Sunday, 27 August 2023

The Thespian, the Bounty and the Fallen Angel

2nd of Reaping, High Summer

Out in the dark depths of the undead infested areas of former great elvish city of Enstad, the RedWater Fellowship come upon an theatre. 

Up above, the Fellowship call back and forth to each other, questioning if they are going to help the living thespian. The undead audience seems to ignore this, focusing on the man. The man though seems to include the flyers IN the story and it seems adding the rescue as part of the ongoing play, seamlessly.

The story continues about a servant of great evil in the theatre, as the bard continues to walk around.
The Fellowship's view from flight:

A gazebo at each end where undead musicians appear to playing..

A ruined temple..

Appear to be two dwarf skeletons controlling lights on the storyteller. But upon closer examination are willow wisps.

As the party decide on strategy, a small figure child-size jumps up on to the platform with the 1/2 elf man and exclaims, "This is a strange story!"
All the undead stop looking at the 1/2 elf and chant: "Darling.. Darling.. Darling..!"
The Jester (?) holds up a scepter or rod and the undead immediately quiet. "Hello my friends!" Holding out both arms one towards the 1/2 elf and one pointing up above towards the circling flyers.
"I think we have new players in our theater!" All the undead IN unison look up at the heroes flying around.
"Are you going to join us?!" Calls out the strange figure that seems to be called Darling. It's eyes, empty sockets. "Join this great travelling circus! No.. this is a theatre company!.. or are you with a circus?" Darling looks at the 1/2 elf expectantly.
The ragged and hoarse man's strong voice, slightly ragged on the edges, but seems to know his craft. Now having performed near15 hours straight.
Doc - riding on Graxxuzaz - in wyvern form - jumps off as the wyvern comes in low and then flies off again.
The Thespian, not missing a beat, continues the story asking "Should the heroes fight or heroes flee", posting the question to the audience. As Doc lands, Darling sees the gunslinger/paladin. The jester appears to unfold birdlike legs and goes from 3 feet to to 8 feet tall.. his bones
Meanwhile, Kantif slow falls up on the back area near the dwarves controlling the 2 beams of light - willow wisps. Gothi circles on his griffon mount, bow nocked and ready while Graxxuzazz flies backup to continue circling, all ready to attack if needed.
We have a new player my friends!" With a flourish to Doc, "What is your name?"
"I'm Your Huckleberry", drawls the gunslinger.
"I'm-yourhuckleberry!" Darling calls out, the audience cheers and claps; and then the jester steps back out of the glimmering light of the willow wisps. Darling folds him self back down creaking and cracking to 3 feet tall and melds into the shadows. Both the 1/2 elf and Doc can feel life energy seep towards the willow wisps barely but still noticeable.
Doc and the orator - named Tibaltuous a bard/bounty hunter had moments to speak to each other as they continue to perform. Doc even does some trick shots to the "oohs" and "aahs" of the crowd. The bounty hunter seems to be tracking a bounty from Verbobonc in in the Kron hills to the North down to the area of the Temple of Elemental Evil, and the Moat house near Hommlet [DM: More Info]. The bounty a male drow elf by the name Crellinos B'Threersar.
Tibaltuou had tracked him from the Moat House near Hommlet. Not sure if he was trying to rebuild there or just looking for artifacts. Does know he appears to be a worshipper of Lolth. An abandoned grisly sacrificial scene in the complex to Her, the Queen of Spiders led South.. to Enstad..
From tracking him, talking with passerby’s whom interacted with him, seeing his camp and the sacrificial scene at the Moat house was able deduce:
  • Older male drow
  • Walks with a limp (right leg)
  • Clothing nondescript, blacks and greys.
  • Carries no visible weapons other than a walking cane (fancy has a glass handle of some creature head?)
  • Appears to be a necromancer but seems to worship heavily at all campsites to Lloth (these clues are minimal as he covers up but Tibaltuous' skills as a bounty hunter found)
  • Scarred face, hair in tight braids down back normally. Stays hooded mostly. Tall at 6 & and 1/2 feet or so
The bounty hunter's current predicament is due to tracking the drow into the undead infested part of city. Is Crellinos looking for something.. someone.. or..?

