Monday, 26 July 2021

Kobold Surprise

5th of Planting

“We should make try causing a distraction somehow. Get them confused and out of order then attack them from behind.”  Corrin whispers to the party

A day earlier.. As the party moved away from the fallen griffon rider in the 3 moss covered trees at the standing stone, Skrit had an epiphany with his goddess - Istus. The source of power on the other side of the Astral portal was a beacon of life possibly a holy place and he felt he could tap into this to bring the young woman back to life. Discussing quickly with the party, They agree that this is a good plan.

Turning the wagon the reach the standing stone and body of the young woman. Skrit, kneels and begins a ceremony of life. Each of the party step forward and contribute some power or assistance to the life


60' high and 30' wide gate. A sphere - elongated - three dimensional gate to the Astral plane and sea. Irakul with his echo being tied to the more death side of the astral plane, is even so able to have his Echo assist Skrit in tapping into the life source. Pyra attuned to the planes as well, brings her infernal energy to assist the kobold priest in his life giving magic. Corrin urges Skrit on inspiring him as well. Vencer infuses his magic into opening the gate allowing the energy to flow directly to Skrit.

Skrit feels the power. He basks in in, he feels it infuse every nerve and fibre of his being. He is somewhat less than a demigod but perhaps equal to an angel or deva to Istus. He looks down at the young woman, her face still cold and pale and reaches out a clawed hand to touch

The ballista bolt, probably caught the rider as well as the griffon. Skrit focuses his power as his reaches out. He can feel the spirit of the young woman. 

At that moment, Skrit looks up to see the gate there and a vast limitless sea of swirling colours. A small island can be made out and on it is a large cross but on its side. The ancient cross looks to be massive, an ancient area to a forgotten god of life. 

At that moment, the girl's eyes open and she gasps, Skrit looks down and the gate snaps shut.

The girl is unconscious. Skrit is able with his extensive medical skills determine she bled out with the now scarred side. Fully healed. (DM: 3-4 levels of exhaustion)

Skrit continues to monitor her health as they then head off again in the wagon..

Back to the kobold camp.

It is dusk, the heroes decide on a bold plan from Corrin on surprise stealth and more...

Tapping back into a fearful creature the party met in the mines, Corrin moves forward. "Stay back until I message it is time to attack," He uses the message spell to each member..

Corrin moves much closer nearly tripping on a root of a tree, he can barely see the outline of the head of the kobold in the dusk, the sun nearly set now. Vencer uses his owl familiar to distract the kobold. Casting Phantasmal force, he invades the kobolds mind with a horror beyond its knowledge.. Thinking back to a creature which had attacked the party in the first mine the party explored. (DM: BLOG post )

The young and bored kobold, on his second shift of guard duty was barely looking around. He had secretly - he thought - taken an extra helping of golden ale when the cook was not looking.. and had

been caught. Forced to cough it up, then given a beating AND double shifts of guard duty. Now a tentacled and multi-eyed creature was upon him..

The kobold sees the cave monstrosity and screeches out and screaming. The whole camp wakes up at this racket.


The party engages the kobolds. The party assumes the scream is the signal and they attack. Corrin seems frustrated at this but at this point can do nothing about it.

Irakul's Echo appears in the edge of the camp and looks to be ready to attack. Skrit moves forward and sees another kobold which sees him AND the Irakul's echo. The 2nd kobold fires his bow, and takes down Irakul's echo (DM: 26 echoes taken down). As it disappears, the kobold yips in glee at taking the big hulking humanoid and axe down.

Corrin yells [in Dwarven], "Fall back, this wasn't the plan!"

Pyra, not understanding dwarven moves forward stealthily

She scans.. the first kobold has fallen to the ground and screaming a monster has him as he seems to be strangling himself - the affect of the phantasmal force.

