Hearing the Black Runes working through the barred doors into the cavern of the GoldRiver, They decided quickly to go out the main doors - Benta did not know the area but the goblin advised it used to lead up to the avenues of Enstad.
Robin in discussion with Doc Holiday decided to go back and create a diversion. Taking a knee in the balcony overlooking the GoldRiver, and the rope bridge which still held the procession of undead, he took aim at the green glowing lanterns the Black Rune dwarves held to control and guide the undead. With an expert shot, his arrow took out one then another of the glowing lanterns. By this time the undead were no longer controlled and were attacking the Black Runes. Musket shots and bolts hit the wood around the ranger/warlock so he retreated as the massive doors closing off the Black Rune reinforcements were nearly breached.
During this time, Cedric, Kantiff and Extrano had successfully taken the chains and padlocks (Kantiff kept these), planks and more holding the doors shut.
Meanwhile, Doc Holiday with assistance from Cheeta were caring and bandaging for the former slaves.
- Synik (Human male teenager)
- Chenti (Human female older woman)
- Dagin (Human male - one foot encased in gold) - unconscious
- Zenin (Human female child - Dagin's granddaughter)
- Binak (Human male teen - Dagin's grandson)
- Niccola (Human Female woman)
- Declan (Hobbit male teen?)
- Bertanna (Human Female older woman)
- Nalin (Human male teenager)
- Rihorn (Human male older man)
Declan, the hobbit was fairly open and willing to talk, a former merchant guard, he had worked in the Kron Hills and down into the territory of the Elves for a number of years. It seemed he had some minor skills with weapons.
Niccola a young woman in her twenties, was a former sailor. Long red hair, she was willing to use one of the crossbows and looked to be proficient with it - after cleaning and repairing the firing mechanism
Zenin and Binak - both children advised their grandpa was a merchant in spices and other unique curios. They looked with dread and a terrified interest at their grandpa's gold encased foot..
Nalin is a well-built young man, it comes out he is a apprentice smith. Having some skill minor skills in weapon making.
Upon Robin Hood's return, the Fellowship get the doors open and see out into a dark passage. It seemed the GoldRiver Inn was one building in a small underground town or city. It seems the area was popular with dwarves, gnomes and hobbits whom lived in Enstad, but did NOT want to live in the massive tree cities.
Taking their queue from the shouts, bangs and smashing of wood and clangs of iron in the cavern, the party rushed out down into the dark avenue.
Closing the doors behind them they raced off into the dark, hoping the Black Runes would not give chase.. As they moved on, they heard the door open slightly and then loud gutturla laughs from a number of - assume to be - dwarves. A voice called out.. advising there was a reason the door had been barred, chained and boarded over! They would find out soon!
With that, the heroes heard the door again being slammed shut, barred, boarded and chained again.
The Fellowship of RedWater were alone in the dark in an unknown underground city. Exploring onwards, they came upon many ransacked and destroyed buildings of many businesses. It seemed the Black Runes had cleared this area..
Strangely, massive amounts of dirt were pouring down into some buildings, coming out of doorways, windows and piled up everywhere. The silent and dark buildings held no answer. Going down the avenue, they came to an intersection with a stagnant water filled fountain with what was probably a statue of an elf, now just broken off legs, the rest smashed rubble.

started to hear some strange clicking/chittering sounds..
Then out of the darkness reptilian insect-like creatures attacked! Out of 2' tunnels the creatures poured out to attack.
The Fellowship of RedWater destroyed them and more came to try and pull the weak and wounded. One of the former slaves - Bertanna - was killed and taken by the creatures..
Fighting off the ferocious reptiles, the party took refuge in a partially destroyed stables. Resting and bandaging wounds, Cedric stood guard. Some found safe area in the loft under the advice of Doc Holiday.
Deciding that the way to get out of this hellish place was to go up, they decided to head back to the plaza.. glittering eyes of the insectoid-reptiles watching from a multitude of dirt holes along the way. As party members raised bows, crossbows or prepared magical energies, the creatures ducked back.. seeming to be work together.
Reaching the plaza, the party entered the former alchemy college building. The building - like all the others was mostly ransacked and pillaged.
While the rest of the party searched and explored, Extrano, signed the contract on the front page. All the previous transaction pages. disappeared in cinders and smoke.. it seemed the Merchant from Dis would arrive within the month...
Meanwhile, a large hole was looked into but left unexplored.. The goal for the Fellowship with former slaves in tow was escape. So up the stairs they went.
The strange sounds of the reptoids - not sure whom came up with the name - could be heard. As the party ascended, Kantiff looked for traps noting none.

Battling back and forth the small but ferocious creatures were cut down, larger reptoids also attacked trying to drag an unconscious Nalin down one of their dirt tunnels. Doc Holiday heroically waded through the enemy and dived down into the tunnels and was able to rescue the unconscious boy!
The creatures defeated for now, the Fellowship of RedWater take stock of their gear, bind wounds and prepare to move onwards...