Client: Countess Selirra D'vorass. She or her agent can be reached in either Nulb (tavern: owner Gubinst) or Fax (Candlemaker in Sails district. Only one. Proprietor unknown). Little background search. The Countess has a fleet of merchant ships as well as caravan business. 

 The party notice after Tibaltuous advises a yellow glimmer - only noticeable at the corner of the eye on the party and bounty hunter. 

Graxx flies down and lands, changing into his portly - but athletic - lizardfolk. Graxxuzazz bows low, takes off his hat and spouts off his long - very long - list of titles. This gives Tibaltuous and Doc a good minute or so to discuss options as the bounty hunter wants to follow the drow into a door at the right of

the platform rather than fly away. Doc agrees and with hand signals advises the party.
The group note as the play continues a bar and barkeep in the stands does steady business for the audience, all enjoying drinks except the skeletons whom drink and it unfortunately pours down over their bones onto the ground. The sorcerer casts prestidigitation to fire off sparks at the end of the titles.

Doc notes where Darling is leaning against.. nothing in the shadows? The jester seems to be quite happy as the audience is with the performance so far. Doc continues the story 'about taking the shot..'. Then Tibaltuous weaves it further about how he took the shot, using his bardic ability to allow the adventurers to move quickly as well as some temporary health. At this point, Doc pulls out his rifle - Blessed News and whirls around to shoot at Darling!
Battle is begun.
Gothi fires her bow and continues to take out multiple audience members, skeletons and zombies mainly.
Kantif sneak attacks one of the dwarves and the skeleton crumples under the attack. The second dwarf turns to face the rogue/monk, which takes their control off the two lantern beams off the willow wisps, one floating up and the other hovering nearby. 
It appears the undead audience reacts to the battle as part of the performance. Clapping cheering and more comes from the shadowy stands.
Tibaltuous weaves a spell into his speaking faerie fire which lights up a good section.
Graxxuzazz lets off a fireball in the stands - the VIP section - which blasts most destroying many ,except one figure, hooded and cloaked, glowing with the faerie fire The stand now on fire gives some glimmering light for the heroes to continue battle. 
Darling, crying and sniffs, "This wasn't part of the play!" breaths a black mist on Doc and Tibaltuous  which is detrimental to them then leaps away OVER the stands and out of sight.
A strange spell hits Tibaltuous and Graxx which sucks 1/2 their health.
Battle continues until the hooded figure is destroyed. The audience even as they fall to attacks melee and missile continue to just clap and cheer as if all of this was part of the play! Jawbone - still in wyvern form - picks up skeletons and zombies from the stands dropping them from on high to crumple and explode on the ground.
Darling peaks around the corner "You're fired!" and then disappears into the gloom his tittering laughter heard fading away into the gloom.
"You're fired!" Yells Doc in reply.
The undead cloaked figure appearing to be a mummy or skeleton of some type is defeated finally - at least the ones battling, the rest of the undead see the play is over start to file and leave the stands, cheers and random clapping still once in a while.
The battle is complete and the Fellowship make formal introductions to the bard/bounty hunter - Tibaltuous.

