29th of Coldeven
Corrin thinks about what could be useful for him and says to the giant, “I’ve been looking for this magical bandore called the Fochlucan Bandore. It’s uncommon so I don’t expect you to have it but it doesn’t hurt to ask.”
Irakul translates the request, the Giant frowns.. then walks away into a small storeroom (small for him). Sharzin can be heard opening and closing chests and boxes. He comes out shaking his head to Irakul.. (no bandore) with what looks like 3 stone disks all attached on a long iron rod with what looks to be leather handles. The disks each have a hole, the rod inserted in them. None of the holes are quite centered. He clumsily spins it between 2 fingers and as the disks grind or rub against each other a vibrating sounds.
Irakul advises that the giant got this device from some under-traders, grey dwarves. Seems it belonged to dark dwarves - a religious item..
As Vencer studies his tomes - looking over eagerly the text on a new spell - Ropetrick - he comes across a reference to 1 of 4 components for a luckstone: a pixie's wing. Looking up with interest at the rod and disks.
“What does it do?” Corrin asks.
Vencer looks at the three disks and rod.. No idea..
“Can you try using magic to find out?" The bard asks.
I would but I unfortunately don’t know how to cast that spell.” Vencer replies with a sigh, "But I will try to use magic in another way to see what it does." Preparing an identify spell, taking the 10 minutes to cast.
The spell has no effect..
"Well. I don't like that at all." Vencer backs away and rubs salt on his hands. Narrowing his eyes, he looks to Skrit. "Perhaps it is not magical.. a religious item..?"
“I know a little about magic and religion. Perhaps I can study it.” Corrin says as he strokes his chin
Vencer raises an eyebrow, "There is no magic within it."
“Well it doesn’t hurt to try. Let me see it.”
He hands it to Corrin. "Some sort of religious tool. Most likely will be useful for Skrit."
Skrit and Corrin start a detailed investigation and discussion on the item. Noting there are extremely fine lines of a black diamond etched into each circular stone ring. As they rub against each other that creates the vibration effect. Skrit surmises that this device is a religious artifact - quite old - used most likely in religious ceremonies to the BlackRunes dwarf's god. (don't know the god - this has never been revealed - Kantif may have knowledge for his time working with the BlackRunes)
The rod has fine leather wraps on each end would be held by 2 dwarves - 1 at each end - and they would rotate swing the device to start the rings spinning and vibrating.
Skrit notes a dwarf runes burned into the leather grips. One handle has a number "1" the other handle has a "2". The leather seems to be stained with sweat - possibly from long use. Not recent at all.
Enjoying the conversation with Irakul, Sharzin notes the goliath's small (to the giant) ax. He pulls out what looks like a small hatchet to the giant, but massive 2-hander ax to Irakul. The giant tosses the large ax to Irakul whom catches it..
“Hmm this staff seems interesting but I don’t think I’d be willing to buy it. Do perhaps have some studded leather armour? I’ve heard of a kind that can change its appearance at will (Glamour studded leather).” Corrin asks the giant
Irakul translates, but seems to be at a loss to explain "glamour" to the giant. Sharzin furrows his brows not knowing what the shapeshifter is asking for.
The giant brings out some armour leather with large scales on it. Scalemail the party assumes. Holding it up, would fit a normal male size humanoid.
“Before you check the axe can you check this set of armour?”
Vencer once again scans the well made engraved scales, dark blue of the mail. Seems to not be magical, but extremely well made. [DM: 15AC rather than 14 | lighter by 10lb. (35lb)]
Skrit and Vencer study it. Without modification, would be cumbersome. hard to move fast or nimbly. The thinking is an armorer or smith could modify with tools.
Skrit notices extensive smithy tools around.. assumedly Sharzin is the smith. One would assume also a stone carver or more...
"Irakul my good man, could you ask our large ally if he has any scrolls or items from mages? Perhaps a scrawny wizard was caught by him at some point?" Vencer drawls, with a sly smile.
“And maybe some alchemist tools from that wizard.” Corrin adds.
