Saturday, 30 March 2019

The Lone Tree and the Burning of the Weeping Willow Stables

When last we left our Heroes - the Fellowship of RedWater - they were engaged in battle with a force of Black Rune dwarves on a bridge across the dried up river in the burning city of Enstad.

One dwarf was preparing to blow a horn - assuredly to alert further Black Rune soldiers, but key fire and spells were able to take the dwarf down. After the battle the Fellowship decided to head to the lone tree not a raging inferno or burnt husk.   Coming up to the massive tree, they beheld a wondrous sight. A massive tree over 300 feet tall towered into the sky. A shimmering blue and green forcefield (?) seemed to protect it and keep the fire and destruction at bay. A massive natural ramp 10 feet wide made its way up and around the trunk, looking to have houses and shops it seems at intervals. The Fellowship decided to watch for a while and noted a lone figure - looking to be an elf - at a 50 foot interval facing out from the tree - perhaps concentrating on the protective shield. Perceptive members determined it was the same figure all around. A statue, illusion or..?
Other travellers looked to be entering the area from the North so the group decided to follow suit and did the same. Kantif decided to take on the disguise of an elf.
As soon as they passed through the shield, the adventurers took a deep breath. Clean and Spring like air! taking deep breaths, they realized it had been at least 4-5 days since they had not smelt smoke.
Travelling onwards, they started the trek up the tree lane. The Fellowship passed a number of businesses boarded over, and others homes not in use. They did see a shop: The Lucky Mask General Store. None seemed interested, so they climbed onwards and upwards. A second shop Silman Cheeses, and then a third: Dreegle's Poisons and Sundries. The party walked ignored all and finally arrived at Azuul's Rest -  a tavern and inn.
The party saw a large figure all in ragged red leathers outside the main door. A sign above the small ogre's head: All weapons deposited here. The party hesitated at first and then started dropping quite a large number of weapons. The ogre then passed each a chit to get their gear back, and the party saw a massive tall door. They entered a large and busy tavern area. The room seemed strange to them - the layout, but they moved in. A massive aquarium on the left, over 20 feet long and 10 feet tall held a number of exotic fish and sea creatures. Moving into the loud and busy tavern, the Fellowship stopped in their tracks. A Firegiant and two Black Rune dwarves sat at one table. The giant drinking from a massive tankard looked over at the group and then away. It seemed this was a similar team to the one giant and 2 dwarves the party had killed recently. There was a harness nearby with two flame guns attached. Perhaps the 3 were on a break... Kantif realized looking like an elf was not the best idea so with deceptive skill was able to remove the disguise and look like a 1/2 elf. The group realized something then, the tavern was just part of a massive room - part of a giant's ship. A massive ship stuck or in the tree...? The door and some of the furnishing were giant-sized..
The group moved in and discussed options with the bartender -an older human man - for rooms. All got rooms except Baris - the bartender telling the witchdoctor that mangy mutts did not stay in Azuul's Rest (referring to Baris' hyena). Baris asked about a stables. The bartender raised an eyebrow and blew out his cheeks. "Well the only stables around here for that would be about 300 feet South." The Weeping Willow Stables. Baris headed off, Kantif accompanying him for protection.
Doctor Holiday and Cedric decided to get cleaned up, the hot baths being the option. This included
all clothes being mended and cleaned. Robin went to sleep, his recent battles of using his new warlock abilities warring with his previous ranger skills had drained his energy and more. Extrano had moved to the fireplace, while there, a different group of Black Runes commented he would be worth a lot as a slave.. the wizard quickly retreated.
He decided to check on some of the shops. He entered the cheese shop, where he met an old hobbit that sold him some enchanted cheese, he realized he should get some sleep so the wizard returned to the tavern and went to his room to study his magicks and rest.
While the Doctor and Cedric enjoyed personal hot relaxing baths, Baris and Kantif with hyena in tow went off to find the stables. Moving outside the protective shield, the smoke hit them again.. hard to breathe. Walking along they saw 2 dwarves at a ramp. A weeping willow tree partially burnt above. Walking up Baris asked about stabling his hyena. The 2 dwarves looked at each over and then back at the druid and rogue. At once suspicious. One dwarf asked what unit the two adventurers were with. Deceptive as they could be, the 2 dwarves realized something was not right so called their sergeant. A tall muscled orc stepped out and started to question the rogue and druid. Finally one of the dwarves raised a flintlock pistol, the other his ax and the orc a massive sword. "Surrender. Or die."
In the morning, Doctor Holiday woke up the room he had paid to share with Kantif. The Doctor realized the rogue had not slept there. Gathering the party he asked some pointed questions of the bartender and realized that Baris and Kantif had not come back!
Meanwhile... Baris and Kantif had been subjected to some questions where the witchdoctor had told most of the story of the party and more to the Black Runes. Both the rogue and druid were trussed up, and gagged so spells were next to impossible.
The Fellowship decided to look for their comrades and came upon the Weeping Willow Stables. Confronting the 2 dwarves, a battle ensued in the stables. Spells - fireballs from Extrano and blasts of flame from Robin the new warlock of Orcus Prince of the Undead - did heavy damage to the dwarves
and to the wooden structure. Thograa, the 1/2 orc rogue - now part of the Fellowship - saved a few members by binding wounds and administer a heal potion to Extrano, the wizard. The whole place started to burn. 2 cavebear mounts caged to one side growled, roared and crashed against the bars trying to escape. The party were on the ropes and nearly down a few times but excellent tactics by the group, great battle skills and more from all as Baris and
Kantif were dragged out and threatened with death and broke their bonds and fought alongside the rest of the rescuers.
In the end, the party stood over the dead dwarves and dead orc sergeant. The place a raging inferno. Two dwarves had retreated further into the stables and locked a door. The druid tried to persuade both the cavebears to help break down the door, but the animals were passed the point of coherence and crashed out into the day. Baris was adamant about leaving his equipment. Doctor Holiday, Cedric, Robin and Extrano wanted to leave. So the party split up. Baris and Kantif at the door and the rest of the party made it out of the smoke and burning building, waiting outside to see if the witchdoctor and rogue survive the inferno of fire and smoke... The two adventurers have some hard decisions to make as Baris shapechanges to a small rodent and goes underneath the door!
    • Boxes piled against the door, a single latch/bolt holding the door locked.
    • An unconscious hyena tied to a ring against one wall
    • There are 4 doors - 2 partially open to a cell you think that looks familiar, another open doorway where you see 2 dwarves running down a passage into darkness, a 4th door is latched closed.
    • Some shelves along one wall, with boxes and bags, as well as a familiar spear leaning against it and a variety of other gear including Baris' and Kantif's armour and shield
So there are a number of choices for next session:
      • unlock the door for Kantif and move the boxes blocking the door
      • get the spear
      • search shelves for rest gear - visible: armour and shield is here
      • get the hyena
      • chase the dwarves 
      • Open the 4th door
      • OR..?
There is very little time so what to do? May be able to do 2 safely and escape. 3? Then you are pushing your luck. 4? You are dicing with Death, and he is grinning at you. 5? Welcome to Burning Man.