Not taking too much time except to heal and rest - as well as search for some loot, the party decide to assist the bounty hunter in his hunt for the drow.
Heading through the door, there appear to be some old theatrical items, boxes, props and ragged poles and more. A purple glow emanates from the ramp heading downwards.
At the bottom of a ramp is a circular room where frescoes of what appear to be fallen angels in the Abyss.
This is quite strange.. for the back rooms of a theatre?? The area appears more to be a temple or other complex for these fallen angels?
The party moves forward, encountering traps, statues of what appear to be fallen angels and even  a room with a pool with a strange black liquid creature[DM: which permanently (?) drains hit points]
Moving forward now some of the party have robes and what appear to be sacrificial daggers. A phrase "All hail the Fallen"
Moving forward they come upon a stairway down and at that moment, a drow - the BOUNTY - comes through a door a wild look on his face. 
Before anyone can do anything, Tibaltuous whips out a scroll and casts Telekinesis on Crellinos!
Catching the his bounty by surprise, Tibaltuous starts to raise drow through the air. Crellinos cries out, appears wounded and tired. "No! You will destroy all of us! I cannot.. control.."
At that moment through the partially open door a PRESCENCE is felt not seen.. but felt.. coming closer.. by all. 

Until next time..

Friday, 25 August 2023

The Orator and the Sleepless Audience


2nd of Reaping, High Summer

The party fly into the area of the Enstad, the landscape has changes, much is still burnt and destroyed, but large areas all around and parts of the city are covered in a black haze or smog [DM: areas labelled C]

The party see a massive column of smoke to the South area [DM: B]. As they fly - from the Northwest - the heroes around 200 feet up it seems to clear for a moment and they hear a strong but hoarse voice. Cannot confirm what is being said.. they see what appears to be an amphitheater which was in part of the old city.

The party circle and take a closer look. A lone figure is on a stage and appears to be performing for a large crowd or audience in raised stands all around.

A closer look shows a humanoid indeed on stage and performing for the people. Two floating glowing orbs one on each side seem to light up the area around the lone performer. The stands are nearly full of all types of folks tanging from elves, humans, dwarves, gnomes, lizardfolk, hobbits and more.. but something seems off or strange about them. They all watch the performer .
The performer sees the 3 flying - 2 wyverns and griffon - telling a story LOUDER about the 'birds that save the man from a viper's nest'. 
The Redwater fellowship - Doc - realize that the orbs are willow-wisps? Kantif gets the impression that the 1/2 elf is trying to tell them something.
Kantif casts message "Do you need help?"
The 1/2 elf responds: "Yes I need help, and a lot of help right now!" drawing his sword and flourishing it as part of the story. The sword lights up with fire and the light shines upon the nearly entranced audience. 
The Fellowship realize the audience, are not alive.. but not dead. Undead. Skeletons, zombies, ghasts, ghouls, wights, wraiths, and more.. all enjoying the 1/2 elf's story.

Until next time..

Monday, 21 August 2023

The Fallen Knight

 The BETA crew are at the entrance to one of the mines at DragonKeep town. The Marshall Drogarr has set himself up quite luxuriously outside the entrance about 50 feet back prompting and calling out to the heroes to come join him in a parley.

[DM: Welcome to a new hero - Valoran. an elf - quite rare since the Deliverance - refugee ranger/archaeologist whom has joined the town guard and is assisting with archery, scouting, hunting and training]

The Mines of DragonKeep

The Marshall's setup

Higher view

Original entrance party went in, now blocked and filling with smoke.

Majority of the party move up to sit and negotiate while Pyra and Valoran hang back in shadows crossbow and bow ready.
The Marshall appears to be of two minds sometimes pleasant and other times sneering and filled with near rage.
Skrit quietly advises the party that perhaps a ceremony and other spells may free what they think is some type of possession.
The strategy was to delay if possible so the Dragonkeep's allies could come to assist [Poet and kobolds, the stone giant brothers, the monks of the 3 Crescent Moon monastery]. Wine is poured for those at the table.

