After much experimentation with the set of controls (6 buttons, 4 levers and 2 wheels) the Fellowship had determined how to fly the wondrous tower.
Cedric says, “I agree with Kantif, our main priority should be to stop our ascent. Although I do agree that this fortress will be a strong base, it will become quite obvious to anyone nearby when we head off somewhere. On that note we can’t expect to have the element of surprise if we get back to the Duress estate, we must be vigilant”

While travelling, Doc Holliday does some tinkering devising some new bullet types.
Delving further down a 2nd circular stairwell. Further levels included a library/study, there are ladders and 20 foot high shelves, all empty\, except Cedric noted a makeshift tiny little house made of
scraps of wood, cloth and scraps. Knocking on the tiny door no one answers. Footprints were noted to track through the dusty shelves.. the party moved onwards.
Down a passage through a door, they meet a 7' tall gargoyle. (2 sets of wings, 4 arms). Speaking to the creature, Doc Holliday asks to pass. The gargoyle - a very sad but sarcastic creature - would not allow them to pass. There was discussion of whom owns the tower and a deed. He is interested in fruits from the Shadowfell. So Cedric recalled there was a satchel back at the 1/2 elf body. Heading back Cedric, met a young woman whom it seems lived on the same level. Graxus pushed a button - number 2 - and the gargoyle warned Doc, whom decided to run back up.

Cedric spoke with the young human woman briefly and then at the pounding footsteps, she retreated
into her room and with a smile at Cedric, closed the door again.
Doc Holliday suggests forging a document to be the deed. Kantif, with some skill at forgery, writes up the deed. Then Kantif and Doc head back down to confront the gargoyle, while Cedric continues to search.
Gothi meanwhile has brought the horses and Jawbone to the tower and surprisingly she is able to push the double doors open, leading into a circular room in a shambles and looked to be a stables of
sorts. Graxus notes Gothi's entrance to the tower through the view orb in the control room.
Kantif and Doc show the forged deed to the gargoyle - whom seems find with them passing and congratulates them on this in his sad voice.
Cedric knocks on the woman's door and she opens and invites him in. Sitting down at a fireplace, has a conversation again with the woman, the room seems bigger than the tower. Having tea, Cedric has a goblet of water and discuss the previous owner - an elf lord - and current events, the Black Runes, IUZ, the Overlord Romack and more. She learns of the party's names but does not pass on her own.
Meanwhile, Doc Holliday is praying to his goddess to convert the fruit into a Shadowfell fruit. Unfortunately the Raven Queen was not paying attention it seems.
Deciding to work on this potential ally - whom wants something from the Shadowfell later, the party decides to move the tower to the Duress Estate. While moving, Doc Holliday takes the small coffin holding the infernal dog - ally of the fallen elf lord. Taking the collar off the scaled black-skinned 3 headed dog comes back to life(?). Trying to tame the infernal 3-headed monster, Doc Holliday realizes it is an evil creature. even though he seemed to tame it and decides to put the creature back to sleep using the magical collar.
As the RedWater Fellowship flies the tower closer to the Duress Estate, they prepare for war to crush the invading Black Runes. Using the orb, they look down and see the various windows of the estate are lit. Torches and guards are at both internal and external gates. Graxus pushes the 6th button to activate the shimmering shield, which electrocutes Gothi - whom was on the outside of the tower using her boots of Spider climbing. This flash of blue energy also brings the attention of all the forces on the ground. Blasted by the electrical energy, Doc Holliday is able to swing out to help the ranger.
Landing the tower in one of the dead vineyards behind the manor, they look out to see over a hundred figures coming towards them. Doc Holliday fires his musket and cuts down one of the humanoids.
The figures at first were not doing a battle charge, but after confirming they were Black Runes, another volley is fired out.

A Black Rune wizard with a tower shield guard is able to launch a fireball into the tower stables, doing damage, as well a giant lobs boulders crashing into the tower taking out blocks and making the whole structure shudder and shake. Many Black Runes fall as the Fellowship continue to rain down
fire. A 2nd fireball hits the tower but the shield - activated by Graxus protects the tower and inhabitants. The shimmering shield crackles and pops and then disappears.
Graxus then casts multiple fireballs - using his sorcerous skills - the explosion lights of the night, and the massive explosions cut down many of the Black Runes, screams of pain and agony echo through the night. Lukaan was throwing down blobs of fire and taking out the Black Runes from on high.
No one at the controls, the tower starts to float upwards. Bolts and a boulder once in a while crashed into the tower, shaking it to its foundations. Deciding the battle could not be won this night. the RedWater Fellowship's flying tower headed off into the night. Some of the party fell unconscious, but the healing skills of Cedric and the Doc were put to good use. Heading back to the Holliday tribal camp, the tower was badly damaged but still flying.
Setting down in the rocks high above the camp the party rested. A large creature was seen flying in the moonlit sky.. but did not seem to notice the tower moving close to the ground.
A message came to Doc from his mother, about meeting at an old place from his youth, the next day, where they would enjoy the river and meals.
Lukaan, mentioned he could see these Black Runes quite clearly, their armour emblazoned with the Black Rune ... with crossed hammers. The looks the party gave each other perplexed the mage.. a great battle had been won the mage thought.. many enemies killed.. why was the party looking stunned.. (DM: The symbol of the GreySkull mercenary company - LINK)