Seeing more of the camp due to her dark vision. the rogue cranks the finely made dwarven crossbow, ratcheting up tension and takes aim at a kobold. Timing it perfectly, the bolt takes the kobold in the eye as it peeks around with a screech and gurgle the creature falls lifeless to the ground. Pyra smiles and hides in the knee-deep water.

Vencer moves up, holding his wand of orbs at the ready for any enemy to appear.

Irakul summons his 17th echo and moves forward as well.

Skrit moves up to deceive the kobolds which actually works and causes some confusion. The one side of the camp is not engaging. A successful deception so far. The one kobold motions him forward to "Go talk to the Sergeant!"

The self strangling kobold finally dies. Corrin then casts enlarge on Irakul. Now.. a giant with an axe is attacking the kobolds. Then the kobold fires at the giant echo. The kobold again kills the echo and yips again, but is unsure now.. as the echo keeps coming back.

Skrit and the Sergeant have a dialogue and it looks to be going well at first but then.. (Deception roll Natural 1), the Sergeant attacks. Then Skrit cast blindness on the Sergeant. 

A kobold from near the fire moves forward and sees Pyra and slings a clay pot at the rogue. The throw was bad and hits a wall instead. Other kobolds move forward as she ducks back and then the kobold takes a bolt from the infernal in the chest.

Vencer frustrated at the limited vision casts light on a rock and tosses it forward.

The battle rages back and forth until a trolls lumbers forward. The massive creature wearing piecemeal armour and a belt of heads, carries a jagged spear. slams into echo. Another one bites the dust

'A clay pot comes out of the darkness. Irakul is covered in the slime and in the slime, rotgrubs burrow into his skin.. [DM: rotgrubs]

Skrit has been attacked by a scaled hound tearing into the kobold priest with jagged fangs and holding on to him.

Vencer using his teleport ability slings a fireball on the battlefield doing extensive damage to the troll and killing a few kobolds as well. The blast of fire and smoke lights up the area allowing the party to see more.

Skrit breaks free from the scaled hound and retreats. Corrin casts Dissonant whispers on the troll which [DM: fails save - miserably] yelps and runs away. The kobolds morale breaks and one yells "Fall back!"

Vencer throws another light stone to so another area is lit.

Pyra fires to take out a wounded kobold and misses. Irakul continues to cut and dig the rot grubs out of his body as they burrow towards his vital organs. Doing a searing smite with his rings it burns the grub ni his lower abdomen.

Skrit calls upon his goddess and is healed. Corrin moves up as a crossbow bolt shoots out of the dark. Corrin casts vicious mockery on a hiding kobold but the scaled creature ignores the insults. Then.. the troll came back. With one swing he takes down Irakul's echo and then chomps and slashes into Corrin.

Pyra standing in the pond water hears the roar of the troll coming back, and the slashing and gurgling

of Corrin being hit hard. Stepping out, the assassin takes aim with her crossbow - cranked for extra damage - and shoots the troll in the neck piercing deep.

Vencer launches off a fiery orb and it smashes into the troll. Irakul, summons his echo while continuing to kill the rotgrubs burrowing into him. These one look larger than the original ones that infected Corrin.

Irakul continues his attacks and using his echo attacks the troll. Enlarged he deals more damage - the troll does not regenerate this round.

Skrit Casts a powerful on Corrin to heal him up. Corrin then slings a spell at the troll and it takes some more damage. One of the kobold sergeants misses Skrit and the troll decides to flee.. But three of the heroes  attack and Skrit is able to hit the troll killing the monster. The kobold runs at seeing their great troll ally fall.

The party then quickly burn the body of the troll with fire and acid. The kobolds are defeated some fleeing into the night. The party rescue four chained up prisoners.