The party note at times his scales have ruby, copper and blue tinge. At other times it is straight black. [DM: Cursed goddess had 3 heads - blue, copper and ruby] - seem to coincide to his possession by what they think is the Cursed Goddess. 
For a moment, the scales change to black, and his demeanor changes and he implores the party to assist him, "I cannot hold Her off!"
Vencer calls over Skrit over to bless his drink and at that point with sweat pouring off him - a unique sight for a scaley creature - the Marshall stands and he digs his claws INTO the hard oak table and it seems there is an external battle in the draconian.
The trog witchdocktor watching closely the interaction sees that Skrit is casting a spell, reacts by casting a prepared spell - Command at the kobold: "Jump!" - with Skrit being near the edge of a ravine - 50' drop. The priest of Istus is able to fight off the urge and casts Protection from evil on the Marshall, hoping this would help the draconian fight the possession. Meantime, the trogs attack the heroes! A screech of pain and anger emanates from the Marshall - the voice of the Cursed Goddess. The black scales seem to become more prevalent. The kobold scuttles under the table, as Vencer yells, "Protect Skrit!" The giant trog picks up the large barrel of wine and hurls at the seated Vencer and Faust. It hits Vencer knocking him back, glancing off Faust for minor damage. The witchdocktor summons a stinking cloud in the area of the party, most affected by the noxious vapours.
The heroes move out of the cloud and engage the trogs. Valoran fires and arrow from his longbow and hits the giant trog doing massive damage to the large monster. Pyra fires from the shadows and cover and hits the same trog expertly. The wizard Vencer moves out of the stinking cloud and summons his shadowblade and attacks the witchdocktor.
As the battle continues Skrit continues to keep the protection from evil on the Marshall as reinforcements. Pyra does an extreme hit on the witchdocktor and this breaks the trog's concentration on the stinking cloud, clearing the area for the party.

Irakul the goliath Echo knight summons his echo and shoves the witchdocktor off the edge of the ravine, falling over the trog holds on with claw. Then the goliath swings the giant's handax at the giant trog. 
At one point in the battle, the Marshall succumbs to the possession of the Cursed Goddess and the draconian lashes out expertly doing extensive damage. Raging back and forth, Skrit casts protection on the Marshall again which allows the draconian to fight it again! Every time the party attacks the Marshall it seems to push the draconian towards the possession, so the party decide to hold off attacking even though the Marshall is deadly with the blade.
Defeating all the trogs, the party is victorious - for now as they see a large group of trogs coming up the roadway from the town. 
The Marshall wounded by the party's attacks, Skrit summoning the party of his goddess to force the power from the draconian as he falls to the ground face-first. Skrit starts a ceremony to start the removal of the possession.
Thinking quickly, tells the party to retreat into the mine entrance with Marshall Drogarr. Vencer casts disguise self and impersonates the Marshall talking to the trogs. Impersonating the Marshall, Vencer angrily tells the trogs to return to the main town, that an agreement was reached with the adventurers.
[DM: dice rolls..] The trogs bow deeply and retreat to the town. It seems they now have time to continue and remove the full possession of the Marshall.
Success by Skrit, Vencer and Faust work together to perform the rites to do this. 

After time passes, Skrit can confirm fully that the draconian is no longer possessed by the Cursed Goddess. The Marshall.. "I am no longer Marshall Drogarr!", He laughs out loud, grinning toothily. his scales a full gleaming deep black, I am Sir Raknell - Paladin of St. Cuthbert!"
The knight, or it seems after some discussion the fallen knight - currently not a paladin - until he performs acts of contrition to his god - St. Cuthbert.
Discussion further they realize the trogs cannot stay, they have evil intent mainly, including slavery. The trogs are from caverns South of the monastery of the Three Crescent Moons. The knight suggests not to kill them, but strike a deal showing power rather than fighting them.
Vencer agrees to use his magic to disguise himself and that a new truce is struck with the town folks and the trogs return to their lands in the underdark. There is a chest - payment to the trogs for the work to assist the Marshall.
Vencer again performs well and orders the trogs to leave, which they do carrying the chest - which takes 4 of the strong trogs. There was a dire moment when the lead trog spoke to Vencer/Dragon Marshall in a language the wizard does not know. Thinking quickly, Faust casts Tongues through the invisible Mephisto the imp hovering nearby. By doing this, Vencer is able to understand and recover and speaks to the trogs in the language they understand. "When all three moons are blue, we will be in contact." The trogs bow down and worship the Marshall.
"When two moons become red, march upon the city of Rastor. And door is not painted red, burn to the ground!" [Vencer has to remember to tell all innocents in Rastor - if any - in the town when 2 of the 3 moons turn red]
As the last trog finally leaves, the townsfolk released.. a calm comes over the town and then cheers and shouts and laughter, crying and much joy and emotion form all the people. 
The town of Dragonkeep is now once again safe!

