graxxuzazz and Tibaltuous both say "Yes." in unison.

The shadow dome continues to fade and the Fellowship see griffon riders.

The heavily wounded giant walks into the blood and seems to be stepping down a ramp or stairs even though there was none there. "Call upon Chief Tomaklagg, one time." And then the giant disappears with a swirl of blood and is gone.

Griffon riders land nearby, a Captain calling out to the heroes. It appears that other than some stragglers, giants and humanoids, all the demons are gone or destroyed.

The Siege of Axegard is over and a victory for the forces of Overlord Romack.

The Redwater Fellowship are escorted back to the camp of Lord Royce. The wagon, Lars, Morsel the bear, are all there as well as the golden cube. Gothi's scavenger lizard comes back with a leather bound tome. The book written in orcish, tells of Stories From the Orc Graggshar Holds, majority is a single saga as well as other poems and more. It appears to be a rare book, or some were destroyed by the elves oppressing  the orc tribes. Worth at least a few hundred gold to a collector. 

Lord Royce meets the party after they rest and recuperate, who is delighted upon their return, the
covert mission went better than expected the warrior/priest advised over goblets of fine wine and tankards of strong dwarven ale. The heroes are given a feast which they feel empowering them - Heroes' Feast spell. Lars did not join the feast, and Morsel tolerates the undead warlock - due to him feeding Morsel. The spider hatchlings are running all over the back of the wagon, Gothi lets them run free, as screams of fright in the camp being dismantled. 

The party have become renown and with a smile advises there are large bounties on some of the Fellowship's members.

Lady Cowl, enters and advises that they can assist with getting the party to their lost flying tower. The gate to transport them would not be large enough to allow the wagon - and cube - through.

Hester asks for information on his home town and if there are any survivors. Gothi requests a enhanced saddle to infuse with strength.

The party are also given magical ear rings from Lord Royce. As well as the masters of magic, artificer, alchemy and cleric which will assist with the possible changing of the power supply to something NOT demonic.

He smiles reminiscing, "these were very helpful to my group when we were adventurers and heroes!" he says with a wink and continues, "Now, I pass them on to you. May they help you as well as they did us." A felt-lined wooden case holds 6 silver earrings  (each having a small ruby inset) 

Magical. When within 120' of each other allow mental communication with the rest of the earrings in use. Twisting the ruby inset 180° can turn it off if desired by wearer. Turn again will re-activate. This takes a bonus action to activate. Wearers have to mentally initiate (no visible change) to use. Wearers cannot have 2 magical earrings in same ear. 

The party decide to let the wagon travel with the army of Lord Royce under the supervision of Lars as well as Lady Cowl.

That evening, the party are ready, for once walking. A glimmering gate stands outside the tent of Lord Royce. At 8 bells, the party is ready. [ DM - the Heroes feast spell with end in 23 hours]

"So.. you trust me now do you?" She says with a smile at Tibaltuous.

The bard remarks, "You have proven yourself." 

She smiles back, "Yes, yes.. so have you." The decision on where to meet and what energy to use - soul energy or other is all the minds of the Fellowship as they step through the gate.

The party appear in a heavily wooded hilly area, a path heads off in two directions, Gothi confirms West and East. Goth i motions forward along the dirt and gravel narrow road. The mountains stretching up. The air is getting cold in the twilight as the heroes move forward. A weathered statue is on a small cliff ahead visible through the trees. Tibaltuous uses his spyglass, it looks to be an armoured figure weathered by time and the elements. It looks quite old, around 30-40 feet tall. A knight holding a sword point first in the ground.

Probably a knight of the Duchy of Ulek, the bard decides.

Gothi looks about and using her excellent survival skills confirms the area, showing the others on the map where they were. Northeast of Tringlee in the high hills heading up into the Lortmill mountains.  

The sun probably will set around 9 bells, the warm air cooling quickly.

Gothi recalls there is a small hamlet and as they move up to the large statue they see some lights most likely from the small village.

 Lights twinkling from windows in some houses and buildings as well as 2 lanterns at a wooden gate (closed) in a 15' wall appears to enclose the hamlet. Gothi advises the name of the village is Hallowud.
The party head down from the statue and move towards the hamlet.