○ Akran - 1 human male - merchant originally from East side of the NyrDyv lake. Advises to  pay 100gp if escorted to Rastor
○ Eldeth - 1 hobbit female - young very dark skin, from the jungles to the south
○ Ara - Dwarf (non BR) female. Hill dwarf. From Rastor. If returned there, her family whom run an inn - the Jade Sanctuary (has hot springs with a large natural jade formation - much now carved by artisan dwares). Will provide free rooms for a week
○Peren. Very Old firbolg. Male. Blind. But has enhanced hearing to allow him to function somewhat normally.  

Pyra notices a kobold spying on the heroes and stalks it into the trees. With perfect skill, she slits its throat and it is unable to run.

Vencer talks to Heste as he brings up the cart, his large crossbow ready. The wizard asks how she is, and the rider seemed to be having a feverish dream or nightmare about a "commander" or "controller". This brings a troubled looks to all the party [DM: blog update on Controller]

The cook has a sealed clay pot - similar to the pot that had the rot grubs in it.

A tent from Graxusas' circus was recovered, being used by kobolds. Irakul looks happy to return that to his boss. A double locked case holds a magic sword - a sentient - named Milanel - longsword of dancing.

Corrin takes up the sword and has a mental conversation with the blade.

The party comes across a number of treasure items, magic and wealth. They decide to roll for items:

Corrin chooses first and then the rest of the party. The changeling tries to barter with Pyra on the Dancing sentient longsword, but the rogue declines his offers to trade as the offers were not even close to the value of the priceless sword. The wizard is able to talk to the sword and  allows Vencer is able [Identify] to determine a few of the abilities of the sword - Milanel seems to allow the spell to work partially. [After 2 rounds of melee combat can be thrown into battle similar to a spiritual weapon spell]
Corrin tries to recover a few rot grubs, but searches for a way to capture/carry them.

Heste offers to sell Corrin a bottle or pot - at a very exorbitant price - [DM: party seems to think Heste is Link from some strange video game where things get smashed] - 5 gold. The debate goes on about what the grubs would be used for - price went down to 4 gold. In the end, the bartering falls through.

The party moves off a few hours and makes camp with their newly freed prisoners in tow. Hiding tracks - once again great rolls by Skrit with help by Corrin.

The party rests enjoying a campfire. Vencer casts Leomund's Tiny Hut  which allows many of the party to rest easily and they rest for the night with alert guards..

Sunday, 18 July 2021

Stealthy Wagon Ride & Ol'Greeta

4th of Planting

 As the wagon trundles down the path North towards Drekarr village [DM: RED X], Heste looks at the party.  In his high pitched voice he murmurs to all, "Interesting discussion on options to get my destination and very much appreciated! You seem to have a dilemma but.." and he stops to look at Skrit and then Corrin here, "but don't realize you may have the tools to navigate North." With a shrug the merchant dozes off again.. 

Vencer notes these glances to the 2 party members and gets the wizard thinking to a previous task he had just after finishing his training where deception and guile worked over strength and force in working an event he was involved in..

As they heroes travel North, they have met an old woman. Ol' Greeta.

The old woman carefully sorts the vegetables, roots, herbs and fruits back into her large pack/bag. A muttered, "thank ye.." to Corrin as he helps. 

With a sideways glance at the party as the group's wagon rolls up.

"Friends of yers maybe?" She looks at Corrin squinting. Clamping a pipe in her mouth she snaps 2 fingers and a flame ignites on her index finger to light it and a very pleasant tobacco smell emanates as she puffs blowing out a stream of smoke.

Corrin looks back and then at the woman, “Yes they are. Like I said earlier, it’s considered dangerous to travel alone. Where did you come from?”

She finishes putting the remaining fruits carefully in the large bag/backpack. Corrin notices there are a variety of compartments built in made of thin wood slats and thick canvas to create a support structure so the various fruits and vegetables don't get crushed. "Heehee.. I live here Boyo.." Nodding towards the Eastern hills slightly south she points with the stem of her pipe. "Lived here all m'life."

Clamping the pipe in her teeth, which you find surprisingly white and even, in contrast with her wrinkled and weathered skin, she looks back at Corrin. "Now where do ye come from?"