[DM: Updates on the BETA crew will come later as they recover.] We turn the camera to the RedWater Fellowship..

Thursday, 10 August 2023

Battle Maps - DragonKeep


DragonKeep Mine areas:

The Marshall lounging at his table..

Overhead views

Sunday, 6 August 2023

Battles and Negotiations


Battles continue in the mines at DragonKeep. 

Skrit summons the powers of his goddess Istus, blasting the serpent with a guiding bolt. Gets a critical hit. in the scaley creature's mouth. It seems shaken by this and looks vulnerable to attacks. [DM: all get advantage]

Irakul, the echoknight does take this advantage, his echo moves up next to one of the trogs stuck in the webs and multiple chops with the Giant's Handax cut into the trog futilely just trying to escape the webs.

Pyra stealthily moves back and forth on the raised balcony near the bridge. She cocks the dwarven crank crossbow and spies a flying trog moving towards Vencer. A bolt flies out of the dark catching the trog through 1 wing and into its chest. The trog is near death, barely able to fly.

Vencer meanwhile pulls out a vial of alchemists fire and tosses it at at the large serpent. It splashes on the snake as well as the putrid undead [DM: summoned by Faust].

The serpent attacks the  putrid and with one wide jawed gulp, swallows the zombie like creature whole!

The trog near Irakul's echo slashes through the manifestation and another one is destroyed [DM: quite a few echoes destroyed so far in campaign!] The trog scurries out of sight down to the 2nd level. The flying trog swings around the pillar in the canter around towards Faust.

Some of the trogs in the webs continue to try to escape, but appear to be very stuck.
Vencer's owl familiar screeches and distracts the large snake.
Faust summons eldritch energy and one is a complete miss while the 2nd beam hits it full on it had been trying to escape Pyra and Irakul. It screeches and falls into the dark below. 
Vencer calls out to the townsfolk below that a trog was heading down the ramp. A shout back of acknowledgement echoes back up. 
At that moment a high pitched whistle echoes from outside. All the remaining trogs appear to hear this, but the party is unsure what it means.. could it be an alert to the whole town or some other signal..?

Townsfolks guarded by 2 militia hold out in the South end of level 2 & 3.

Level 3

The Battle continues..
Skrit cast Spiritual Guardian and attacks the serpent with his spiritual weapon. Irakul summons a new echo and mentally moves it through the webs next to a struggling trog. Slashing and hacking into the trog nearly killing it. Pyra moves to the other side and spying the snake in battle still aims carefully and fires. The bolt flies perfectly [DM Nat20] Taking the snake as it reared back to strike, in one eye. The serpent lolls around, nearly dead.
Vencer jumps forward, his shadow blade slicing clear through the skull of the snake and it crashes to the ground.

