Sunday, 22 May 2022

The Siege of Holliday Stronghold

The RedWater Fellowship are back, and feverishly working.. preparing defenses and traps for the oncoming demonic horde that Gothi had spied only 3-4 hours away at current march. On his excursions she was able to bring down a 10 point deer and a recovered a solid blue sphere with 3 concentric lines around the centre

Using the arcane energies of Graxusas, the druidic powers of Obaz, as well as sweat and the might of the Holliday camp - both Holliday clan and refugees participating - the defenses are prepared.

Fortunately for the camp, they had a number of days to prepare for an attack of some sort - at the time assuming it may have been BlackRunes. Defensive works are raised, walls and obstacles as well. The party decide to also lay some traps - tumbling logs, rock avalanches and more along the only route to the stronghold [DM - arrows on map below]. Kantif's rogue experience, Goth's ranger skills and Doc's battle knowledge allow for some cunning traps to be laid. As well as plant growth spells to keep the majority of the horde down the road.

Obaz's connection to nature allow the firbolg to prepare hallucinatory terrain to make some areas look impassable. Units of archers had been prepared, Uk’walir knights are ready at the main wall. Lukann the wizard advises to deactivate the tower will take 1 hour, and 1 soul and 1 hour to  It uses souls to power. Also the Fellowship determine when it is operational it is a beacon to demons, they can sense its soul power. 

All members prepare for battle, sharpening blades, communing with nature, Gothi restrings her bow and prepares finely sharp arrows. Doc has some new ammunition forged, Graxusas feels tendrils of energy in his scaly hands readying his connection to elemental powers, while Kantif meditates.

Cedric agrees to guide the non-combatants to their newly acquired town - no name yet, the former mining town of Drekarr - so they will not be killed or captured by the demons.

Gothi stays out riding Jawbone, and it is a bright sunny afternoon. Just after 2 bells, the Holliday camp hears horn blasts from the lookout tower along the road. 

The horde is encompassed by a swirling black cloud. Gothi's keen eye is able to confirm that this is not smoke or dust.. it is a mass of flying insects. They chew and raze the land as they progress along the road, all the plant life and more is ravaged and destroyed or eaten. A blasted ruined landscape is left behind the cloud of death. All manner of demonic creatures follow the cloud, running, squirming, slithering and scraping along towards the Holliday camp. 

Racing up to the top of the hill, she makes it to the 1st ambush location - a large stand of trees she leans down, the sweat covered Jawbone not slowing. Grabbing a rope she pulls it. and a large tumble of logs and boulders crashes down into the horde moving along the pass below. Screams, screeches and yelps of pain can be heard amongst the crash of boulders and tumbling logs. The ranger races on to the next ambush.

Graxusas prepares to cast a lighting bolt along the road where the plant growth has pushed the horde into a funnel. As the lizardman let's loose the forking bolt of energy clears a long swath of the creatures. Many may have been resistant to the lightning, but the sorcerer's attunement to the elemental power blasts through to incinerate many of the demons. Only the most powerful lope forward shrugging off the attack.

Standing near the 1st bridge, Kantif makes ready a swath of caltrops and ball bearings. They know the ball bearings will have little effect, but may slow them down or into the caltrops. 

Doc Holliday sits on a coal-black mount. Standing nearly a foot taller than any standard horse, the
nightmare blows out flame as she snorts, slamming a pie sized hoof into the ground, where smoke tendrils raise from the burning rock. [DM: Doc had paid the toll and summoned the Nightmare with his new spurs - acquired from the Makra Tomb  - see blog post]

Gothi continues to race along the tree line of the hill, she pulls the 2nd rope, it snags on a root and nearly pulls the ranger from her saddle, but Gothi quickly recovers and pulls hard as the second avalanche of rocks tumble down into the oncoming demons. Many more fall under the rocks and jagged death. Some demons stop to rend and eat the flesh of their kin. But the vast majority lumber and race onwards. The screeches and gurgling cries of pain lost in the war cries and tramp of the horde.  

As the Holliday force looks on, a black roiling cloud of smoke(?) slowly creeps towards them. Then it can be seen not to be smoke, but a vast swarm of insects in ash, continually changing from ash and brimstone to flying insects, these infest and destroy everything and anything in their path, leaving a barren gaunt landscape behind. Doc spies what looks like his a leader and fires his musket taking the demonic leader in the shoulder. As the creature slumps, it is enveloped by the horde, some tearing it to pieces other just tramping onwards.

