Saturday, 21 August 2021

A Fallen Hero

6th of Planting

 The crackle and snap of the campfire is soothing to the party's ears. Akran, Eldeth, Ara although tired huddle near the warmth of the small smokeless fire - Skrit's knowledge of outdoor craft although primarily book-learned is exceptional - and eat the mixed stew of vegetables ol'Greeta had given the group as well as rabbit and pheasant mixed in, courtesy of Pyra's crossbow to make a very filling and tasty late dinner.

Vencer's spell - Leomund's Tiny Hut keeps the group safe as the night air cools down up in the mountains.

Peren - the old firbolg - declined to enter the magical hut, preferring to lean back against a tree in the small clearing. His form seemingly to blend in with the tree and undergrowth.

Eldeth - the 1/2ling - tells of her time in the jungle coasts far south and east, she seems to know the seas well. She seems to be interested in staying with the adventurers, if they will have her as an ally. She seemed familiar with some weapons gathered from the fallen kobolds, shortbow, and a spear and a dirk.  Whereas both Akran and Ara will be grateful for an escort to the large town of Rastor.

After the hectic battle in the early evening, it is a comfort for all to relax and rest for a little..

Vencer relays some stories of petty noble squabbles and how one of them ended up with the mayor of a town being bucked off into a river. Just trying to pass the time. Corrin will be sitting there thinking to himself. He seems to be having some kind of internal struggle as he twirls the Luck Stone around his fingers. Irakul and Pyra take watches with Peren who's alert senses are helpful.

The night passes without event except for a screech from a passing flying kobold flight. It is cool in the mountains, a cloudless sky promising a warm day later in the afternoon.

The griffon rider is still unconscious, but doing better every day, Skrit advises. The party makes good time sticking to the road, but staying alert for kobold patrols. The majority of the rescued prisoners are able to ride the wagon. The merchant Akran and dwarf Ara both raise an eyebrow at the sight of the keg - from the Monastery of the Three Crescent Moon. Vencer and Corrin discuss options privately on what to do with the valuable cargo. 

The group travel for the day, and nearing the end of the day come to a fork in the path where they note three large carts moved up towards one of the mines in the area. Traveling on, there is no encounters, and then after a long day walking and riding in the wagon, the party finds a good spot to hide and camp

for the night. A small cave near a waterfall - big enough though to take the wagon and warhorse in with a sandy floor. There is a small pool - seems to connect to the waterfall - but no other exits or danger seem to be there. Setting watches and having a small covered campfire the group bed down for the night. The night passes peacefully, the two moons cross the sky in a starfield twinkling. Irakul sits near the entrance with a dozing Peren, the firbolg still not fully recovered. The warrior looks about and then hears the faint tramping of feet and a twinkle of a torch or lantern through the trees. A late night group is travelling the road.
Irakul, takes a careful peek and sees a troop of kobolds with three or four prisoners in tow. a swoop and call from one of the elite flying kobolds makes the goliath duck. He cannot see well in the dark.. the kobolds can. Waking the party, they are resolute. More prisoners to be freed! Confidant in their course of action, Corrin, Vencer, Irakul and Pyra will take on the ambush. Leaving Skrit to look over his former prisoners, the griffon rider with Heste.

The four adventurers skirt along the road as the band of kobolds head on the road South. Finding a
likely spot for the ambush, Corrin requests to try his plan that he had wanted to use at the last kobold encounter
The group agree and prepare, spells and weapons. Rounding a bend in the path, the group of kobolds walk on, whispering softly, prisoners looking to be three to four in the middle of the group. Vencer sees what looks to be a larger figure. Possibly an ogre.

Corrin and Vencer prepare spells, Irakul has his echo out and Pyra cranks her crossbow. Corrin casts the

Phantasmal Force at the ogre of the Shadow Mephit Boss. As the spell finishes, the ogre slows and looks about shaking his head hard, the spell.. has no effect. [DM needed a 15 to save, rolled 18-2] While this happens, the assassin - Pyra - fires a bolt into a robed kobold at the rear. The bolt flies true and kills the kobold gurgling as it falls to the ground. A kobold carrying a lantern cries out "Kragin has been hit!" The other kobolds react quickly and combat is engaged before the other party members can react with surprise.
Pyra, fast as always, fires at the ogre, her hit dealing extensive damage (DM: sneak attack again) as the bolt catches the large brute in the side. Corrin whispers in the ogres ear - casting Dissonant Whispers - the ogre fails this save and cries out running off into the darkness.
A massive worg - about the size of a small pony - leaps up and onto Corrin knocking him over and