The trogs all start to retreat out of the mines - or try to. Yelling out to each other in an unknown language.
The party hears commotion outside. Vencer hears wagon wheels, shuffling and the voices of the trogs outside. All the trogs invading the mines are dead or have retreated. The party discuss as they rest and wipe sweat and blood from body, cleaning weapons. Pyra sneaks forward and smells smoke. Vencer's owl sees more.. A fire has been set along the entrance in front of a wagon and crates and boxes barrier. A head peering around from cover can bee seen on occasion, there looks to be at least 2-3 trogs watching.
The party move up and keep an eye out. The smoke is billowing in to mine entrance. Irakul summons his echo outside the smokey fire but it is quickly cut down by multiple missiles.
Faust - not needing to breathe - moves up to peer out as well. A 3 bladed missile hits the warforged and cuts into him. The warlock retreats back into the smoke. Irakul takes one of the clay pots of rotgrubs [DM: see blog post]. With the smoke, throw goes wide hitting the wagon.
Vencer crawls forward avoiding much of the smoke and casts frost fingers into the fire. Woosh! Huge amounts of smoke billow out as much of the flames are put out, all are having difficulty breathing. 

It seems the battle is at a standoff. The party discuss options, other entrances and more. Skeenie, one of the kobold miners who went searching with Pyra, comes forward frantically, and tells the heroes there is no other entrance to this area.. except a tunnel through the small lake. It goes to one of the other mines, which had been opened by the stone giants assisting the town the previous week. If there are any kobolds with the Marshall, he will most likely know of this. The trogs could be coming that way to attack the groups rear!
AS the party discuss options, a voice calls out from outside, the Dragon Marshall. 
Negotiations take place. The Marshall willing to discuss options only if he rules, with the adventurers guidance. While this goes on, Vencer puts poison onto a blade, Irakul checks his invisibility potion.
Vencer stands with Faust looking out whispering of using fireball and hypnotic pattern
The voice changes and the Marshall offers, "We could rule together."
"We shall discuss." Faust calls out.
"You have 1 candle." The Marshall shouts back.

The party discuss more, it appears that the Marshall is of 2 minds, perhaps bathing in the blood of a cursed goddess may be affecting the draconian.
Fuel is not being added to the fire so the smoke recedes.

As the party discusses, Pyra hears combat from below in the lower levels of the mines! The Marshall calls out again.. 
The group are torn.. and finally decide to collapse this entrance and head below. Vencer casting and Faust reading from a scroll, dual fireballs hit the entrance beams. BOOOOM! Smoke billows out in all direction, rumbling and then the whole area starts to shake as dust and smoke billows as support beams break and rocks falls down blocking the entrance.

It appears the combat is on the 3rd level, only way to get down to the lowest level is a wooden elevator. Vencer has his owl fly down to look.
 Irakul heads down using his boots of speed and echo while Pyra climbs down. At one point nearly slipping but acrobatically recovering.

Below on the 3rd level a number of trogs can be seen in the dark coming out of the lake.

A large 12' tall trog accompanies groups coming out of the water. Their reptilian skin glittering with water.

Irakul and Pyra engage in battle, Pyra attacking from high up only having come part way down a rope, hanging and swinging back and forth, the assassin has an excellent vantage point to snake attack the trogs below. Her bolt hits with devastating effect on the giant trog.

A mass of vegetation crawls out of the water with long slippery tentacles emerge from the mass of rotting vegetation. Irakul's blade is turned twice seemingly having no effect on the mound.

The wooden elevator comes down slowly, guided by Vencer, as Faust blasts the large trog with eldritch energy. Vencer fires an orb of chromatic energy from a wand at the large trog dealing heavy damage.

The battle continues as more trogs come out of the lake. With the assistance of the a few of the town militia, the heroes are able to defeat the trog invading force, finally killing a trog witchdoktor compelling them forward. a few trogs retreated back along the tunnel.

It seems the trog force had come into the mines [DM: Left #6] trying - but failing - to catch the BETA crew from the rear.

The water filled tunnel is about a hundred feet in length, but there are two spots where air pockets along the way. With the assistance of the non-breathing Faust, the party make it to the other mine complex. Although, Irakul in armour is hindered greatly. Pyra stealths ahead, but finds no sign of trogs in the area, an oval room with a waterfall she comes up behind. 2 exits, Southern goes through some tunnels. Pyra knows, and exits in town, while Northern goes deeper in towards where the collapsed area and the Cursed dragon goddess lies.