Irakul again translates. Sharzin frowns, not in misunderstanding but seemingly not interested in books or wizard tools. He motions Vencer and Irakul into a corner of the storeroom, packed full of boxes, chests bags and more.
In the corner a steady drip of greenish water puddles in and around a very large backpack. Using spells and ingenuity, the goliath and wizard are able to extract one tome from the damp and mold covered backpack without incident.. the tome written in Yaunti, tells of a cult. Vencer uses a mage hand to scrape off some of the mold but surmises further cleansing is needed before additional study. More books and whom knows what else still were in the backpack, but at this point Sharzin looked to be more and more frustrated as the party delayed searching for his brother.
Opening the massive - new - door, the giant murmured a blessing on them all as they followed the slanting passage with wide steps on one side and a mine car track on the other. After they passed through, the door was quickly closed with the sounds of chains and bars being firmly engaged to the door..
Gripping weapons tightly and taking a deep breath.. A light spell was cast on Irakul's ax and down into the dark the heroes delved.
Vencer casts a new spell - Flock of familiars - which summons three fey spirits which appear as owls. [Peirce, Braith and Manon]. They become great visual scouts and Vencer sends one off into the dark.
Twice Irakul nearly fell to a skittering loose flagstone trap, but he was able to catch himself one time and the 3rd able to switch his echo so it clattered down into the dark - for 30' - and. Another trap a tripwire. Finally the party decided the rogue Pyra may be a better scout..
Ahead they came to a landing, where Pyra could hear a rasping voice or breathing.. The small landing left off to a side track to the right and a small room to the left.
Pyra stealthily scuttles into the room, other than some small-sized furniture - a table, stools and a chest underneath - and a wispy smoke coming from a darkened spot on the ground.
Skrit and Pyra search the room and then a pair of glinting lights appear. Then the 2 glinting lights coalesce into eyes in a smokey face of a 2' tall creature. A wispy smoke like creature with long ears and hooked nose and wispy wings. With a whoosh smoke billows around all even on the landing, some coughing and blinded and others alright. Skrit summoned the power of Istus to fire a bolt of divine power at the smokey creature. The divine power cuts through the creature with a screech and it flies out into the hall and down the passage further into darkness.
A wheezing cry can be heard echoing back up the passage, and then silence as the smoke disperses.
The chest - which Pyra is able to disable the needle dart trap - is searched and a glass tube with 3 emeralds inside, as well as 4 candles - magical that can not go out and give off light for an hour a day.
The party then sets forth further down the slanting stairway and mine-cart track. Pyra, takes the lead searching for traps and is able to find a number of loose flagstones seemingly on purpose.
Ahead, Pyra feels a warmth ahead and red glow. The passage gets wider, and the track as well, seems the dwarven and gnomish miners had larger mine carts here. A station or guard post perhaps. Passages on one side and a stairway on the other are filled with steam. Corrin moves ahead to investigate the steam, out of the steam 4 points of light appear as more of these strange small figures form. The 2 creatures talk to the changeling (in a very English accent) which then grin and both breathe on the bard. Heated steam billows around as Corrin grunts in pain.
More of these creatures appear, one seemingly like made of mud while another made of burning magma. The mud elemental - as Vencer advised the party sprays Corrin, Poet and Irakul with mud and Corrin is immobile. Vencer's arcane as well as Skrit's divine spells are effective against the creatures. Vencer's owls assist the heroes in battle able distract.
Irakul uses his Echo to great effect attacking the annoying creatures
from distance. Pyra uses her sneak attacks doing critical damage killing one of the steamy elementals. Corrin's spells and cutting words affect these cunning and vocal - mephits! Yes.. Vencer recalls the class of being now.
One of the mephits - the muddy one - has a brief dialogue with the silver-tongued Corrin and the party confirm the mephits hold the young giant prisoner or slave. A negotiation falls through and the creature's cackling laughter fades into the dark.
In the end the majority of the annoying creatures are dead, either mist water or molten slag on the ground. The party breathes a sigh in the hot humid air from the lava of river below. Only a cackling laughter far off across the bridge can be heard echoing and then.. silence.