Audio Summary: 

Wednesday 10 July 2024

Demonic Battles in Axegard


17th of Reaping, High Summer

Location: Sewers under the river town of Axegard | Limbo | The Abyss

We rejoin the RedWater Fellowship still in mid battle with the demonic tentacles part of the gate to the Abyss.

Graxxuzazz and Hester are wrapped up by one massive tentacle, trying to crush them together. Gothi is hanging upside down from another, the long tentacle holding her by one leg upside down. Tibaltuous is

also grasped by one leg, but he determinedly holds on to an out-jutting brick in the ceiling. [his talkative sword levitating the bard], while Doc and Gizzard edge back preparing attacks for the tentacles waving around in the air nearby.

The right arch has three large cracks, from the explosive arrows of Gothi, a vial of acid from Gizzard a Destructive wave spell from Graxxuzazz [this hit both arches as well as all the tentacles] and the Moonbeam spell from Hester. The left arch also has a number of smaller cracks in it. All of the

heroes have the multitude of voices screaming the heroes' names inside their head still, this is impacting the teams ability to cast spells. Also being in what seems like a Limbo between the material plane and the Abyss makes it even harder for Hester and Graxxuzazz to connect with their divine powers.

Gothi tries to pull free of the tentacle but it is too well wrapped around her leg. She then shoves her trident into the tentacle cutting part of the slimy appendage. Gizzard looks up seeing the precarious position of the ranger and fires her crossbow and it pierces through. Gothi falls to the ground and then moves over nodding to the goblin/gnome with a grim smile.

Graxxuzazz is able to connect with his god, and casts Destructive Wave again. The force and divine damage destroying a number of the tentacles. Both bone arches crack even more under the energy. Using his sorcerous abilities he teleports out from the grasping tentacle and appears next to Gothi and Gizzard.

Doc is able to tap into his Paladin ability to sense if the tentacles are undead or not. The overpowering feedback shakes him, as blood oozes form his ears, eyes, and nose. These are indeed both undead and demonic. He yells that out to Tibaltuous.

Hester casts Word of Radiance on the tentacle and destroys the appendage, the cleric/druid falls to the
ground taking minor damage.. Hester presents his star map and enters a starry form. Allowing him to fought off the voices and all.

Tibaltuous attacks the tentacle cutting it with Sir Lawrence. The tentacle falls back into the sewage. The bard keeps moving up the passage. and drops to the ground looking forward then back. The passage goes on for about fifty feet from the light of Sir Lawrence, then into darkness.

Hester's MoonBeam spell takes out the final tentacle, cuts right through turning it to ashen dust. Also damaging the bone arch. The remaining tentacle swings out to hit Gothi, Graxxuzazz and Gizzard. The razor sharp suckers on the tentacle cut through all three. It does slicing damage to all three as Gizzard falls to the ground, coughing blood.

A massive hand appears at the edge of the gate. Much bigger than a giant's had, titan sized or larger. A blast of necrotic energy waves out crashing over all except Tibaltuous. All are blinded except Graxxuzazz. Gothi having glimpsed where the massive hand was, fired blindly both arrows striking true and piercing deep into the black skin only a finger's length apart.

Graxxuzazz summons his sorcerous powers to do another Destructive Wave. This one washed over this massive hand, it shudders, a voice booms up from below as it is stripped of flesh by the divine and thunder damage. The portly lizardfolk tries to cast a Guiding Bolt spell but he crescendo of noise and distraction hamper his aim and the bolt goes high over the bone arch.

Doc blindly moves forward across the sewer and is able to make it to Gizzard and lay on hands to heal the sewer worker. She coughs and sighs awake again.

Hester brings forth a globe of twilight which assists all in the area. 

Tibaltuous and Graxxuzazz and Hester call back and forth on the merits if a Banishment spell and how that may affect denizens. 

Tibaltuous slams both his giant empowered hands into the cracked bone arch. The bard sees a massive head down below looking up. Inspired he hits the perfect spot on the bone arch, a hairline crack splits and the gate starts to implode and fall down into the Abyss. The fingers thumb and all are lopped off as the gate slams shut. 

It is quiet now. the voices are all gone. The purple wall of power is gone. Only the lapping of the sewage water, the ragged breathing of the party make any sound. 

Gizzard does not appear to be breathing but she coughs up blood and is moving as Doc again used his healing ability. Three of the party members are still blind.