Saturday, 2 March 2019

The Burning City of Enstad

When last we left our Heroes - now called the Fellowship of RedWater - they were on the outskirts of the once Elvish capital of Celene - Enstad. Now a burning ruin. The towering trees - many they see over five hundred feet high, burning pyres in the day and night. It is a dark and tragic sight as they continue to chug along the canals deeper into the city.
Master Senji advises he has had 'dealings' with the Black Runes before, so hopes they can gain passage without too much difficulty - may have to pay some tolls or more.
As the fellowship had traveled over the past weeks: 
Baris had decided to look at the ax. It seemed a strange weapon. The haft the witchdoctor discovered was made from bone. The blade, was a giant tooth. Looking at the weapon or tool closely, Baris - with the help of Extraño's arcane skills - was able to confirm this was from some gigantic beast. Nothing from this area - the Wild Coast - but perhaps from the far southwest near the Sea of Dust. It was well-made, and could be enchanted it seems, according to Extrano.
Doctor Holliday spent a number of evenings on watch with the human girl, Cheeta. At first she was pretty closed-mouthed, but after the Doctor had told her of his childhood and early life in the Duchy, she had warmed up to him.
The Doctor learned that she was the 4th child of six girls and 1 boy. Her father a merchant in the City of GreyHawk. Her mother died in childbirth with her younger brother. The merchant family hit upon hard-times and the children - but the boy - were indentured into workhouses to pay the debts of the family. Cheeta, from age 10 to 20 worked as a near slave to pay off the debts. After the 10 years, the debts were paid, and the 4 girls - 2 died due to goblin fever a few years back - were finally free. Cheeta sighed and looking out at the smoke covered water shrugged. "I had no interest in seeing my father again, my sisters all decided to enter into sisterhood at a temple. Ha!" Her long red ponytail whipping about her face as she recalled the story. "Not for me though. I wanted to travel. I went down the Wild Coast.. met up with the wrong people.. and met Master Senji in Fax. He needed a crew, and I needed out of that town." The girl spat over the side of the boat. Looking over at the young 1/2 orc, she smiled. "You seem to be an old soul, Doctor." She always called him 'Doctor' even though he had told her to
use his 1st name. "Your bird there.. it seems to be smart. I like ravens. Don't like crows.. but I like ravens." With that, she walked away to take the wheel from Master Senji. Looking after her, the Doctor was speechless. His raven landed on his shoulder and nipped at his tusks as she always did. The bird was forming a bond, possibly deeper than a normal animal and master. Sometimes he felt the bird knew his thoughts.

