The heroes explored onwards.
Across from the strange doorway to the glade, the perceptive rogue Kantif was able to determine the door was false, but cleverly hidden to its left was a secret door. foiling traps and locks the rogue opened the door and found a narrow spiral staircase. Carefully moving up the party and former slaves started the long climb.
Part way up a boot went down on a flagstone and with a VERY audible "click" the staircase became a slide down into the dark! As the stairs clicked into a steep slide, 2 of the children, were unable to hold on Zenin and Binak,who's screams faded into the dark as the rest held on desperately. Using rope acrobatics and strength the party were able to secure the rest of the group and then climb down to save the 2 lost children.
It seems though, in the end the children were safe(?) as the adventurers heard laughter and giggles from down below. Coming into a cavern with a large pool the group found a large tentacled creature which was playing with the 2 children letting them frolic. The creature - which seemed able to communicate telepathically - seemed to lived in the pool and was part of the college. The pool a natural hot water spring had been used by the college students for many years. There were passages leading off into the dark but the adventurers - with 2 children close - left the strange tentacled creature with a friendly wave.
Climbing back up the group came upon a well kept room with three doors. Leaving the former slaves back safe, the RedWater Fellowship explored. The middle door led to an office and what looked to be a alchemy work area. Information and some treasure was found here. A large room, dominated by a large desk with many bookshelves. A painting 5’x8’ on the wall
over a fireplace shows an Ariel view on Enstad - before the destruction
of the
BR. The work area had a variety
of glass and clay tubes with multiple ball shaped chambers. Looked like it was
in the middle of an experiment but the heat from multiple minor oil flames had
long gone out. Priscilla was working on a way to revive the dead. Her former
students and staff.
The experiment is
nearly complete, and the party is able with some experimentation to create 2 potions that will allow a very recent dead creature - within a minute - recover!
Exploring the left room, they found a Bedroom
a dusty 4 post bed, cabinet small table and mirror.all in perfect condition,
nothing out of place. but dusty. Then a woman appeared at the small table looking into the vanity mirror.. crying. It seems the heroes had found the former Headmaster, Prascilla Entruymin.
She wailed in grief, for her students and staff. She had forsaken them. For a moment it seemed the ghost's eyes cleared and she was going to speak coherently to the group, but in the end, the madness and grief took her. The ghost attacked. A tough battle, but in the end the Heroes were victorious. It seemed the headmaster was put to rest..
The right door led into a sitting room, other
than some dusty very fine furniture, 2 overstuffed chairs and a love seat, a
coffee table with built in elvish chessboard are in front of a large fireplace.
Another exit found that leaded upwards. The Fellowship were certain they would find the exit and be able to leave Enstad!
This it seemed was not quite what they had expected. the stairs led up a a foyer and room that looked out into a theatre of sorts.. a alien and strange room now.. In the ceiling of of the room - 50' up is a wide hexagonal opening where a breeze and smells of the outdoors emanate from - freedom.
Everywhere are mounds of dirt, with the now familiar tunnels of the reptoid creatures all over. A large number
of dwarves, with some humans, gnomes and a few other humanoid races fill the large auditorium. In rows they sit - now dead - facing the stage where a strange purple glow emanates.

The creature’s head looked to be once human - it seems to be a gaunt and twisted version of the former Headmaster Prascilla Entruymin!
All the trapped
humanoids are dead except 3.. a lizardman and a strange looking elf, and a derro - which some of the party recognize - all bound and gagged, being slowly being led up to the stairs of the stage by 2 of the reptoids..
What will the Fellowship of RedWater do? Until next time!