ripping into the bard with jaws locked. The second worg not seeing any others nearby, attack Corrin as well! Both mauling him close to death. Kobolds then attacked some fanning out into the dark while a few guarding the prisoners. 
Irakul invokes his echo close to one one kobold whom held his action and in surprise attacks and destroys the echo. Irakul swings the Giant's Hand Ax slicing through the kobold sergeant. Vencer perched in a tree looks down aghast at the worg's attacking Corrin. Launches an orb of fire from his wand into the smaller worg which yelps in pain. A kobold holding his crossbow ready fires and hits the wizard. The wizard then crouches near the trunk in cover. The ogre, shaking off the effects of Corrin's spell returns to the battle.
Pyra looses another bolt at the ogre hitting the large brute in the shoulder it bawls out in a gurgling cry not dead but injured.
Corrin looks down at the 2 worgs, one trying to snap at his chest stomach and arm, the larger with jaws locked ripping at the bard's leg. Blood flying everywhere, Corrin casts reduce on himself and with his size reduced tries to retreat. The worgs attack again, even though a kobold tries to call one off to attack Irakul. But both worgs are in a blood frenzy and continue to rip into the changeling bard, killing him.
The battle continues. A smaller kobold moves up to the executioner - Irakul and slices the goliath in one leg. Irakul becomes a true killing machine. He slices down kobold after kobold. One with his head removed, a second gets a blade down into his chest. The goliath slams three attacks into the already
injured ogre. Irakul, slashes off one arm, takes off his other hand at the wrist and then buries his ax into the ogre's chest. The ogre falls forward gurgling blood, as Irakul deftly jumps out of the way.
Pyra fires her crossbow again and a bolt catches the larger worg in the flank injuring it.
The worgs finally turn after repeated calls from their handler to attack Irakul and his echo. With the ogre falling the remaining kobolds retreat into the night keening and screeching. The two monstrous animals are finished and the party gathers around Corrin. Seeing the strange grey featureless face of the bard, both Vencer and Pyra seem to not be too surprised at this - the bard having shown his true nature once before.
The three heroes try vainly to save Corrin but in the end they are not able to. Skrit is too far away and his healing skills do not raise the dead.
Gathering the prisoners, and treasure from the fallen enemies, the group return victorious, but sad at the loss of a comrade.
The prisoners a family, grandfather - Victor, father - Brom and Lionna - Mother and young daughter - Aubrey. whom advise they were travelling  West of Rastor and were raided by the kobolds.

All - especially the former prisoners are surprised at the visage of the dead Corrin. Skrit starts a ceremony to Istus and speaks with dead to the spirit of Corrin. It seems he did not have any formal
faith. The spirit wished to be cremated but have his visage drawn in the notebook Corrin carried. 
Doing a quick sketch, Eldeth passes on the notebook to Vencer. The pyre is made at the entrance to the cave, and then Vencer takes a ball of bat guano in wax and rubs in Sulphur, a little bead of fire launches and a perfect sphere of flame blossoms in the tinder and explodes in a fireball.
A moment of silence for the party as they each take some time to think about the bard's contributions, his music, his artistic skills.. [DM: Corrin will be remembered in the Hall of Heroes. RIP]

The party moves on, resolute in their quest.

An Amulet of the  that has three finger bones. The device allows a wearer to have proficiency in a skill the owner of the finger if they were specialized in that skill. So gives the wearer proficiency in a skill (if the wearer already has prof. they get +2 on the roll) A Ring of Protection is found as well.

Skrit assists the family as Brom advises the town of Rastor - where the group are heading towards has been overrun and taken by the forces of IUZ. It seems the town at the approaching army opened the gate and welcomed the army which now bivouacs to the North, most likely heading East after the

retreating forces of the Overlord Romack. It seems though the town is still open for business, a mercenary crew - The Darkelnaarr - a group of black-skinned elves - drow and a leadership of the group are the githyanki. Irakul, Pyra and Vencer all heave heard of these creatures - none met one. Raiders and or travelers of the Astral plane and sea, githyanki are known to be fierce and tough opponents whom know magic, mind magic and weapons all.
With this news, the various members of the former prisoners decide to continue onwards. Heste is adamant that he must reach Rastor for some reason.. the other former prisoners all wish to travel on as
well with the town being peaceful. Travelling on the next day, they reach a wayfarer's lodge. [DM #2 on map]. It looks to be after careful scouting by Vencer's owl familiar. The group decide it may be a good idea to hide the keg from the monastery so take this off into the woods. As they are returning, they hear a girl screaming. Vencer sighs. Seems the party may be getting tired of saving folks..
A strange humanoid has come out of the lodge. is it alive.. or a golem.. or..
Wary at first of this new creature, the party learns this humanoid - a warforged - had been dormant - or asleep? for 25 years. Further discussions and the party agree to take this warforged by the name of Faust - a collector of souls it seems. This brought a look between Vencer, Irakul and Pyra. [the primary quest for this party is spirits or soul energy to power the flying tower - DM blog entry]

The party travels and meets a patrol of dark elves led by a githyanki outside Rastor. An interaction nearly had the new Faust being attacked by the githyanki. With the soothing words of Vencer, the situation was turned to a benefit, learning some information of the town.

Travelling on, they finally make it to the town where after paying a toll, the party enters the town of Rastor. Some take their leave, and the party moves off led by Ara to the Jade Sanctuary inn.