Extraño learned more of the Ring of Five - a group of powerful wizards - realizing he one location they could be based in is the City of Greyhawk. Kantiff practiced his skills as a monk extensively, remembering the old monk whom had showed him the way.
Traveling up the canals, the smoke started to thicken as they passed by more and more trees. Once called 'tree holds' - or in Sylvan - a'Sarasti the massive trees were like a village unto themselves. Master Senji was grim, he spoke little by this point. Everyone was on edge.. some coughing due to the smoke.
At one point they saw a group of six - or seven(?) - figures coming down between two burnt trees. Deciding to avoid them they kept heading up the canal. Then ahead was a strange sight a black and grey wall - right over the canal. After some perceptive investigation by the witch-doctor and more, the Fellowship realized it was a massive tree fallen across the canal and the black and grey was smoke rising. The tree was burning from the inside. The steamboat was nearly hit by falling chunks, but successfully navigated obstacle.

Further on, the party realized with horror - the water in the canal.. was going down. After a little longer the boat ground to a halt. The water level too low now, a bare stream down the middle of the wide canal. What was or had stopped the flow?
"The Black Runes no doubt!" Growled Master Senji.
A single dwarf was then seen walking slowly along the railing of the canal - smoking a pipe. Words were exchanged and it then was apparent that this dwarf was cause or had taken part in the destruction of the city. All the fellowship attacked. He then retreated heavily wounded no doubt.
Leaving the Master, Cheeta, Saris the drow elf and Robin Hood - sick with a fever - on the boat the party set out to explore further and find the cause flowing river to be stopped.

Baris saw a glimpse of a single a'Sarasti - not burning!? He felt the life of nature there still. Perhaps there would be answers to the canal drying up? Or just more questions? Strangely, the elvish spear the witch-doctor used, the haft of the weapon has tree branches engraved in the wood. These seem to be becoming more pronounced and visible. The druid feel the weapon seems to be...  alive similar to
a living tree? Maybe there was some connection to a tree here? As well, Cedric whom had been training with the elvish long blade, it seemed lighter to the paladin, and more easily used to swing in battle. It seemed to nearly be an extension of the warrior's arm. 

The group noted three winged creatures flying down the canal, Extraño, realized these were wyverns and without a thought fired off a ray of blue frosty energy. The range was short and the winged creatures flew onwards.

Investigating ahead, the heroes were surprised by a patrol of Black Runes. This was not random patrol though. A massive firegiant carried two Black Rune dwarves. The 2 dwarves were armed with flame-throwing cannons, strapped to in a harness to the shoulders of the giant. They had been in the process of burning a massive tree. Now they had live targets. The Fellowship of RedWater was surprised, but prevailed against the trio. The giant falling to crush one of the dwarves in the muddy canal bottom.
Doctor Holliday was interested in the flamethrowers, but Baris seeing only the destruction of the nature all around him acted and pierced the canister of the one surviving cannon, detonating the explosive fuel.
After some discussion, they recovered some treasure (and one of the cannons with Baris' help) and decided to check on the grounded steamboat.
The adventurers saw a the steamboat ahead but it was on fire. The boat and crew had been attacked by wyvern riders. The same three the party had spied earlier. Master Senji was gone, Cheeta as well. Saris was dead. Robin Hood was near death but still alive. It looks like the boat was intact but partly burned. Sending his raven to scout, the party learned there was a Black Rune camp fairly close, but it had thirty or more Black Rune warriors.  Master Senji and Cheeta no where to be seen.
Deciding they could not risk a battle with such overwhelming odds, they moved on the Treehold
perhaps the best option..
Coming to a bridge the heroes spied Black Rune patrols and guards. Taking some time to plan an ambush the heroes defeated 1/2 of the Black Runes, with a combined effort of spells (Extraño's fireball was devastating), bolts and bullets.

The dwarves still hold the bridge. Will the Fellowship of RedWater be able to take the bridge and explore the last a'Sarasti - Treehold - in Enstad

Until next time.