Gothi races for the final trap, a double sized set of logs and pulling it she races towards the bridge and safety.

Graxusas lets loose another lightning bolt and it clears another path of destruction in horde. The Fellowship retreats across the bridge as the demons somewhat slowed but the majority are still lumbering forward. Out of the black cloud a flight of larger demon wasps fly over the river. Flights of arrows cut into the giant wasps, some go down falling into the swirling water of the river.

The battle is engaged. Creatures race for the bridge, being cut down by the units of archers, deadeye shots by Gothi, spellfire of Graxusas, Doc's musket and Kantif's bow. Back and forth the battle raged. Again and again, the demon wasps fly out and it looks like the demons may take the 2nd bridge.

Then the demons pull back.. At the head of the demonic chaos can be seen a large horse.. No.. A
nightmare ..unicorn.. With dual  horns, jagged wicked sharp spikes from the creatures head,  slightly curved but as long as a scimitar.. The demonic creatures massive plate sized hooves  stamp down, flashing up sparks and leaving  smoking imprints in the ground.

The rider wears shimmering black and red chainmail, a shield with the symbol of IUZ prominent on front hangs from the saddle, while a spear rests easily in one gauntlet clawed fist, a spiked flail at his belt.

You note many squabbles amongst the creatures, some fighting and eating and rending smaller and weaker forms.

Holding up 1 fist, the horde instantly calms, except for one small dog-like scaled creature which continues to howl. A Large clawed paw from behind swiftly slams down on the scaled hound ending its howl with a crunching gurgle. The creature now dead is swarmed upon by its fellow demons and quickly is pulled out of view, the working of many jaws into flesh can be heard for a little.

Taking off a large black full face helm, silver hair tumbles down over the handsome male elf’s black skin. The drow, smiles, pointed white teeth in contrast to the dark skin. Bright lavender blue eyes sweep over the defenses and ragtag force arraigned against the demonic host.

Smiling more broadly he bows from the saddle sweeping an arm down. “Hail and well met! I am R’alaagishar Moondrake Yn’slyy, leader.. ‘ he pauses and looks back to the horde of crawling leaping

squirming bipedal and multi legged creatures shift and swarm about behind the elf rider. At his turn they immediately calm and quiet. (DM: “R’alaagishar” is demonic for General)

He reaches out a gauntleted hand to point to the tower.

“We have come for the Xxl’cragishal Tower. It belongs to our Lord. The elves forfeit their contract to Him.” The elf lowers his hand to pat the restless unicorn/nightmare.

Sweeping his hand back to the force of demons behind him. “You may leave with your lives .. And souls as well” looking back to the Holliday force, “If you give us the tower. We can even perhaps be allies against the BlackRunes. I understand you have no love for them similar to us.” He will wait for a moment for a reply.

If a an insult or derogatory reply, the horde will bellow, screech wail and surge forward and jump like a living creature. 

Looking back across his forces, his unicorn-nightmare circles, stamping a hoof with sparks flying, slowly Raising a hand, Moondrake makes a fist and the demons fall silent.

“Well now, if your lives are not worth anything.. Perhaps these ones are..?” As the drow elf finishes, an orc, and 2 humans are thrust forward in chains.

Negotiations start. It seems the general desires the tower, 

Graxusas offers that the RedWater Fellowship will take on a quest to  recover the Heart of Enstad, and if they do this, the Fellowship will be able to retain the Demonic Tower.

The party recall now that the Heart is now in the Sea of Dust. [DM: see blog post ]

After some epic level persuasion by Graxusas [DM: rolled amazing - 35 on a D20. Needed a 30]

The General produces a contract, but in the end the party disagrees, only giving their word. So the plan is they are given a month - 30 days, tower is left where it is, once the Fellowship bring the Heart to the General, they are able to take the tower.

The Fellowship reluctantly agrees leaving his ancestral home, Doc feels a great deal of emotions. The party then arrive at their town (Drekarr). repairs and rebuilding has been taken place. Treggin the stone giant as well as monks from the 3 Crescent moon monastery assisting. The refugees and more start to populate the town. A new bustling lively place being created. Infantry units are being trained a new stronghold being built.

While their demonic tower sits at the old Holliday camp, It seems Lukann stayed in the tower as it was closed. 

The RedWater Fellowship are the rulers of a new town.. for now.

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