The party creep forth and South down the tunnel. The adventurers had directed some of the townsfolk into this mine complex. A small boy is found hiding near remains of their short stay are found, it seems the rest of the folk were taken by the Marshall's forces. The party creep closer to the entrance. Faust does not like the sunlight preferring the shadows - no doubt due to holding the Shadow Lantern artifact. Faust casts find familiar to summon his imp familiar, Mephisto, the imp is promised a soul or spirit as payment, the imp wants to train and enslave one as a pet for itself. Skrit and Pyra escort the lad back to the other townsfolk. Vencer casts flock of familiars and sets them out to scout. It is after 4pm in the afternoon, sun still fairly high in the summer sky.

The owls fly out, and up, Vencer sees Dragon Marshall standing - arms crossed - with two other trogs. One trog reaches for a sling with a spiked bullet, but the Marshall reaches out to the trog and puts a clawed hand to one shoulder and shakes his head. All three watch the owls fly up and out. It is hard to tell if he is smiling or not.

The owls are able to spy small patrols of trogs moving through the town, as well as the captured townsfolk were gathered at the large crater - partially built into an arena and militia training area. Trogs guard around the area keeping a keen eye on the folks in the crater. A count shows the total trogs to number about 30, with also two larger trogs and 2 of the carrion crawlers.

An hour passes, Skrit and Pyra are back, the owls are keeping watch in the trees outside the town. The party talks about sending an invisible Mephisto up to the top mine entrance where some of the townsfolk may be still hidden. Skrit counters that none would like to see an imp. So they decide to have the imp polymorph into a raven and go invisible.

Mephisto flies out and sees a strange site. A carpet has been laid out - from the townhall - a large table spread with food and drink, the Marshall sits in a large chair enjoying a sip of wine, while 1 trog serves, while another carries a large fan sweeping it back and forth to cool the Marshall. The raven jostles a few ropes hanging down at the entrance. The Marshall holds up his goblet on a toast to the raven flying up.

 Mephisto flies up floats up to the top mine entrance the imp sees 2 troglodytes came out of the entrance. One has a backpack and the other a large sack over one shoulder walking down the path to town. The party know this entrance only goes in about 50 to a hundred feet in, this mine complex had not been recovered yet. No townsfolk are found by the imp, with Faust controlling him through his senses.

"Fellowship! Come dine with me and let us discuss terms. I have all the townsfolk. I don't wish to kill them, I wish to work with you!", The Dragon Marshall calls out.

The party confers on options.

6 militia available

Skrit casts sending to the giants, as well as the monks of the 3 Crescent Moon. Both groups reply and agree to come as soon as possible!

Kobolds working with Poet still live near the lodge at the South end of the valley. 

The tentative plan: By dawn, the 2 stone giants, some monks as well as Poet and some kobolds could be at the camp. The heroes will go out to negotiate and have the townsfolk moved to the Fighter stronghold for their safety. Spell books and divine spells are discussed. The Marshall did seem to have good magic resistance.. then attacks from multiple sides..? 

As they discuss strategy..

A scream of pain is heard out at the entrance. a bellow of rage. Skrit is watching and alerts the rest of the heroes. One of the troglodytes has been cut in twain at the waist. The Marshalls' long bastard sword dripping blood lying on the table. The Marshall bellows down to the town, "Get me more wine!" The voice seemed to be similar to the Cursed Goddess. The party wait.. perhaps the dual personality will change back. Skrit tries to hide.. but as he tries to find a comfortable spot sends a spray of rocks out from under one foot. 

The Marshall calls out as he peers into the mine entrance spying the blue kobold, "Come out kobold! Come talk to me." The Marshall sips at his goblet of wine, the other troglodyte waving the fan frantically looking over his shoulder.. assumedly hoping more will bring wine to their master..

Until next time..