 The old lady looks at Corrin then at the wagon of adventurers pulled by the war horse.

"Speak up sonny, ol' Greeta's ears are not like they used to be.." She reaches for the straps on the bag to close it.

“We came from down south. Just a group of adventurers helping out this merchant here get to where he needs to go.”

The old crone nods and takes a long pull on the pipe, blowing out a small puff of smoke. "Well.. if yer headin' North.. I'd be mighty obliged for a ride.. and the company.. as you say it IS dangerous." She grins at them, her pearly white teeth flashing in the setting sun..

"I would be interested to hear how you survived out here. If there is one thing I learned from my master it is that if you live this long-" Vencer gently gestures towards her with a sly smile "Than you must be either very lucky... or very crafty."

Ol' Greeta gazes up at Vencer in the wagon. "Ahh.. crafty.. and? Lucky." She puffs on the pipe.

"Well kobolds enjoy a certain fruit, it's like.." she pauses and looks out to the mountains, "it's like catnip for a cat. The commander.. he's no kobold, something bigger like a dragon man. He LOVES it. Addicted." She opens the flap to her backpack. Holds up a bunch of red  berries they have a white sparkle to them. "Tulsanri". 

She looks at Skrit, "Want to try?" A twinkle in her eye.

Skrit gulps a bit as she describes it, and he glances at the berries nervously. As much as he is curious his better judgement is convincing him not to.

“N-no thank you. Maybe another time.” Eager to try and ease a bit of his nervousness he takes out one of his notebooks and a makeshift charcoal pencil from a satchel, and sketches a quick diagram of the berries, studying them he makes a few notes. Skrit has heard and seen these berries before. To his people, they are called 'Doocassa' in Draconian. Rare and difficult to grown or acquire.

The group can see why Ol'Greeta may be popular with the kobolds.. Skrit has also heard rumours these have similar affect on infernal and demonic creatures.

The berries if eaten give kobolds an alertness or extreme level of awareness, as well as increased speed. Lasts for about 20 rounds for a berry or so.

Can be addictive..

There is a sudden lethargic reaction after where the eater is tired and slow.. lasting around 5-10 rounds. 

The party discusses much with the old woman, she seems to be a scavenger whom lived here before the kobolds took over the area. She was once a mid-wife healer. whom had a mate a woman who was the leader of the town guard, now passed.

Ol' Greeta seemed to sense that the kobold Skrit was not the leader which was interesting to her. There was discussion of payment for a ride to the village, then the party decided to change that - not wanting to confront the kobolds yet, but take Heste to the town of Rastor first.

They spend a night camping and talk late into the night. They discussed more on payment, and agreed upon a price. The adventurers were able to gain some good knowledge of the mining village of Drekarr:

• Over 50 kobolds she knows of maybe more.

• Worship some goddess, “cursed they say..”

• Supposed to be slaves working in the mines - 100s rumour has it

• Digging up something..

• The Marshal - “Marshall Dosgarr - leads the forces, a dragonman (Draconian) they say.” She sits up proudly, he is the one who like my fruities and veggies!” She shows a small basket of bright red and white, “these are the Marshal’s favourites.”

• The town has been fortified, makeshift walls across streets

• The clutch nest is in or under the townhall

• The Marshal lives in a central tower 1/2 knocked down near the hall.

  • kobold guards roam the streets “.. and the flying ones.. they’re amazing the..” she thinks for a moment, “Kratcheek, they are called in their tongue.” Anyone whom can speak draconian knows this means ‘elite’

They ask why she sells to the kobolds, she shrugs and says, “ahh it’s not the little ones faults they don’t know any better, the cursed goddess seems to drive them to this, her and the Marshal.. “ trailing off she stares out and then “he’s a bad one.. She shivers, then with a toothy grin, “but he loves m’berries, that he does!”