A short time later, the party are able to see once again. The party take a short rest, allowing their bodies to heal somewhat. Graxxuzazz takes part of the pinkie finger, with a black shiny fingernail. [very well-trimmed]

After some discussion they decide to move forward to the entrance under the Axegard keep. Moving ahead, Gothi and Gizzard take the lead being stealthy. The party moves forward, it seems the pressure and connection to the divine is weakening as the pressure increases, They surmise they are getting closer tot he Abyss again.

A red glow appears ahead. a rung ladder can be seen going up to a manhole cover with a locking mechanism. Gothi goes up and sees a vast and destroyed land. The ranger sees what looks like was once a town but areas are not jagged rocks, Every where a haze covers the ground. the lands are hot. A massive glowing blood red gate is in the distance as well as river of lava going up to it. A giant or titan possibly stands in front of the gate. The arch sprouts a dark red shadow straight up into the air, looking like it is creating or powering the shadow globe covering the town. The town looks like it is being turned into the Abyss. A massive titan, appearing to be the same one seen earlier.

Gothi comes back down and advises the party of what she saw. All look troubled at this. The party discuss tactics and strategy. A stealthy approach then attack looks to be the plan. The party advise Gizzard she does not have to accompany them. The sewer worker looks relieved. and grins. "Maybe
these will help.." She passes over three vials of acid. She nods and wishes the Fellowship good luck and fades from view into the sewer passage. The party climb up, then start across unfamiliar evil lands. As they move along they pass burnt and withered trees, faces in the tree trunks which look to be human bones and flash. 
The face contorts calling out piteously to the
party asking for help or death. Multiple flying demons can be seen circling the area, but they don't appear to see the party. Hester and Doc think about how to help them, as it appears there is at least fifteen faces in a tree or more. "Help me!" Kill me!" It appears souls or spirits have been imprisoned in the dead trees. Hester tries to comfort. But they don't seem to understand or acknowledge the two.
The party continue their stealthy advance.

Reaching a large cliff, they can see the massive titan slowing moving back and forth. As the party climb up stony hands come out of the wall to try and grasp them but take some necrotic damage. Finally able to pull free the party have a good view of the titan.

Doc and Hester note a strange cord like an umbilical cord going from the titan to the arch shooting the shadow dome into the sky. The focus is on that for their fist attacks.

All prepare. Then attack!

Arrows, musket balls, spells hit the umbilical cord and do extensive damage. The titan shudders as well as the dome above shudders and nearly disappears. The bone arches start to shake and blood gushes out. as the party realize the arch is made from flesh. Graxxuzazz summons a contingent of skeletons that appears and ready to attack!

After the surprise, the party attack again. The titan steps forward and attacks. knocking Tibaltuous back 30 feet.
The titan continues to pummel the party, stomping on skeletons but takes great amounts of damage from the party. Reaching into his gut the titan throws zombies out to crash to the ground. They don't seem to have any effect except perhaps take some of the massive damage being done to the giant.
The flying demons swoop in breathing fire on the party and skeletons.
Doc teleports up above the cord and timing it perfectly fired his blunderbuss perfectly right into the damaged cord. Shredding it. The arch starts to shudder and starts to crash down. Blood sprays

everywhere. There is a groaning shriek from the titan. The blood raining down is burning all in the area. The arches appear to be flesh without bone in them collapsing. The river of blood floods the area.

Sir Lawrence continues to make sarcastic remarks as the battle continues. The bard ignoring the blade, envelops the titan in Faerie Fire spell. Gothi's arrows continue to do massive damage to the giant.

The skeletons create a good diversion for the titan, many falling under the massive blows and stomping feet of the titan. Hester brings in his twilight sanctuary again which helps the Fellowship. Sir Lawrence engages one of the flying demons as it breathes fire on the skeletons and the party. Tibaltuous inspires the party using his mantle to allow the party extra moves.

Graxxuzazz, uses one of his signature spells casting Destructive Eave again. Two of the demons are destroyed, the waves hit the titan as well. 

Sunlight is streaking in as the party look up, the shadowy blood dome is starting to crack and dissipate. If the party can continue with this momentum, maybe.. just maybe they can be victorious. Circling griffon riders look to be coming near. Lord Royce's forces!

A giant form can be seen coming through the haze and smoke though from where the Axegard keep stands. A pale-skinned giant. Smaller than the titan but still formidable at over twenty feet tall. 

Until next time..