An uneventful night and they travel on. When a three or four hours ride to the village, then they drop off the old woman and head East off the path next to the river. The travel was slow and difficult, but with the excellent survival skills of Skrit [Natural 20 on skill roll], they made fairly good time moving along the river, carefully bypassing large logs and boulders and small pools off the river even bypassing a waterfall. [DM off topic, a discussion on Blitzkrieg took place which could have taken the rest of the session]

The day was warm, a clear sunny Spring day. Ahead a patrol is noted coming down the road, which is higher along a ridge. The wagon is down below, where Skrit and Corrin are hiding. They hide the wagon. A group of kobolds eight or more as well as four of the flying elite - Kratcheek. Using a variety of spells, they are able to avoid the patrol. Vencer uses his multi familiars, Corrin uses his message spell to keep the party in contact, and Pyra uses her minor illusion to camouflaged the wagon.

Without event, the patrol moves on. Later in the afternoon..

The party has no further contact with kobold patrols but passing along a  barren slope they note something strange. [DM: Blue X on map]There at the base of a small hill are the remains of a griffon -

ballista bolt still lodged in chest at the bottom. Skrit's medical/nature check or show it has been dead for at least a few-3 weeks - scavenger animals have been at it. The bolt as well as burns along the wings.. Ol'Greeta's words come back about the kobolds using bots of flaming oil thrown with a staff-sling.

Survival checks show someone dragged their self away. Vencer sends his owl to scout and notes the tracks lead to the top of a small hill, where a young human woman is leaning against a standing stone Between 3 moss covered trees. She wears the armour and tabard of Overlord Romack’s army.

Skrit's further medical skills show surprisingly no scavengers have been at the young woman. The body does not look to be that long passed, investigating further, she has been up here for same time period 2-3 weeks but for some reason not decaying - seemingly only dead less than a day.

Nature/Arcana skilled - both Vencer and Skrit feel there is some sort of.. presence, or feeling of an energy or power.. of life, here. 

Further investigation by Vencer with discussion with Skrit and Corrin makes them realize this is an ancient leyline that connects to the astral plane. A source of life/nature is just beyond the portal or connection to the line that has kept the young woman's body.

Has a satchel, dagger, belt pouch. A long lance - well made - are found

Ruined leather armour

Dagger looks to be well balanced (+1 to hit when thrown)

Satchel, Contents: 

• canteen h2o - 1/2 empty

• cloth wrapped sandwiches (moldy)

• 1 scrollcase wax seal of Romack (Vencer recognizes the Controller’s seal)

• Small leather journal and charcoal pencil - reading this looks to be the personal journal of the young woman. She joined the Griffon riders about 3 months back, and did a number of courier runs. Before that, it speaks of time at a small college west of Greyhawk. Before that, she talks of a troubled  and bored young life growing up at a mill just outside of Greyhawk city - Sendall's Crossing. From the writings, it appears she has 2 sisters and 1 brother whom all were younger. There is no indication of the rider's name. But does list the Uncle's 1st name (Jantz), and 3 siblings (Sera, Teelie and Bork-head (not sure if the name for the boy is correct or more of a nickname)

• A small tin

• A chipped fragment of Elven pottery - shows tall white tree - with 2 elves standing below - possibly a ceremony - Elvish/1/2 elvish will know this shows  "heart-twine" (elvish - Liassa' tlar - wedding ceremony)

She also has a small pendant on a silver chain around her neck. Inlaid with a ceramics and bone, of a flying horse - Pegasus. Worth 25gp

Belt pouch contents: 4 Greyhawk minted gold, 15 cop and 21 silver

Corrin takes most of the gear and all, making notes and a good sketch of the young woman - for his changeling skill.

Travelling on until in the later evening, the adventurers see a campfire twinkling in the distance. Vencer
sends out his familiar and scouts. He finds a patrol of kobolds, that seem to have made camp AND have at least four prisoners. The party makes ready for a fight..